Considering Hearthstone, the game that popularised the digital version of collectable card battle games, is over three years old now, this is probably the slowest jump on a bandwagon I ever saw.
(Unless it copies Gwent, in which case, good timing! =D)
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Aren't we forgetting something? Magic the Gathering? The digital version has been played LONG before Hearthstone.
MTG- 2002
Hearthstone- 2014
I'd say MTG popularized it first as it's still being played to this day.
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The digital MtG was never really popular even in its prime. Hearthstone brought the entire concept back to the public consciousness, after it was mostly dropped with the waning popularity of Yu-Gi-Oh and the Pokémon cards. The vast majority of the Hearthstone players never even heard of MtG, maybe even to this day.
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As stated Magic was out LONG before Hearthstone was even thought of.
This game was out WAY before Gwent. August of 2016
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"Popularised". I said popularised, not "invented". As I said above, most HS players did not even know what Magic the Gathering was. I would wager the majority still doesn't. Just like how smartphones were a thing many years before iPhone, but Apple popularised them and other jumped on that bandwagon later.
(Also, Gwent was introduced in 2015, technically, they just announced the standalone a year later.)
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You're making an assumption that most Hearthstone players don't know what MTG is. MTG has been around 1993 and went digital in 2002 and has been stated before to be played by 15-21 million players world wide. And you think Hearthstone popularized it? Right..
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I was in enough HS streams where streamers and viewers asked "what is Magic" enough times to say, yes, they had no idea.
(Also, HS's player base exceeded 70 million last month, so even assuming that every Magic player touched HS, they would still make the one-quarter/one-third minority over those who never met Magic.)
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...Hearthstone still came way after MTG. We're talking about "popularizing" it remember? Trying to say a game that's been out for 3 years popularize the digital TCG vs a game that's been around way longer digitally and has a millions and millions of players worldwide is crazy. MTG easily trumps HS as the one who made digital card games first. It really is a ridiculous argument.
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Where the ever-living fuck did I ever imply it did not? See my smartphone example. DoCoMo, Blackberry, and the Nokia N series all came many years before iPhone, but iPhone was the thing that popularised smartphones. I am starting to reach the point where I have to assume you do not understand what the world "popularises" means, to be frank.
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Did you forget what you said? "Considering Hearthstone, the game that popularised the digital version of collectable card battle games" Are you really talking down to me? You didn't even spell the word correctly and you're gonna assume that I don't know what it means?
It's all good, me taking part in the conversation is over. Have a good one.
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Yes. The digital version of Magic is still incredibly small. This is why I never understood why people keep bringing it up. As I said, HS has 70 million players. How much does MTGO have? There are 21 million Magic players in total and it seems most play the physical edition. MTGO does not even dare to disclose player statistic data. But even if all offline players were on it regularly, that is still 21 million players in 15 years of MTGO's inception, and HS gathered 70 million in 3 years. SO what the hell are we even talking about?
Magic is the forerunner of HS, and, let's be honest, HS is Magic for really dumb little kids, but Magic is and at this rate will always remain a niché game (even if it is responsible for most of Hasbro's income next to Transformers).
(As for spelling, I speak English, not American, thank you very much. :))
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I forgot GWENT was some side game in a Witcher title.
Tetra Master by Square Enix that was introduced as a side game in Final Fantasy 9 and then came out as a full game in 2010. Then it went to mobile in 2015. I could very easily could say Tetra Master popularized it before GWENT. The real deal is what I stated above and that's MTG which trumps these 2.
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I enjoy it a lot. If you enjoy card games, I'd say it's worth checking out. If you don't like it simply uninstall.
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ESO:L been around for a while before it got to Steam, so it's not really late.
It's fun with dual lane and special lane conditions. And the animations are pretty nice too.
I think it plays more like MtG than Hearthstone though.
And P.S. being early to the party is no guarantee for success cough WoT:Generals cough.
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Yeah it definitely plays more like MTG than it does Hearthstone, but that's not a bad thing. Hex probably played more like MTG than any other card game I've played.
The duel lanes definitely make you think a lot more.
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Well, there goes my interest for the game.
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+1 for restriction,
BUT there is way to install (either ASF commands or SteamCMD)
but again, that requires will to do that, so if no real interest, well... :D
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I used https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD (in steam dir)
than run, login and type add_update 364470
(and this should work for any f2p game, even if they are not in your steam store)
MAYBE it will work directly from steam console (did not try in first place 🐷 and probably is easier)
steam://open/console and thanapp_license_request 364470
well if ASF just !addlicense 364470, not sure if you can install from ASF
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You should be able to add it via SteamDB as well https://steamdb.info/app/364470/
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Oh hey, this one works! Installing it right now. I just hope they didn't blocked us from playing as well.
