Is it unfair to blacklist someone due to their steamgifts ratio?
no, it is not unfair. nothing related to BL is unfair. I could decide to BL any user whose nickname starts with letter X and it would still be fair. Why? Because it's my GAs, my money I gotta spend on buying them, my right to decide what to do with them, who I want and who I don't want to give them to. Any reason for BlackListing is a fair reason - if someone doesn't want you in their GAs for whatever reason who are you to force them otherwise?
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Yes, it's unfair for many reasons.
What if someone gives away expensive AAA games, but only a few, and has won many more giveaways, but still, the value of the AAA giveaways that has created, is much higher than the value of the gifts that he has won? How is it fair to blacklist him?
The true meaning of giving is to give something away to anyone without restrictions. Selective giving isn't the same at all. If I tell everyone that I'm going to make a donation and end up giving some money to a friend of mine, is that the same thing? Because we're full of group and invite only giveaways from people that give away their games only to their friends, just saying.
Blacklisting is only about people wanting to have power over someone. I mean, if some people could blacklist the whole steamgifts population, then they would. The only fair blacklist for me is to blacklist people that have already blacklisted you. If they don't like you and don't want you to participate in their giveaways, then why should they participate in yours?
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Ok then. Fair enough. I'm just saying that people should stop having the illusion that restricted giving is the same as giving without restrictions, especially the ones that only give away games to their friends (I'm not talking about you for this thing). But, what you said, is true. I can't tell you what to do, but I'm just telling my opinion, trying to change someone's mind hopefully.
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It's different. It's like having something in an open display and saying "free for everyone", but not for you, and you, and you, and you, also you, and you too. xD
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... and all of you that didn't walk by the sign, couldn't come before it was too late, .....
By that logic there is no possiblity to gift anything )
Limitations/requirements for potential recipients may be telling a lot about you, but don't change whether what you do is a gift or not
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I agree that they may be telling a lot about you. And, as I said, it's not the same as giving without restrictions, so don't have that illusion. If someone is giving away games only to his friends and gains cv because of that, don't expect the whole steamgifts community to be thankful, but only his friends.
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I assure I can make distinction between gifting and other activities involving game ownership changes. So yes, in ratio groups "gifting" is different, because it is not gifting. Random game swap perhaps )
For example. If I give everyone free bottle of alcohol is it a gift? No restrictions, so surely it is. But what if I do it to gain popularity to be elected for a mayor? Not so much now.
Another one, I do throw a banquet for all that helped build emergency flood walls. Now, it is severe limitation put in place. Therefore it is not a gift?
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(In general, not talking about circle jerking groups) I think the main issue is nothing is truly open to all and people need to realize that. Even a level 0 isn't technically "not restricted", what about those who are offline or away during the running time? Isn't running time a restriction? If they can't join, does that make is fair or open to all? No? Yes? Blasted creators making giveaways that not everyone can join! ;P
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You know me, I always complain about everything. ;_; xD But anyway, if you give them the chance, it's not your fault that they didn't grab it. ;P
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But it is your fault if you put it up on SG because not everyone can get an account here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I agree with this i think if u have won 5x more GAs u are a leacher (Like me atm) But im waiting until i get a decent amount of keys for a puzzle train.
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Well yeh thats sad 2500 and not giveaway keys im sure he has a few from bundles but he just sells them or trades them
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If you getting something, be honest and give something back.
I trying to do this in that way and I think this is works.
There are services like TremorGames etc. - is not a problem to get a game and post here to share with others. He don't want to do it. And only leech from others...
And now he is wondering "why people blacklisted me?" XD
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i think its unfair to categorize only.:
whitelist = white people
blacklist = black people
i mean i can't even fucking tell ... + whats
with the Asians and Indians and whatnot
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I've seen people use blacklists for events, bl 4 bl, for the most petty reason you can imagine...
Its individual to each person you can't force someone to use it in any specific way, just use yours in your own way. I don't bl 4 bl, i dont bl ratio, i dont bl rule breakers...i just bl dickheads who have been particularly nasty. Once blacklisted you are pretty much perma-blacklisted.
