All 3 games are fun, but totally different.
The Witcher is an RPG with a pretty weird pseudo-action combat system that seems to be kinda love it or hate it. The game is gorgeous for when it came out, and is VERY well done, which is why it has so many fans.
Alpha Protocol is a totally, TOTALLY different beast. It's got RPG elements to it, but has stealth game elements and the like, so it seemed much less action oriented. It didn't get much press, and thus didn't get much play, but turned out to be a niche hit which a lot of people love to death and wish that Sega handled it better so it would've turned into a franchise.
Darksiders is, however, a pretty typical and fun action game. Much like anything else in the genre it's much shorter and much less involved than an RPG, but is still quite fun to play.
So really it just depends on what you'd prefer: action-RPG, stealth-RPG, or straight action game.
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Also, it should be noted that The Witcher will never explain its combat to you clearly. And they completely overhauled the combat system for the second game so if you disliked the first you might like the second.
But yeah, Darksiders is a much more straight forward action games.
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I loved the three of them. I'd try to play them at the same time because they're completely different and you will not be bored
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Would love to, but have very little time as it is. Thus The Witcher's negative side for me. It'll take me months to finish it if playing it alone.
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Well, that's true. I spent around 80 hours it The witcher
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If you can get past the slow start of The Witcher i would recommend that. I've never played Alpha Protocol so i can't say anything about that, but i have played Darksiders and i liked it. It's a good game... but i think any DMC game is better. I didnt give much of a chance to Darksiders 2 (didnt like a lot of things).
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Honestly, I do not like darksiders and I think it's bad port on PC (DMC 4, 5 or Marlow Briggs might be a better choice for you) I was quite content with my playthrough of alpha protocol on 360 and I strongly suggest you go play it. I have not played the 1st witcher so I can't say much of it.
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If you like a more story-driven experience, then The Witcher is your game. I was enjoying quite a bit but then I stopped playing cause my PC blew up, and then didn't want to play again because they told me the 2 games are BIG spoilers of the books. So if you're like me and enjoy good stories then I suggest you read first all the books, then play the games, but still without reading them it's an awesome mature game.
But my vote goes for Darksiders, both games. All the artistic and plot job is beyond godlike, I enjoyed them a lot despite being button smashing games. Check them out first.
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I am a huge fan of story-driven games. I will probably never get around to the books, but this is good to know. Thank you.
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If you don't mind about spoiling the books then go for the Witcher games, they won't disappoint you
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I love first Witcher - great story and characters, but combat is nothing fancy here. Second Witcher had it moments, but the mood of first part is like no others. One of my favourite modern games so far. Darksiders - years after finishing great Soul Reaver saga, I thought it may be something. But no, War is really slow, quite bulky and clumsy, he doesn't respond too fast. I never finished it, so I can not say about story. I heard that Death in sequel is much better, but not played yet. Alpha Protocol - played only for few moments, because hated it momently. Silly, simplified TPP engine of Mass Effect repels me. You are not super agent, you are just pretending. Immersion is zero. It's more facade and abstract than first Assassin's Creed. Sorry for bad English. Cheers!
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cool entertaining games all three of them but Alpha protocol is by far the most original, mature and highly replayable title among them.
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Thanks for input. I'm definitely looking for something mature. My understanding was that The Witcher is that way as well, nudity aside.
That was one of my complaints about Mafia II. There were moments of brilliance in the story, but it could also be incredibly juvenile at times.
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Alpha protocol is not mature because of nudity but because of mature story themes and player choices.
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Exactly. And I understand The Witcher to be similar.
My nudity comment was basically saying that some folks consider "mature" code for "boobies". I mean, they're partially right. :)
But yes, I'm looking for moral choices, difficult and/or realistic situations, communication complexity and nuances storylines.
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I heard Alpha Protocol plays better on PC with a gamepad than with M&KB.Once you get past the "omg this is weird" hour of playtime,you gonna love it and do not want it to end.(However,if the game doesn't catch you after that hour,you will most likely not like it)
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I have all 3. Haven't beaten any of them yet. Put about 30 mins in AP, 5 hours in Witcher, and almost beat Darksiders (got side tracked by some other game). The Witcher had the greatest appeal but the hardest learning curve too. Darksiders is a God of War clone. It is fun. I felt like AP was a watered down Deus Ex HR, but to each his own. I guess I would recommend them all.
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If you liked Mass Effect 1 or Deus Ex: Human Revolution you should try Alpha Protocol. I think it was a really good game even though the combat and the A.I. is bad. It's pretty short too so you can get that one out of the way and move on to the Witcher afterwards which is a much longer game :P
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ME1 is one of my favorite games of all time. Deus Ex: HR...I could not get in to. I will revisit it at some time in the future, though.
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Also, thanks for all the input so far. Fun stuff.
I own all three games, but have so little time to play, that I'm trying to narrow it a bit.
Leaning toward tossing Darksiders, not because it's inherently bad, but because it sounds like a button masher. I love me some good ol' hack/slash games every now and then, but Mafia II was similar to that vibe and I'm looking for more character development.
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Darksiders isn't exactly a button-masher in terms of combat. It's no Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden in terms of depth or challenge, but if you don't figure out how the combat works, you won't get very far. It also does offer a lot of exploration and some good puzzles - more than those previous 2.
