Edit: As setting the "bundled" status manually, probably the games were not on the bundled list yet for your first two rounds of giveaways. Before your third round finished, the games were "bundled" and you only got 15% - for all your giveaways, as the bundled status is set to the bundles release date.
Edit again: At least some of the games were added to the bundled list 2 days ago:
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Many of those HexWar games titles had a delay between being put into bundles and getting added to the bundle list. Looks like you bought a bunch of $1 bundles on Fanatical, and it was not until two days ago that some of the games in those got added to the list.
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Actually it only decrease after you've given the same game 5 times.
From the FAQ under Contributor Value and levels:
After you give away a game 5 times (whether in the same giveaway, or in multiple giveaways), it will begin decreasing in value.
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I gave away a bunch of war games from those fanatical bundles too, it dropped like 0.3 on level 8 a few days ago.
Even at level 4 you will need to gift a lot more then just a few $1 bundles to get to level 5, not to mention what it would take to get even higher levels (unless you cheat your way).
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Retro-bundled over year later? Pffff, so pedestrian
I was degraded one level retroactively because my full value giveaway was found to be on sale... on STEAM STORE (when you no longer could buy a gift to your inventory) and only because russian price in rubles was so low, that it managed to cross the magical barrier of 95% reduced value price (but the 100% price was counted in dollars - of course!)
As if all of this wasn't ridiculous enough - I was giving a ROW key anyway, with no region restrictions and it was easy to confirm. Did it change anything when I complained to admins for that? BIG F*CKING NOPE.
So yeah, if you care about your CV then never ever post full value gifts here. NEVER.
Lesson learned.
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if you care about your CV then never ever post full value gifts here. NEVER
love this.
CV is still a thing, at SG.
(still not sure if yours is a good tip or no, thou... whenever i've found a cheap Full Value game/key i've always mentioned in GA's Description, so to "help" the other peeps... and i still do that, even if don't need CV-juice anymore!)
never forget to have fun, meanwhile, lewriczin!
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you may have seen this:
i keep on writing in description if there's no CV. or Full CV.
for you? well, maybe not fo' you, but someone could find that kinda info useful, or even very useful.
you've started very soon (level 5 is very soon!) not caring anymore. i've stopped few weeks after hitting the 10th (:P yes, you can laugh but you have to consolidate it!). pretty sure there's someone that never cared, never will, about CV.
but, generally speaking, CV is still a thing.
(btw, i'm the one whom asked cg for a reset button. you click it and you start over again, from level 0! that would be awesome, no? no?? ok, NO.)
much much moar important:
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ha ha ha getting whole level down
ha ha ha never been so much fun
You know what? F*ck CV and the levels. I was butthurt for being degraded, but I would get over it. Not the first time getting face slapped by life, and probably not the last one. And I precisely understand the reason why such rules were introduced.
...except, I was blatantly robbed here. I couldn't buy that game so cheaply and give it away here then. Not the way I've done it. This was simply impossible. This wasn't my fault for not knowing the rules... but I was downgraded nevertheless, and admins didn't give a shit to fix it.
So yeah, I'm salty even today and I'll probably stay like that.
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Also you can lose cv when games become cheaper(in my case it was neptunia games)
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You have at least a couple with a bundle date of July 10.
If its in or has been in a bundle, it will eventually get reduced value retro to the date it appeared in a bundle whether or not you see the RV star.
Unclear to me is the retro date matched to the GA's start or end date?
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Yep, pretty much what everyone says here. If you see that you are getting full CV for a game that you bought in a bundle, especially a dollar bundle, remember that it will ALWAYS get reduced later.
If you think about it. You got something like 14 games in each bundle for 1 dollar. You are already getting a lot more CV than you bought the games for, even with reduced CV, so shouldn't be too disappointed. :P
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His ratio is is better than 3:1 while yours is worse than 1:1.
He also makes public giveaways, while you make group/whitelist only and leech everything you possibly can.
So how about you stop talking about other peoples' stats and work on your own?
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hurka durka
You never miss a possibility to tell your lies ....
and to be Mr. White Knight that plays his heroic role and act complete different behind the curtain
You are, mostly, in the same groups as i ...
but for me it is bad and for you it is cool :-D
Sure, i am a leecher with more given games as recieved :-D
And Active at the forum, not only for collecting GA's..., but sure thats the typical stuff leechers do :-D
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You never miss a possibility to tell your lies ....
Anyone can check your stats to verify.
You are, mostly, in the same groups as i ...
And yet I have 81.5% of my CV sent as public. Again, verifiable by anyone. I don't have a damned thing to hide or lie about. And my ratio is well above 1:1. By maybe $1500. So you best check yourself before you go calling me a liar.
And sure, i am a leecher with more given games as recieved :-D
Yes, you hide behind your won:sent (barely). Your real CV tells a different tale entirely.
You sure as hell don't like your own stats being brought up, so how about you stop running your mouth about others?
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Yes, and I'm sure you won't get the irony of your own comment here, especially after your comment in Icaio's thread. (By the way, my comment to Masafor was intended to be ironic, to make a point. Just saying.)
After all, you still don't get the irony of threatening to delete people on Steam who said anything bad about EGS, while you went on and on about the subject, nor do you get the irony of blacklisting me, claiming I blacklisted you first (while I still had you white-listed). Yes, I remember our "past interactions" very well!
But please, do tell us more, sir! :D
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At least you replied to me, rather than just about me.
As the saying goes, you have to learn to walk before you can run.
Here's that script for ya. You're welcome.
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Doesn't like seeing someone post something repeatedly
the difference is that someone is constantly posting comments to bully certain sg demographic (you know, those leeches farming $1 bundles that should be banned from sg! :O ) and they get called out, while all of you let them do whatever they want because you either:
where's the irony?