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-i usually blacklist people than only give bundles games (but the shit games that no one want) i consider that people that just want get rank up.
-i also blacklist bots that enter in the giveaways (it's easy to find a bot or a real people write each comment)
-i also blacklist lvl 0 people that have won a lot of games (why i do that?? well you just need to spend 0.20$ to be lvl 1, if you don't want do that you don't deserve nothing)
-i blacklist if anyone make a troll commentary for example.
-i blacklist people that won a lot of games and don't play them for example. i consider that people should only enter in giveaways for play the game not for collection and never play that game, i hate that fucking people all should blacklisted for all of the users.
unfair blacklist because the ratio... mmmm dificult question. Depend on a lot of factors so some people isn't unfair and another people it's unfair.
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ofc ratio... but not leechers, only those that have given 2x as much as they have won :P
lol nah, ofc not that... whatever you want even including the above though is "fair" because it is your blacklist.
but... you actually think you have dropped over 400 keys in the chat box? (thats what it would take to be a "2:1")
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I usually blacklist people if they're won 7 or 8 times more than they've given + they own over a 1000 games + haven't made a GA for maybe a year.
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I'm currently upsidedown on my ratio because while barely entering anything lately, I had a crazy run of good luck after months and months of nothing.
Eventually I'll catch something worth having on sale (I'm a value buyer) and run off a few copies.
I'm not gonna pad my ratio with junk but I won't hold it against anyone who blacklists me for ratio whenever they happen to check.
I've done the same myself.
But I as far as I can tell, all my blacklistings are for honest but unpopular observations I've made and trades I've declined.
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If you have a bad ratio and you haven't sent anything in a while (Over 4 months or so and still have won recently), then I'll usually blacklist them.
It's more than fair, since in the end, these are our games and we can decide who we'll want to give it to.
I've seen people with 500-600+ games and they've won 100 or so games without giving anything. And then, he had the audacity to come to me with his 4 knives on CS:GO and ask why I'd BL him. I explained and he started going off on me, saying that:
A) I'm a massive dick for it.
B) Not everyone has money to give stuff away (even though he had given literally nothing, plus 500 or so games and 4 knives)
C) He could get me banned for it..................................
D) People like him are why SG is still alive...
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treating people equally without favouritism or discrimination.
If favoring non-leechers (arrg I hate this word!) isn't fair, then the answer is no, blacklisting people with bad ratios isn't fair.
without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage.
Blacklisting anyone on this site for is allowed for whatever reason, so it's not cheating. In addition, one can only blacklist 1,000 out of the 940,000 users on this site, so whatever real "advantage" there is to it, it's negligible. In that light, it is fair.
Just take your pick, or come up with a different definition of "fair" :-)
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I don't really do level 0 or even level 1 giveaways so I don't worry too much about leechers but if I did I'd probably consider blacklisting someone if they've won numerous games but have never given away anything. I mean, you can't just take from the community without giving something back. Sure, technically you can, but it definitely doesn't make you look good in the long run. There's also tons of people who enter giveaways for games they're not even interested in and just want to add them to their collection. I mean, sure, nobody says you can't do that but it's something that really bothers me because it reduces the chance for someone to win who actually wants the game because they're interested in it and want to play it.
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There are a lot of students without money who have bad ratio. Many of them will start to make GA after they finish school and start to go to the work. These people can have lvl 10 then and their ratio can be very good. So I don't think it is wise to BL each people till the end of their life. It's not so bad to BL them and periodical check if they still deserve it but to BL permanently students or kids is not very fair.
I myself use only whitelist and believe me or not - it is really possible to live without blacklisting.
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I blacklist rule breakers, dick heads and sometimes I do it for ratio...
Like I don't want to be a bitch or anything. But if you won one of my gifts I wouldn't be happy, due to the fact you've gone a whole year without giving yet you win consistantly.
