Emm.... What? =P New people join whenever I post these discussions; that's what I've learned. xD
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Lol... lots of stuff, but, like I said, I regret those choices, and won't be making the same mistakes.
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I AM... ME THE PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD I'm the founder and owner of YOYOWASSYUPOREO, a super awesome group on Steam, and I'd love you to join.
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Every time I see the name of your group, I like it less. This is not a statement about you, or even about the worthiness of the group itself. It's about aesthetics.
That group name is awful beyond measure.
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No kidding. Anyone other than Trump is gonna slay is while we sleep.
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Just because you feel like it doesnt mean it is like that. Just saying.
And the discussion wether there is another species -with a mind like humans- out there has nothing realy to do with believing because at some point it probably will be proven or unproven.
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The data indicates that the universe is infinite... so, it's impossible to prove, according to that theory. Got a better one? Probability trumps possibility, any day! xD
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The data indicates that the universe is infinite...
Actually, the size of the universe is still hotly debated, and if the universe is finite or infinite is still not something that we can say that we have enough data on to make a statement one way or another.
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By definition, every one of those things is possible.... How did you even learn to talk?!?! =P
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I wouldn't vote for a President whose hopes were "feasible." They need to be astounding. The last thing we need is some dope with no imagination for President.
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Well I don't really want this to devolve into a political discussion... but here's the tip of the iceberg. I could probably go on for hours, she's simply the very worst candidate.
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What were the comments left on Bobafatt's profile?
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Now, there are a few rules. Absolutely no cussing or innapropriate content.
I'm guessing what he said went against his own group rules.
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If you'd have read the rules in context, you'd see that I stated where they apply: the forums and group chat. ._. DO YOU PEOPLE KNOW HOW TO READ?!?!?! xD Not that mad, I just like caps. :)
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Of course they are in the context of the group. I just found it funny that you were trying to advertise your group and went against the very rules you proposed in the group. What sort of advertising is going against what you want in your group?
"This game will waste countless hours of you life. Well, I guess they are countable, because they show up in your recent activity. Hmm ... crap. Okay."
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So, you think I'm breaking the rules here? I said that flaming was allowed, as long as no foul language is used. Crap is not a swear word.
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What were the comments left on Bobafatt's profile?
I do not know what you wrote, that is why I asked the question.
Unfortunately, I don't know. I didn't get a chance to see them. I think it's safe to assume that whatever was said wasn't very kind.
Yes, very unkind. Also racist, homophobic, and downright asinine. ;)
On top of that, he had several "friends" or members of his group spam the profile as well.
Judging by these responses, I guessed what you may have said:
I'm guessing what he said went against his own group rules.
But after all of this, if you indeed have that 160 IQ, how have you not realised that doing such a thing like commenting nasty comments on a moderator's profile and then COMING BACK EXPECTING A POSITIVE RESPONSE will work out for you? That is a new level of complete ignorance.
I'm rather sure that:
Being annoying, getting annoyed at someone telling you are annoying, being nasty to that someone and coming back later expecting no one to be annoyed ≠ a positive response.
As JustArchi said:
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For the millionth time: there's no such thing as luck.
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Wait, so these is are meant to be comedic curations?
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lol reminds me of this: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/VttNT/indistinguishable-letters-and-numbers
Operation Doppelganger
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I'm assuming I'm missing the context of some kind of hated reputation that you currently have.
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Idk, it depends how forgiving you guys are. You gonna make me beg? 'Cause that's not happnin'. =P
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Forgiveness is a mute point. If you're sorry for something you did, you wouldn't have done it in the first place.
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GOODNESS!!! Being sorry requires having done something wrong. One cannot be sorry without having done something they regret. It's feeling remorse over a PAST action.
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You clearly don't know the very very popular saying.
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Made me a celeb without even trying. I can take the hate, since it's mainly coming from idiots. xD (Note: I still admit that I WAS being a moron, but calling people stupid is just stating facts... anyone who thinks otherwise is probably stupid.) =P
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My IQ is 160; ask some random stalkers to give you the link to the discussion I created. =P YOYOWASSYUPOREO was just some random name that popped into my head. The group was originally a private group, made for only two of my friends and me, but, gosh, it sure has grown. Also, the Y was a typo, which I'm very glad I made. xD
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Yes and who did you do the test through, how much did it cost and give me an example question? Sorry but just going by sheer chance, you most likely don't have that IQ, nor does anyone here. But if you really do, wow. I take it you're part of Mensa, how's that?
And cool. So there's no meaning to "WASSYUP"? Yoyo and oreo I can guess lol.