If you're looking for character building/customization or role-playing/having some control over the plot though, indeed throw it off the list - it has none of that.
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I suspect it'll be next for me after an RPG experience. Thanks for additional info!
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I know this isn't one of the options, but honestly, I'd skip the first Darksiders and dive into Darksiders 2, it's a better game than the first in every concievable way. Darksiders 2 feels a bit like God of War, and Legend of Zelda, making a weird grimdark baby.
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Thx, Ero. I also own DSII, so I'll take your advice into consideration when I play it/them.
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Okay. Downloaded TW and am about an hour in. If this is "slow", then I'm in for quite a treat. GFX remind me slightly of Risen, which is just fine. Combat is definitely weird, but not really bothersome. Just different.
We shall see...
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If you survived through the first hour of the "weird" combat (that's when it's usually people decide to play or not to play the game) - and you still continue playing, my congrats! You're about to discover one of the best rpgs out there.
I'd recommend to check out the original books by Sapkowskiy as well. You'll enjoy the game trilogy much better. The scope of the plot can be compared to the "Game of Thrones" by George Martin only (they - Martin and Sapkowskiy are friends in real life, btw). More importantly, the first game catches up exactly where the last book is ending.
There are seven books atm, but some are still yet to be officially translated into English. In such case, check out this thread -
First, there are two books, containing short stories, introducing the world and characters and mostly reiterating famous fairy tales, but still building up the huge plot of the upcoming saga:
Main saga - 5 books:
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Well TBD whether I survive. I've not "cleared" the keep yet and I've used all my potions. :)
Thanks for the additional lore/background. If I get into this, I may visit that as well...
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It's not like anyone uses TW as an abbreviation, but anyway the game will get alot slower once you get to the first real chapter. Most people don't manage to play the original to the end, you really need to be interested in the story. Combat is basically nothing but clicking while the cursor lights up and throw in a spell now and then. Quests are quite laborious in the way you need to back travel all the time in one zone until the story progresses far enough to get to a new zone. And the worst part being is that you need to change the time ALOT to get on with quests and you can't do it on the fly either. But you need to find certain NPCs to be able to meditate for a certain length of time. This gets really annoying the longer you go on. It's still set in a cool universe and The Witcher 2 is one of the best RPGs, the first one is a bit rough though.
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Well I use TW as an abbreviation. Especially in a thread where the context is clear. Sorry if I've disappointed you. :)
And thanks for the input. We'll see how it goes as I move farther along.
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How could you. Anyway I hope you like it and if you ever manage to make it through, then Darksiders is another game with a nice story based on mythical references and characters. It is more in the style of Zelda and a light touch of DMC. Alpha Protocol can be real hit and miss, especially since it can have major bugs that they didn't bother fixing. It has a nice moral mechanic where you need to make decisions on the fly, the actual combat wasn't any good though and those missions play out in the same way each time. Darksiders worked best with gamepad, Witcher not at all.
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I've started playing Witcher 2 and it fucking sucks compared to the first one. Everything about it is wrong; controls, combat, UI, inventory, everything.
Just a heads-up, so you don't get the idea of ever trying to play the second part.
Oh, and you should get the inventory mod for Witcher 1. Allows items to stack a lot better, to higher quantities.
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The Witchers. Both of them are two level higher then Alpha Protocol and Darksiders. Shame that books wasn't translated with love but games have everything - awesome (different in first and second part) gameplay, great mature story and if we could say about fantasy world that it is realistic, it would be so. It's complete.
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Depends on which you want to play: Crappy Generic Dark Fantasy Game, Post Apocalyptic Zelda, or Insanely Buggy Sci-Fi Thriller.
Personally, I think Darksiders is the best of the bunch, and Alpha Protocol the worst. The Witcher is pretty bad too; don't let people fool you with talk of a well written, mature story. It's so GRIM AND DARK it borders on parody and is juvenile in ways that make Dragon Age look like the smartest fantasy game out there.
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Never played Darksiders but Witcher and Alpha Protocol are both great games. If you play Alpha Protocol I would suggest using a controller because of the stupid mouse jittering that was never fixed, literally makes playing the game impossible with a mouse.
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Logged two more hours with TW1 last night. Still engaging. I can see the gripe about running back and forth already, FWIW. But the dialogues are very good, if inconsistent (sometimes Geralt is smart and engaging in conversation, other time brash and sophmoric - and it doesn't seem to be helpful), locales are varied and interesting, and about the time I get bored of one type of monster (damn dogs) another pops in and says HI!
So far, so good. Thanks for the help.
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The Witcher and The Witcher 2 are definite must-haves. They were both on sale for incredibly cheap a little while back on Steam, even better if you got them then! I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. (I also only disc copies of both special editions)
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Just beat Mafia II. Trying to figure out what's next.
Anyone played two or all three of these?
I'm guessing Darksiders is more akin to Mafia II in that there isn't much role-playing/character-building going on?
Controller support in Darksiders/AP is a benefit since I like to play in bed. :)
But I can handle a little K&M if need be.
I understand it takes a bit to get into the Witcher and it's a long game. Those are downsides.
Just mining y'all's brains for ops.
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