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Hello no, group giveaways are only meant for people in a certain group or community.
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You wouldn't know what the original spirit was, since you joined 2 months ago. Also, 900+ entries, 6 comments? You are part of the PROBLEM.
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How is it rubbish that someone wants to give away a gift and NOT open the floodgates to every single useless yahoo that can push a button?
In case you haven't noticed, these things cost real money. I'm not a wildly rich celebrity or anything, so these gifts represent an actual sacrifice on my part. Who are you to tell me what I'm supposed to do with my money?
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you have $0 contributor value, so your argument is invalid.
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I think that's the point regarding the spirit of the site. You're using Steam Gifts as a tool to give to your friends and communities. Which is okay (I also use it like this some of the time) but it's no different than using another giveaway tool, so the "spirit" is different.
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Ooh, another sad leecher not getting his games he's obliged to get :*.
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Public giveaways have given me many reasons to shy away from them.
I've had similar bad experiences with group giveaways as well.
At the end of the day, I'm here to give away things that I know will be played and will go to someone that genuinely wants them. There are far too many people that spend their points on this site just so they can spend their points. The fact of the matter is, people spend their hard earned time and money into these gifts, and for it to rot in someone's inventory is depressing.
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I don't complain just for SR3 DLCs, I do for giveaways with multi-copies of them. I don't like who is greedy and abuses giveaways. Also, these giveaways are created just for the contributor value, cause it's a free DLC. Are you sure they are compatible with the spirit of SteamGifts?
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I agree with this. Everybody here just gave themselves a huge wedgie. Yes, people grabbed free DLC keys and decided to gift them away. But the truly inconsiderate people made multiple account to cheat the system, for the sole purpose of raising their status. When you cheat multiple people, in multiple systems, multiple times, you are an asshole.
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Contrib value is..... well the worst idea cg's ever had go live. The vast majority of the problems that have happened and swamped the mods are based off contrib value. The reasoning behind instituting it was good. But the actual outcome is bad. And I still think it should be entirely eliminated.
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Contrib value is a good idea, people abusing it are the problem. They should be banned.
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The problem is that about half the site is abusing it. As I said, all the problems with the mods being swamped is because of contrib value. It does more harm then good. It needs to be eliminated. It won't be, but it SHOULD be.
edit: If cg and the others didn't see this happening, I'm going to have to call them out on willful ignorance on humankind. This is simply how humans are.
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I think SG could lose a few thousand users.
The reason why people do this is because they were always allowed too.
They need to understand that having access to this website is not a right.
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I agree with this too Mike, but that's just as likely as contrib value being eliminated. And you and I both know it.
Fuck, I need to sleep. LoL. Peace.
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The only problem with it is that it's so easily abused. Even with the new fix in humble bundle keys reduced to 20%, it's still significantly more than the keys cost the person to buy.
And this is not counting the free games and DLCs people get for the pure purpose of giving away on this site to up their contribution value.
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People are going to abuse it unless you just remove the ability to create giveaways for any game ever released in a bundle -- which means no more Beat Hazard, Bastion, Amnesia, and about 200 other games, almost all indie titles that definitely get a benefit from being purchased (directly, not bundles) for use in giveaways on SG.
The nuclear option is not attractive.
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I understand why someone would complain about the SR3 DLC. Explain to me why this giveaway is different then winning a game on SG and then giving it away again?
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Well it's not like you're Mr. Social anyways.
There are pros and cons to steam gifts, like everything else in life. People like yourself seem to enjoy reminding others about the bad things and never choose to talk about the good things.
The contributor value provides a small incentive for everyone to give something. Certain games are restricted from affecting this value, so what's the problem?
There are pros and cons to steam gifts, like everything else in life. People still seem to enjoy reminding others about the bad things and never choose to talk about the good things.
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Have you tried removing the seat pillows in the sofa? I keep finding all sorts of things I've lost there. :-)
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I'm deleting my comment as it's stirring too much controversy... Sorry guys!
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Don't know that "spirit" since i'm new, so i can't judge anyone for being overly dramatic about nothing, but i'm pretty sure that is the case.
Without Contributor Value a lot less people would give stuff away, the chances on individual Giveaways would be a lot lower and a lot less people would actually win stuff. Surely it is a good thing that we have more giveaways and therefore more people that win stuff..
