does not have an official statement, I saw a Brazilian forum I frequent. besides I was researching and others say the same and here / nuuvem-y-sus-consecuencias-536 280
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404 Not Found ( / nuuvem-y-sus-consecuencias-536 280)
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That's the correct link.
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I'm interested to know why.
It's all about money money money
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Well, some random user posting something like this is suspcious, but no luck finding Lego Batman there, and Warner Bros is gone from the publisher list on the site.
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welp, that's too bad if WB pulled the plug for nuuvem.
Last WB game I'll pre-order if they cut off my last resource of steam key pre-orders.
It's their loss too, I'd gladly wait for 75% sale on their games rather than giving them 50% of the price upfront for pre-orders (against US prices).
My library still has batman arkham + season pass. Couldn't care less if they refund me or not.
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I have wondered how Nuuvem has got so long with unofficially selling to anyone.
I expect other publishers will eventually crackdown on this too, unless Nuuvem does something.
Especially everyone posting deals everywhere is doing counter-service, since it makes publisher more likely crackdown on it.
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Nuuvem has only permission to sell to South America and have done everything they can to sell outside too. Easiest way is to check country where payment is coming from. It's probably hard to get credit card from Brazilian bank. (afaik. GTA V was only game to check that).
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Fortunately I already bought there the Arkham trilogy for ...5.5€. I think only Arkham city required a proxy or a vpn in order to put it in your basket.
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I know of a Brazilian key store, no idea if it's official. It's not in the north, not in the south, east or west, but is another word for being in the middle.
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Since it's authorized and all can you tell the name?
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maybe they just want nuuvem to get some sort of region lock so people from outside brazil cant buy those games, because as far as i can tell nuuvem is not an ilegal re-seller.
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Thats sad, warners deals on nuuvem were from the better ones :(
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It's a shame, I logged on to nuuvem yesterday to get the Lego pack and saw all the Warner Bros games were gone. Not sure what happened though. If Warner didn't like the cross region trading then they could have provided region locked keys, nuuvem were doing all they could by checking IPs I guess. Hopefully it is just temporary while there is a Batman promotion on Steam itself - but that is really hoping!
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Got all batman games except Arkham Knight yesterday, lol. Still it's sad that we won't see good WB deals on nuuvem anymore, i was hoping to see decent Dying Light discount sometime
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Arkham Knight keys are for South America only.
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Oh no, I would never mess with VPN. Not in a million years. I value my account too much to go against GabeN.
On another note, I didn't preorder the game anyway. I thought about it, but after preordering Mortal Kombat X Premium from them and having it be a hot mess I steered clear of this game; for now. :)
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People are shocked about this,and then say it is all about the money? lol
It is about the money that is why you start a business do you go to work to make less money? would you take a pay cut?
People are abusing them to get games cheaper which in turn give them less money,why would anyone be shocked by this? you do not like the price of gaming then do not game,you can not afford the prices that is not there fault.
I do agree games could be cheaper but i am still not going to cry it is all about the money,i am cheap and if a game is more then i am willing to pay then i do not get it,simple as that.If i did not care about price and all that i would have a lot more games,
Anyhow all i am saying is if this is true it does not surprise me the prices and games where meant to be sold in Brazil.I have used the site but i am not mad about any of the changes or locks,i am let down because i am cheap but that is how life is,shit happens.
They may have stopped the sales of games till they get them region locked keys and just get rid of the region free ones or maybe they are gone for good,
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you do not like the price of gaming then do not game
what an idiot argument, sorry. you don't like gas prices? the don't drive your car! doesn't matter if you need it or something...
how can you as a consumer post such anti-consumer bullshit? you are basically saying, that there can't be any valid complaints. at all. you don't like what a company does? then don't you dare buy their products! but if you do, you are not allowed to complain about anything! be honest, is that really a logical thing to say? it's not.
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I guess since my opinion was not what you think it should be that it some how makes it invalid.
I guess your the internet police of who's opinions are valid and who's are not.
I never said they where wrong and matter of fact i never said anyone was wrong.
Idiot argument? it was not meant to be one,just because you took at as one,does not make it so,not anymore them me saying my neighbor is ugly means that person is ugly,it still would be my opinion.
They said
He pulled out all the games catalog. who bought the new Batman should receive refund.
I shared my opinion that is all,you have the right to not agree with it,i have no issue with that,but to say my opinion is invalid just because you do not like what i said how does that make your opinion on what i said any more valid then mine?
In this case the person who made this post was only stating that the games where removed and i shared why and what i thought about them being removed.
Still not sure how i am trying to argue with anyone or what not as it was no directed at anyone it was just a reply and my opinion.
what an idiot argument, sorry. you don't like gas prices? the don't drive your car! doesn't matter if you need it or something...
There is a difference between not liking the prices then affording to drive,the price of gas could be 1.00 a gallon but if you can not even afford that can you call them greedy because you can not afford gas and they should sell it at a price you can only pay,but everyone else has to pay the full price?
I said
you do not like the price of gaming then do not game,you can not afford the prices that is not there fault.
If you do not like the price of the games then do not buy them,if getting the games dirt cheap is the only way to afford it and you lose that,then you can not game it still not there fault and it still not greed like some people want to call it.
In the end this is just my opinion nobody has to agree but i will be damned if i will have what i think invalid just because some random person on the net says so or put words in my mouth or other wise try to claim i am doing something i am not
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killing floor: money money money:
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He pulled out all the games catalog. who bought the new Batman should receive refund.
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