Soo, I just spoke to a SG user regarding multiple wins and acceptances that show up in their history. As a giver that's a bit concerning, however given a certain time period without incident, I'll still provide the game. This is mainly because I don't know how long SG issues bans for in regards to incidents like that. Are they warning bands? Perma-bans? Suspensions? There needs to be some way to flag either won giveaways or users to let people know that they have been punished for those incidents of breaking the rules.

That being said, I just spoke to a user regarding the multiple wins of games such as DOTA2 and Metro 2033.

To me, it's still breaking the TOS accepting those giveaways. I know that we can no longer make those giveaways, but their response was rather surprising.

"what does it matter if [someone] won double on games that are literally free? I mean honestly"

What are your opinions on this? Is winning multiple times on games that we are excessively saturated with any less of an offense to winning multiple times

In my opinion, the very base of the issue is that it's against the site's rules. In addition, that's preventing others who might actually want and enjoy the game from getting it. Furthermore, if you're accepting these wins just to stockpile your own inventory, that's ridiculous. I never understood the purpose of hoarding hundreds of DOTA2s.

11 years ago*

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There's no winning the same game multiple times. It's against law !

There's no winning a game and NOT activating it. It's against law !

11 years ago

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edit: i think there should be leeway on winning a game twice but you can not ACCEPT or giveaway the second key/gift you win... sometimes you can win a game twice in rapid succession and not even know it since you are asleep or not on the website or some other reason... you should have to let one of the two you win from know the situation and ask them to get a re-draw

11 years ago

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there is leeway. When you login and see that awesome green bar, and you notice you won the same game twice, you accept one, and inform the other that you've already won the game so he can re-roll

11 years ago

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I've only ever seen it in certain circumstances where the person was insincere and kept both copies so i didn't know it was already a thing

11 years ago

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I spotted a guy once winning 2 copies of Torchlight! I went Steamgifts police on his ass! It was a cold, dark, rainy day. I was sitting in my car, camping his profile...smoking a cigarette to take the edge off. The stakeout was taking its toll on me...then, all of a sudden, he accepted BOTH gifts. Needless to say he went down in a bloodbath of "Reported!" submissions. I've asked myself: "What is it that drives us, normal everyday SG users, to uphold the law? Is it jealousy that some win so often? Is it greed? Is it because we truly feel like we'd make a difference?

tl;dr: Guy won 2 Torchlights, activated both, reported -> suspended

11 years ago

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would read again =)

11 years ago

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By "winning" I do mean "winning & accepting". We aren't able to see what a person has won unless the gift has been marked as received or not received.

11 years ago

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This. ^

11 years ago

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Actually laughed at this one. Good stuff! :P

11 years ago

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Le loi, c'est moi.

11 years ago

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Burn the heretic!

11 years ago

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Purge the Unclean!

11 years ago

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ummm... Skulls for the white throne ?

11 years ago

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White throne ? What's that ?

11 years ago

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The rules are there for a reason, it doesn't matter if you win a cheap/almost-free game twice, or an AAA title.

As for hoarding Dotas: There may be different reasons, some people might even think that those will become collector items once the game goes officially F2P.
Mind that some other "free" items now really are collector items, such as Steam Mobile Access, Steam Community Beta Access, Super MNC, AirMech 2 Gifts, CS:GO Beta invites, ...
But considering the stupid high amount of Dotas out there, I doubt that it will be worth anything anytime soon ;)

11 years ago

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Last sentence says it all. I think most dota players are running out of space to put them.

11 years ago

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I'll share this little story-

Some months back, I entered two Magicka giveaways about a week or so apart. First came the Magicka Collection, and then the base game. Well, needless to say, I didn't win the collection... at least, at that time. However, I did eventually win the base game when it ended. A few days after that, though that little green bar popped back up saying I won the collection, something that I couldn't recall entering for since winning the base game. As it turned out I had won the collection after many rerolls. Well, despite already having won the base game, I was still given the collection instead of doing another reroll, and all was right in the world... except for the fact that, according to my win list, I had won the collection before the base game, since I entered the collection giveaway first.

You can imagine what eventually happened. Fortunately, it was worked out quickly. Funnily enough, though, because the collection that I won was from Amazon, it wasn't the full collection of DLC, so I still enter for the ones that I'm missing, and I did eventually win one that wasn't included in the one that I won. So now, not only does it look like I won the collection before the base game, but also that I won a DLC that one may believe I should already have from winning the collection.

The End.

11 years ago

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In your case, if a gifter has an issue with the concept of multiple wins, would you prefer they actually give you a chance and say, "Hey, this looks a bit concerning. Just letting you know."? How would you react if someone said that to you, not as an excuse for not giving you the game, but just to either give you a chance to explain to let you know that they, and some others, may have hesitations. Personally, and I know the SG staff has a -ton- that they're constantly doing, but I think it would be greatly beneficial if there were some sign on a person's profile or won games that certain circumstances were already handled or sorted out with staff.

11 years ago

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I've never had anyone confront me about it directly, but it'd be completely understandable if someone were to do so, and I wouldn't mind explaining it and providing proof since I understand that it is pretty fishy looking. However, outside of actual proof, I would be hesitant to take someone at their word about that sort of thing since they could be lying, so I would probably report them in such a situation. Fortunately for me, though, I can give proof.

To answer your earlier question, it would be nice to have a way to signal "this isn't an issue" to people looking at my win list without needing to explain or have support involved, but ultimately, as far as I'm concerned, as long as Support understands the situation, then everything should be fine. I've only had one issue with Support regarding it, which was worked out rather fast, and haven't had any rerolls due to it, either, so I can't say it has been too much of a problem. I don't know much of how they track things like that, but I assume that once a situation has been handled, they have a way to know not to address it again.

Now, as far as whether winning the same game multiple times should be allowed, I agree with the rule against it, regardless of the game, such as in the example in your post. I do believe in exceptions, though, such as in my case, where you can win an "upgrade" of a game that you already own, such as a collection, as long as that is allowed by the giver. However, I do think that they should have the right to reroll in that case, if they so choose, though. In my case, it wasn't that I won both the base game and then the collection, rather, that it appeared that I won the collection, the better version, before the base game. Had I really won them in that order, I believe that a suspension would have been completely justified.

11 years ago

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If they have broken the rules, report them and get it rerolled. There are no if's or but's about it. "What does it matter" - it matters very much no matter how they try to make it seem otherwise.

11 years ago

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Everyone has different ideas as to what's acceptable and what's not. That's why we have rules, so it's clear where the line lies. No negotiation necessary.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by dorthyinwonder.