I know i wouldn't just give my games to some stranger for no reason if i could give them to a friend or actually trade them for something i want, but the contributor system makes me think twice about that. If that only shows that i'm rotten and deserve to die, fine, but i'm certain that i'm not the only one that thinks like that.
More People, More Giveaways, More Winner... If SG was meant to be a thing for a small community, it would never have changed from the Invite Only system, all this here is a good thing for the site.
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Contributor giveaways were created to counter the fact that a lot of people didn't like give-nothing-back leechers who did nothing but enter giveaways.
Now contributor giveaways are their own problem because people see it as an avenue to gain a leg up on other people.
The real problem here is that people are greedy and expect more than their fair chances for nothing.
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im ok with contributor giveaways, but what i dislike the most is ppl creating giveaways with indie bundle games and all kind of beta keys to get higher contribution value.
all the ppl who broke the rules (creating giveaways with Guns of Icarus Online keys, etc.) should get banned, and not just have their giveaways removed.
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While i agree on the guns of icarus online abuse i disagree on the first part.
Personally i don´t give a damn about C-status, i just give what i can and well, that´s just bundles for now. People are as happy with those as with expensive games. The aim is to bring joy, not to bring expensive joy and get admired for that!
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It was changed and now maximum contribution amount you can get by just submitting bundle games, is $30.
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I'd be of the same opinion but, from what I've learned in the forums, that would be seen as an oppressive method of control; going against the peaceful and open views of the site and its creator.
A strong sense of elitism would form and everyone would be spying on everyone else; on the lookout for anything suspicious. Jealousy might take the upper hand and false accusations would occur on a daily basis. People would think twice (or even thrice) before giving something away for the fear of getting unjustly banned, and the site would suffer from it.
It makes sense if you think about it.
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Tell me about it. I have 4 of the latest Indiegala bundles sitting around and would prefer to break them up to give them out to give more people a chance of winning something. But the attitude (all due to contributor status) around here makes me not even want to give them away on this site at all. Heck the more I actually read the forums and the whining and complaining the less I even want to give stuff away. You would think the idea behind steamgifts would be an altruistic nature but instead it is all just another epeen wagging contest nowadays.
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I agree totally with the first post.
No contributor status at all would be perfect. Then again, people like (oh damn, calling out isn´t allowed -.-) would complain about paople like eg myself who give away bundle keys just because i get a value for that. I don´t care for the value but bundles are the only way at the moment i can give some joy too. So what?!
I guess those people just have too much money and want to show that to the world! Because you don´t make 5000$+ giveaways because you are nice and on the other hand you want to pursue bundlers. That´s just missing the hole point of SG. At least bundle keys are now allowed and give me the chance to give some joy to people having even less money than myself.
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"Because you don´t make 5000$+ giveaways because you are nice"
Anything else you may have just said is now forever invalid.
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I'm for anything that helps regulate who can enter a particular giveaway. Personally I think the perfect system would be one with no private giveaways and no group giveaways but a requirement system built in. But that's never going to happen and contributor requirement is the simplest requirement to have built into the system so I'll settle for that.
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I just hate how stupid people can get.
thinks that making a giveaway = gets you the game for free
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Invite only was better, but as a community grows, so does the amount of leechers, feeders, douches, etc. Exclusivity is only achieved through private groups or high contributor giveaways, however, high contributor giveaways can be double edged, meaning that it can reward those who have truly given back to the community OR those that are sg climbers that flood the site with bundle games, break rules, and other shenanigans. End rant.
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Allow keys but reduce their point value. The winner has to acknowledge if it's a real inventory gift or just a key. This still leaves room for abuse but imho it's better than the current situation.
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Back then, when the site was invite only, the spirit of the site was about giving things away and there was a small but nice userbase. I always had the impression that it was about being "social" in one way or the other. By giving away your spares and double copies from packs.
Now, everything is just about contributor status and how big your wallet is. See all the complaints about the SR3 DLC. It is 3$. That is not much. Yet, a lot of people complaining again, like with previous giveaways.
Is the contributor value so fucking important to you?
I say it is the most retarded thing that sg ever invented.
Flame on.
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