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I tried the second method but it didn't work. Nothing happened after putting in the command line. Can't say I know how to do the first and third option though.. Anyways, thank you for your effort!
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download https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd.zip
unzip into steam directory
run the unzipped exe file
login (than it will ask for password/token)
than type:
add_update 364470
it will start downloading, after that just for sure restart steam, should be there
(or you can try running exe manually from:
disk:folder \Steam\steamapps\common\The Elder Scrolls Legends
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Enter this url in your browser (or press WIN + R) :
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Why not open an incognito window (I use Chrome); turn on VPN; paste/open URL; click "Play Game"
I did this and it opened the bootstrapper client, then started to download. Reset Steam and Legends was there, and it played just fine.
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I played GWENT and didn't really care for it. It might be worth trying out ESL, you might like it. 5 free packs too, is a nice start.
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Nah.. I actually like the gwent characters...
ESL doesent really interest me.
I have no idea how the gameplay for ESL is, but gwent was different enough from other card collecting games to make it a good experience.
I tried Solforge and Magic the gathering 2015 before, and didnt take long for me to get bored with it. Gwent by comparison feels much more balanced and fun.
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What appeals to me about ESL is that it has a single-player campaign...hopefully a good one?
I'm don't think the others do (Gwent, Hearthstone), right?
I may have to give it a shot.
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Gwent has a singleplayer campaign, source https://www.playgwent.com/en/faq https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIY30AssAgw&user=KingBlackToof
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I enjoyed the single player campaign a lot. It also has an expansion you can get as well which was pretty kool and has some really good cards you get for playing it. Plus it gives you a mount for for Elder Scrolls online.. not sure if you play that though. The mount was actually what got me to purchase ESO when the free week was going on.
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Good info-- thanks. I played ESO during a couple of free weekends (one pre-release and one post-release) but I've never legitimately played. A mount is a nice "hook" to play ESO!
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Yes, when f2p is business model... they mostly are pay to be competitive... and in that case, most expensive games... $XXX to $XXXX... to even more for some historical physical games...
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You don't need to spend any cash to be competitive in this game. It has a decent f2p similar to Hearthstone. You can use "f2p decks" to climb. They are fairly generous with giving out gold to buy packs. Of course if you want cards faster you can spend money but you can get packs just by playing it will just take longer of course.
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Hearthstone is a really fun game with a pretty decent F2p model. I can understand going back to it still. I play both HS and ESL daily and enjoy both.
I just recently got access to Smite Tactics but haven't play it yet. It reminds me of Duelyst a lot. If you haven't tried Duelyst out it's worth a go. Magic Duels is another option worth looking into. Chronicle: Runescape Legends is interesting and might be worth a look as well.
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Think it has more to do that I play HS for a while now and collected a good collection of cards, while the new games I haven't. So it's difficult to create a somewhat competitive deck. I don't mind losing games, but it's just not fun to lose games because your opponent just has better cards than you.
But I am putting focus on Elder Scrolls: Legends and Shadowverse to increase my card stack for those games.
oh I also tried Duelyst, didn't like it that much tbh.
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Played the alpha, the game looks really nice, but they are late to the party as someone said before.
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I play this daily. Great game. It has a decent f2p model where you can compete without cash if you wanted to.
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I love this is game , i play closed beta ( 8 august 2016 ;) ) ...
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I tried this out just now. It doesn't seem too bad, and I think I'll enjoy playing it.
Regarding the 5 free packs, is there anything specific that you have to do to get them? I just played the single player aspect to it (I didn't see any option to "log on") and am currently in Act 2 (where I have Tyr as an ally). Will that be enough to satisfy the requirements to get the 5 free packs, or do I have to play some online matches?
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On the bottom left there is an icon and if u press it u can make an account. By making the account u get 2 or 3 free packs, I am not sure. Its better to make an account cause thts the only way for u to play with friends. Free 5 packs will be given away tomorrow 15 June for whoever play the game. So i dont think u need to enter multiplayer games. Atleast reach the part where u can play multiplayer.
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I must have totally missed that icon! Thank you very much for the help!:)
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Damn!!! I totally forgot to try it before the deadline to get the five free card packs!
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For info, just released on Steam.
Game is here : http://store.steampowered.com/app/364470/The_Elder_Scrolls_Legends/
5 free card packs will be given out to Steam users automatically on June 14th (source)
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