I got the same issue, although I paid with bitcoin and got no keys. We might be talking about the same guy here.
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You do know that everyone can sign up there, right?
"if the real guy gets back the hold of the account will he be able to give the items back to me?"
sure, whoever can access the account can give you your items back.
"or will steam take away all my items?"
Why would Valve take away your items? Doesn't make much sense.
Word of advice:
You should only trade using the trade window, meaning both parties put their stuff there.
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You do know that everyone can sign up there, right?
never knew this thank you for the heads up
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i was never good with punctuations my teachers have the same problem
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Apparently, they teach what they taught to you. Your punctuations are the same as OP. Haven't you been taught that the first letter of a sentence is in capital form? Also, it is; "Why DO they work as teachers then? What do they teach then?". And please, don't say "I'm not a native English speaker.". I grew tired of hearing people finding excuses. You're on the internet, on a site that uses the English language, which happens to be the international language. You don't have to be a native English speaker to know some basic grammar, not to mention how to start a sentence... Also, what he meant is that the teachers have the same problem as the person who commented, meaning that they find his punctuation terrible.
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"HE WAS ON FUCKING STEAMTRADES so dont say look for trusted sources"
Well, its not Steamtrades fault.
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well i thought steam trades was same as steamgifts need a high level account to be a part of my bad
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You dont need a high level account for steamgifts either
the only requirement is (from the faq)
What are the base requirements to join the site? We require all registered users to have at least $100.00 worth of games associated with their Steam account. This is to prevent users from creating multiple Steam accounts for use on this site, which might result in cheating. This value is automatically generated when you register, using the game list from your Steam profile.
so a scammer could easily aquire 100$ or more with 1-2 games or just a lot of bundled stuff
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lol yea but if they are sammer i doubt they buy it
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really i just dont get this how do they by pass steam guard!?
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90% of scammed people are stupid and the rest are just impatient
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if you were to look at his account i can bet my ass off you wont doubt him one bit
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only level 7? but still you have to be burned at lease once to learn a good lesson about steam trading. If you have to trade trade only using items within steam window. Getting CD keys is such a risk, it'll be nice if steam would allow us to redeem multiple keys for a gift version of the game for trading and gifting.
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Why would someone with a level 7 Steam profile can't be trusted? I have a level 15 profile because i don't care about crafting badges, does that make my profile untrustworthy?
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Actually, it totally depends. I have 66 games, but I have spent around to 60 Euros. It depends on the games, on the DLCs, etc.
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Game count and Steam level are NOT rep! If the user does not have high rep (on the trading site, not profile rep), either skip them or do "trade window" trades only.
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why are you pretending to know the entire situation
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By looking for trusted sources, people mean things like the trader has done quite a few trades on Steamtrades, with positive rep, over a lengthy period. While almost nothing will prevent against trading with someone who's been hacked, this is a good way to filter out the people of questionable reputations.
Also, if the deal is too good to be true, its because it isn't.
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I don't know about the specifics of it to hazard more than a guess, but they must either be tricking the system into thinking that they're using the right hardware, or tricking the system into simply not looking to see if its different hardware.
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But wouldnt you have to "KNOW" the hardware first? I mean are hackers now going to the lengths of hunting someone down by their MAC addy's and IP's and cross referencing to the point where theyve looked up their hardware? I mean that goes beyond just hacking at that point. Guy has a frigin stalker on his hands.
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when you enter your steamguard code it creates a file on your steam folder, they get throught steamguard because someone lets them see your stuff, probably an .exe, they get the file, e-mail, password and user.
how to avoid this?
don't enter phishing link
they look like this
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Some people actually are dumb enough to turn Steamguard off....
So they don't have to deal with that; some access Steam thru many diff locations, like libraries or schools, don't want to have to deal with the constant of steamguard acting up. So I would not be surprised if some of the hacked accounts are these ones. The safety of my account would never be worth deactivating Sg. But then, I am not so impatient as that I have to check Steam every 10 min I am away from my home computer. AND if I want to check it that bad while out and about, I can do it from my phone.
People who are scammed and/or hacked are generally too naive and trusting for their own good.
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A list of things that mean nothing when trading. Don't be fooled, only real rep should be treated as rep.
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That is what I was wondering. He never really explained how he was scammed.
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Do the same as I do and never go first in trades, no matter how many rep he has, you might lose a lot of trades but situations like this wont happen again.
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i believe the guy who scammed me had his account hacked now items are in his inv. he has stopped replying and is trying to send the keys from the hacked account to his own but his account has been trade restricted (i tried to trade with him to persuade him into returning atleast 2-3 of my items out of the 10 but it's showing the you cannot trade with him further info wil be shown to him) so if the real guy gets back the hold of the account will he be able to give the items back to me? or will steam take away all my items ? i can see my items in his bag now HE WAS ON FUCKING STEAMTRADES so dont say look for trusted sources :|
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