Tbh, you are exactly level 6. Which tells me you just pushed to a high level and now you are just winning and don't plan on giving at all. I don't mind high levels taking more than they give because they've done their part... But stopping completely? I'm not sure I like that :/
Edit: Before anyone says anything about money problems. If you have won 200 games, you can idle for cards and definitely get a fair share of games from that...
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Very true, 200 games is more than enough! He has won half my library XD
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It's up to the individual giveaway creator how to use his or her BL and WL in the way he or her wants to; no questions asked, period.
I have had winners with a ratio in the vicinity of 100/1 and 200/5 and now I use SGTools that has loads of functionality to weed out the worst of bad ratio's, major SG rule breakers, cheaters and scammers.
So instead of using BL for very bad ratio's I use a very simple 0.75 win/gift ratio for my SGTools giveaways.
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"Fair" or "unfair" are subjective opinions, everyone is entitled to have their own. But is it silly? Yes, absolutely.
Also, those who blacklist you for your "unbalanced" ratio, clearly didn't even bother to check the real CV values, or else they would've known that you gave almost exclusively unbundled games, while winning mostly cheap games / bundle "trash".
So, while your ratio using number of gifts is off (0.22), your ratio using real CV is quite good (0.76).
What people might not like, is that your last giveaway date back 1 year and half, yet you keep entering (and sometimes winning) those by others. Or that most of your giveaways were private, or group-only (or both), while you won mostly public ones. Still, silly reasons.
The only objectively good reason for blacklisting, are rule-breaking and rude behaviour.
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"Or that most of your giveaways were private, or group-only (or both), while you won mostly public ones."
Actually this is a peeve of mine and the quickest way to find my BL.
Lets face it, if you are doing small group only stuff and still entering public or other groups (that you don't support with anything yourself) give aways you essentially are blacklisting EVERYONE else but that small group. That's a douchebag attitude, and the person is doing it completely by their own choice.
Call it more of a retaliatory blacklisting if you will.
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I do not have anyone on my BL yet, but I have seen some users spam out some pretty terrible game titles - the kind of games like 'grass simulator' or 'skyscraper simulator' or other just completely worthless games. I always think to myself... where do these people get these crap games from and why do they give them away? Are there really people who are jumping on the site and saying 'OMG YES!!! Finally someone has posted grass simulator!!!!!'..... uhhhhh? Okay then. I try to keep my GA's to a certain level of quality and others who spam complete garbage games annoy me - but not enough to have started a BL and quite frankly I cannot hold others to the same standards that I hold myself to whether it be from a monetary standpoint, a charitable standpoint, an ethical standpoint, or even a manners standpoint.
I also had some previous winners of my GA's who had like 400 won titles and 0 given. That is pure trash... but I also opened it to level 0 so it was my own fault.
I personally have always felt that despite my agreement or disagreement with others about their online persona and how they interact with others or if they give back to the community that so clearly supports them, I don't ignore / BL people, in my opinion this is just an outlet of free speech - and I really shouldn't have the right to hide speech that I disagree with. I can't do that in real life, why should I be able to do it here? Not that I expect anyone else to agree with how I see things.
But when it's all said and done, if you BL someone so they cannot enter your GA's then you should not be allowed to enter their GA's either - that is a complete pile of horse manure. I implore you to BL me if you don't agree with anything that I have said herein or don't... whichever is fine ;)
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if someone has won 1000 games but has gave away 100 giveaways, i would say thats still nice of them, not everyone can be rich, i myself am mega proud to have given away over 100 games. considering i havent owned a dollar or earned a dollar of $ in like 10 years, to have given away so many games makes me super prideful
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Take me for example. It most likely looks like i;ve been leeching the shit out of steamgifts. If you add in the keydrops ive done in the steamgifts group chat, i'd be over 2:1. I just feel that it can be bad for some users to be blacklisted instantly for just having a shit ratio on steamgifts.
Note: This isn't due to anything recently about me being blacklisted. Most likely i'll gain more blacklistings for just posting this. But fuck it. I'm BOAR!
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