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I posted about the test a little lower in this discussion. Yeah, statistically, it's only one in over two million people with an IQ this high. xD No, I'm not a part of Mensa; they are the saddest group of pathetic, depressed losers I've ever seen. They clearly feel the need to have other people with high IQ's constantly hanging out with them. I really don't see the appeal in going to dinner with a bunch of random, old stranger nerds. =P Now, if Mensa PAID their members... that would be a different story. xD Their main selling point is getting together with like-minded people... that's what IRC is for, lol.
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I really don't see the appeal in going to dinner with a bunch of random, old stranger nerds
Should be "I really don't see the appeal in going to dinner with a bunch of random, old,stranger nerds.
To make it even more correct, it should really be "I really don't see the appeal in going to dinner with a bunch of random, old, and nerdy strangers."
160 IQ eh?
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EVER HEARD OF THE OXFORD COMMA?!?!?! GOSH!!! How many simple-minded people are gonna insult me with their little know-it-all brains?! I phrased it that way FOR A REASON. It's grammatically correct, because I used an Oxford comma. I think stranger nerd is a better insult than nerdy stranger. ANY MORE POINTS YOU'D LIKE ME TO NULLIFY???
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Okay, now I know for sure your IQ isn't "160" in fact I'm willing to bet it's at most 100. Why? You clearly don't understand what Mensa is about nor could you answer nearly any of my questions. And, those with an IQ of 160 should at least be able to avoid the things you're doing, namely saying you have an IQ of 160, because even if you really did, and have proof, it just comes of as needless bragging.
But anyway, you can say or think what you want, this is just my response to that. Also, are you a Trump supporter?
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I've been on Mensa's website, I've seen the crap they do, and it's not interesting.... Feel free to "know for sure" what isn't true. Yes, I'm a Trump supporter, are you?
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i presume he didnt have something like Mensa in the back of his head when he was doing his one.
edit: maybe that assumption was little bit rude of me and I apologize for that. let's just say that I'm a little bit touchy on such topics because many people dont use these tests for what they were intended for but rather to put other people in a supposed "inferior" position or to be precise: to mask their low self esteem and boost their ego by putting other people down.
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I don't get how Mensa could be in the back of my head. =P As for the insults, I'll leave you to your OPINIONS... that's right, ASSUMPTIONS... that's right... BIASES... that's right, PRESUPPOSITIONS.... =P
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Here's a bit of real advice. Instead of just focusing on increasing your group numbers, you should instead work on improving your group. Plan some events, create some giveaways, or just have some fun with the members you have. 500 is a pretty good number. Advertising once or twice on a site is fine, but continuously posting new threads about it annoys people and is seen as spam. If your work on building a quality group with a strong body of core members, you will eventually have more people who will naturally want to join.
Wish you the best with your group.
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Thanks for the advice; I appreciate it. I am trying to get more active members, but publicity is pretty key, right now, so that people will notice the group at all, lol.
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160, and I bought it and took it at home, because it was electronic. (It was NOT an online test.)
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Pretty sure those types of phishing only work on people with IQ's of 10, or less. =P
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IQ tests aren't all encompassing as they were presented in the past. The newer approach is that there are different types of intelligence - one might have great analytic capabilities, but can't understand/initiate basic human interaction (low EQ). For what it's worth there are some correlations (prediction power) between job performance and academic success with IQ results. Probably because they both rely on memory and processing speed. Overall, intelligence is still a debatable issue that hasn't been resolved by years of research.
Job Performance
Maybe motivation is the best predictor?
The mysterious Flynn Effect
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Yeah, that's true, but I have more than just a freaking genius IQ; I have a super high working memory, I can definitely understand people, though I may pretend like I don't, if I'd rather not conform to their beliefs, or whatever xD, and I'm very musical and creative. How can I prove those things? Well, I compose music, but I haven't posted any on YouTube, yet, nor do I want to, as the mixing isn't ideal. At this point, I guess you could ask me whatever questions you think are a better indication of overall intelligence than IQ, if that's what you want.
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I'm sorry if this may come off as offensive, but I didn't actually reply to you, I've talked in general about the validity of IQ tests because it's a somewhat interesting topic. I'm not looking for being impressed by your self-proclaimed superior intellect, I'm not asserting that it's true or that it's false, it has no bearing for this discussion.
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Sorry for being a moron... those days are behind me. I was telling the truth about my IQ, but I was being very boastful about it, which isn't a good thing to do.
To the point: Please join my group called YOYOWASSYUPOREO. :D We have quite a few members already, but I'd really love for there to be some people who are active in the forums and chatroom. :) I'm sure you'll love it, because we've got plenty to do, from sharing artwork, to music, to talking politics, and even being a Curator! I hope you'll join, and find that YOREO is the group for you.
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