So, I'm always looking for the next game I can actually play with my wife, but she's relatively picky. She liked Diablo 2, World of Warcraft, and we played some Rift and some Torchlight 2, but those seemed to lose their luster fairly quickly. She's also played some Starcraft (original) with me, and she says she used to play a little dawn of war when it was new, but our RTS gaming tends to be short lived due two my two modes being bum rush and turtle, and her hating me for doing either. Her FPS skills are... well, she doesn't like FPS.

I was thinking of installing that new ungodly mod for TL2 that adds the new class and all the content (I'm pretty sure it's out), but I was wondering if there are some really great couples games out there that I'm missing out on. Any ideas or comments would be appreciated.

12 years ago*

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Maybe Orcs Must Die 2?

12 years ago

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I like OMD1, but I just couldn't get into 2 myself... something felt... off about it. Maybe it was because I started playing it directly after the first one... the change in feel was just so awkward.

12 years ago

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Portal 2

12 years ago

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I tried to get her to play Portal 2... There's no accounting for taste I suppose, but she just didn't like it. Then again, I never tried 2 player with her, so maybe there might be something to that.

12 years ago

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Me and my girlfriend loves Saints Row the Third and Dead Island in co-op. Saints Row more than Dead Island, but both are good and very fun.
Both doesn't require too much FPS skills as Saints Row is sometimes stupidly easy (especially if you upgrade your character), and Dead Island is mostly "swing and hope to connect" :)
Ohh, and Portal 2 if you are into light puzzles.

12 years ago

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I didn't even realize saints row was 2 player.

12 years ago

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The Third is playable in co-op, and I believe Saints Row 2 also have support for it.
And it's really fun, especially as everything is so over the top. And all missions are as well designed in single player and co-op. I heartily recommends it!

12 years ago

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Yeah, the second game also has a full co-op campaign.

12 years ago

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Strip poker?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Borderlands 2

12 years ago

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and I didnt read the topic.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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adventures of shuggy or trine
beat hazard is pretty nice too

12 years ago

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  • Path of Exile
  • Dungeonland
  • Titan Quest

And just about every other mmo

12 years ago

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I would recommend Sins of a Solar Empire. It's an RTS with a turn based feel, and includes a leveling system with its capital ships. Great fun for two or more.
I had a hard copy, so I could have LAN battles with friends using only one disc. Not sure if the steam version allows that.

12 years ago

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Resident evil 5, Dead Space 3 when it is out :D(if she likes horror), Dark souls (tho both could quit easily since its HARD), Portal 2 if you get her into it since it is a SUPER fun game, Magicka...u can blow up ur mate isn't that epic? :D, Saints row the 3rd fun fun FUN!!, or just get ARMA2 CO + DayZ mode she doesnt need to be an expert on FPS or Shooters in general u can roam, she spots u kill etc...and ofc fighting games (BlazBlue, GuiltyGear X2-reloaded Streetfighter 4 or Street fighter vs tekken), unless you are afraid of getting ur ass handed over to you by a girl <-- happened to me...

12 years ago

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Oh yeah, Trine and Trine 2 are fun co-op games

12 years ago

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Agreed. Shame i can play trine 1 only via local net

12 years ago

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Castle Crashers, Trine 2, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Dungeon Defenders, Titan Quest Immortal Throne

12 years ago

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Settlers 2: Gold Edition

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by AdmiralAndrew.