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Oh the white knight gang is up now...
MAYBE .... only MAYBE the people have other reasons, as you count, for reacting how they react.
But write whatever you want.... sure all are only angry because tzaar the greatest of the great have BL them :-D
i am not sure if you really believe what you write or if you only bring in your sarcasm -that i partly like-
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She's right as rain and you know it, or they'd be up your ass pretty much daily.
It sucks when someone does it to you, doesn't it? How do you think you make others feel when you're the one doing it? Or does it make you feel good about yourself, and that's why you do it? I did it to show you how it feels. No other reason. Oddly, I get the feeling you'll just keep doing it.
EDIT: I don't think I'm "the greatest" or anyone special at all. (My name is actually random letters I slapped on my keyboard). If anyone asks me, I will outright tell them I'm neither nice nor generous (don't believe me? ask your pal Icaio. It's one of the first things I ever said to him). I'm just me. I believe I'm just another user here, albeit a very outspoken one, particularly when it comes to what I feel is right. I knew I'd be risking the wrath of those who don't much care for me (and probably support's wrath as well), but it's worth it if you hesitate mocking, making fun of, or putting down even one other person for the number or quality of their giveaways.
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Thank you, but I don't need defending. As I said, anyone is free to check my stats.
I said something to Masafor because he is always remarking about someone's ratio or the quality of their giveaways, and I am tired of seeing it all over the place. I turned the tables on him for a change, and the other two decided to chime in because of past differences.
Let them, I don't give a shit.
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I'm not really trying to defend you. You're quite able to defend yourself if needed to. I just felt his remark was unjustified so I just wanted to ask him what it was based on.
Plus I really don't like the use of this "leecher" term in a gifting site...
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Yeah, stick up for the guy who constantly shames people for their giveaways and ratio, and then "backseat moderate" the guy who's fed up with it. Maybe you can post another thread about it.
(Better yet, you can whitelist him and show you approve of that sort of thing!)
You know, it's curious how all three of you are up my ass for doing once what someone else does all the time, and not one of you says a damned word to him. You might ask yourself, "why is that?" Sounds like the makings of a good thread.
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i'm talking about being boring, Tzaar.
no "stick up for the guy", no cv, no ratio.
no dangers. and nobody will get hurt.
as you've edited:
you can whitelist him
see? that's not boring at all, cause 've already whitelisted him, time and time ago. and you're just tempting me, to do it again...
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i'm amazed at your ability to always poke your nose into someone else's conversation and instantly lecturing them how to do things, instead of calling out the individual that started the issue.
let me tl;dr in case it's too complex:
but yeah, carry on and keep making sg better with so much fake positivity <33333333333333333333
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Changing the truths isn't sooooo easy if someone only wrote "Be happy that you get so much cv for your 1$ Bundles....".
If you see there something to the OP's stats (i don't looked at them) then you are very talented. I don't see there something about the number of his sended or won games, nothing about his GA's in general, nothing about his complete cv or real cv.
But it is interesting that You (and Tzaar) count such a sentence from ME as "bullying" and don't said something to all users that said above my comment something similar as my sentence (maybe not so short/direct but the same direction -i don't checked all comments-).
And it is interesting that you both see the need to explain other people how they need/should see me and how i act and team together against people that you don't like, that don't act you like/want to force them to different things (for which one and how they must make GA's, how people have to see things you come up with, how people have to react at you and tzaar and me, how they have to act that they fitting in your accepted scheme and other funny stuff).
I can tell you how i see that different things together....
Nothing else.
Maybe think a minute or two about it...
I think you are able to do that. For Tzaar i don't waste my time
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If what I did is "harassment", then certainly your comment there is.
And you do it all the damned time. You even have a term to exclude yourself from the group of people who have given less than they've received. Does "extreme leechers" ring any bells? Why is it you don't just say "leechers?" How you would feel if someone suddenly called you a leecher or extreme leecher? Seriously, man. I admit I'm here busting your balls, but that you can't admit you're always going around busing balls is simply mind-boggling.
You won't change, though, and I've wasted my time. But if you're ever wondering why I don't like you, treating other people as less than you for how much or what they give away is the reason.
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Oh and very funny is that part "and instantly lecturing them how to do things, instead of calling out the individual that started the issue."
You don't like it that, in this case icaio, jump into a conversaition and write his opinion to something BUT you and Tzaar do that AND more (in a negative way)...
So it is ok when Tzaar and you do it but it isn't ok if someone else do it.
I always love such double standards................... :-D
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the only negative person in this whole thread is you, because as usual, you picked on someone to feel superior (because you give away all $60 games!) and you got called out.
you started this, you got confronted, and now you play the victim.
spare me the hypocrisy.
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Every time I see a topic like this I wonder - is it a clickbait, or a real one?
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It's much easier to ask or complain than search for answers. The ones I've seen are all from new users or people who have not given away too much yet so giving them the benefit of doubt, most are probably genuinely asking.
And in SG, a clickbait may end up in puzzles section with a secret GA.
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Every next level requires twice the CV it was need on previous level. IIRC 5th level requires 250$ while 4th level requires 125 $ accordingly.. To get to 6th level you need 500 $ (so basically value of all 4 levels again). So if getting to one level seemed fast, not going to be the same for next.
And of course everything others already mentioned - games being added to bundle list and such
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The Gods have forsaken you. A sacrifice is necessary to appease them.
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I bought a bundle a bundle of strategy games 3 times in order to level up to level 5, I was like 4.13, after giving away 2 bundles I achieved a minimum of 4.72, now, after giving away a third bundle I am 4,8 only when I was expecting to level up at least, why the heck happened this?
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