SG Pillars - Steamgifts contributor group

SGPillars is a group made for the most generous members of the Steamgifts community, and through their contributions keeping it active and running smoothly; This includes those who donate their time (moderators / support), money (Patreon), or who give far more then they receive.

There are three rules to join and remain a member:

  1. Either be;
    A. Steamgifts Patreon w/1:1 real CV ratio
    B. Moderator/Support staff
    C. Have a 2:1 real CV ratio & be level 5+ w/50+ different games given away.
  2. You must remain publicly active on Steamgifts (at least one giveaway within the past year).
  3. If you win a SGPillars giveaway respect the gifters; thank them if you win, and play if they ask you to in the GA description.

Those who fail to adhere to these rules may be kicked without warning at any time!

If you wish to join please post in this thread. After checking that you meet the group requirements you will be sent a friend invite, and shortly after you accept it the group invite will be sent. The friend invite is needed because Steam no longer allows group invites from users unless they are on your friends list.

Note that Steam does not always show a notification when you receive an invite!

Steam Group Page
Steamgifts Giveaways

4 years ago*

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Hi there, I would love to join if you accept developers/publishers who mostly gift their own games too.

1 hour ago

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