I'm just plain curious, to be honest. Here's the test:


I know the poll is very long but there's 16 personality types so ... what did you expect! Might add a giveaway at some point.

It's not much but it's the best I can do: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/D55x9/proxy-blade-zero

[NOTE: Anything under 20% means you may not fully represent that trait. If your given personality doesn't quite match you try looked at other types that you would almost fall into. (E.g. INFP with 10% in F, feeling, so try INTP)]

9 years ago*

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What personality type did you get?

View Results
Architect (INTJ)
Logician (INTP)
Commander (ENTJ)
Debater (ENTP)
Advocate (INFJ)
Mediator (INFP)
Protagonist (ENFJ)
Campaigner (ENFP)
Logistician (ISTJ)
Defender (ISFJ)
Executive (ESTJ)
Consul (ESFJ)
Virtuoso (ISTP)
Adventurer (ISFP)
Entrepreneur (ESTP)
Entertainer (ESFP)
Don't care, just looking for the giveaway that may or may not be here!

Your personality type: “The Advocate” (INFJ-A)
Strength of individual traits: Introverted: 4%, Intuitive: 22%, Feeling: 25%, Judging: 27%, Assertive: 23%.
Role: Diplomat
Strategy: Confident Individualism

I agree, but only to a certain point.

9 years ago

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You're so close to an ENFJ that the result is inconclusive. It's not really supposed to be a horoscope that tells you what you're like, it's about your cognitive functions. Had you tested as ENFJ, the cognitive function stack would be somewhat different.

9 years ago

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Logician (INTP-T)
93%% Introverted
19% Intuitive
30% Thinking
54% Prospecting
75% Turbulent

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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So much hard introvertive people on SG...


30% Extraverted
6% Observant
29% Thinking
9% Prospecting
60% Assertive

9 years ago

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I'm pretty sure we introverts mostly rule the internet ... maybe.

9 years ago

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I have to agree with you.
I have 0 activity in a social networks. Some small activity here and on a one forum of my profession...

Thank you for the test link BTW.

9 years ago

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No problem, thought it would be fun for (almost) everyone. A few debates here and there it seems.

9 years ago

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Thanks, Facebook.

9 years ago

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My personality type: Paranoid

I know everything you do online is datamined so it can be sold for advertising and more importantly, used to create psychological profiles on everyone. I don't like this so I try to minimize my online "footprint". I cleared out all my temp files, cookies, history, and everything else and opened the site through an anonymous proxy. I then filled out the questions twice so if it was connected to me nobody will know which one is correct. Then proceeded to clear all my files again after I was done.

9 years ago

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Well, this doesn't save your privacy completely. If someone wants to get your results on the test, they still can ask your internet provider to give them everything you've sent to the website. I'm not even mentioning spy stuff on your hardware that you can't even see.
So you'd better stop wasting your time on such a thing, because you won't be totally anonymous anyway.

9 years ago

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That wouldn't happen unless the police or FBI get a court order to get info from my ISP and they are not interested in me. Plus, they are probably only gonna have logs of what sites I visited, not the info that was transferred. I'm just talking about stopping the bots and crawlers from datamining info from every website you visit and creating a psychological profile and a history of everything every person does on the internet. They link everyone from their facebook, twitter, email, blogs, cell phones and everything else to basically log your life. Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if the website itself was selling the info.

I really just enjoy making it harder for them. I think everyone should use a program like adblock with a subscription to something like easyprivacy that blocks most of the tracking elements of websites. It's not perfect, but it's better than nothing.

I don't think most people realize how much info is out there about them. They post their whole lives on facebook, twitter, blogs and forums and even if they delete it, it's out there forever. If you really want it, you can get just about any info on anyone you want including their address, cell number, birthdate, SSN, and anything else you want.

I like this recent video where Kevin Mitnick takes a person from the audience and pulls up all his info just by using his name and state. They really should block out his SSN in the video they posted online though, that's kind of messed up. The part i'm talking about starts at 34:22, the video should start there.

Kevin Mitnick: Live Hack at CeBIT Global Conferences 2015

9 years ago

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Oh, I've got it. I can totally agree with you that bots collecting people's personal information is a huge problem. I just didn't think exactly about it after reading your comment. Maybe it's because I live outside US and EU and it's not so big problem for us (or it just not being disscussed enough), but it still exists of course. And I think the main reason of this are not data-tracking ads and stuff, but people themselves who post a lot of sensitive information where they don't have to, which allows to link and collect all the information together.
Also thanks for the video, those easily accessible results of such a data mining that he shows are just awesome.

9 years ago

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Yes, you definitely are paranoid. You appear to have a very simplistic and conspiracy theorist view of the world and technology. Considering your commentary, you probably don't even know how to adequately protect yourself, anyway. If you're so goddamn schizotypal, then use Tor. Or do you think that's run by the government, too?

9 years ago

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Wow, calm down, I must if hit a nerve. You should do some research before going off on someone and trying to sound like you know what your are talking about. Also, how are you going to call me a schizotypal when all you know about me is that I try hide what I do online from companies that want to track everything.

The things I mentioned in my 2 posts above are proven fact. You should educate yourself about them before you continue to make a fool of yourself. You also may want to take some psychology classes before making psychological evaluations of people when you clearly don't know the meaning of the words you are using.

I have used Tor in the past, but it's too slow and i'm not that serious about trying to stay anonymous. Did you read the reply that I wrote 4 days ago 2 posts above yours? I clearly explained that I know I am not staying completely anonymous and that it was never my intention.

9 years ago

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I would also like to add this link here for anyone else that happens to read this and doesn't want to do any research themselves. People may have been called conspiracy theorists for talking about this 10 or maybe even 5 years ago, but in the past few years it has become very main stream. It's become so mainstream that they even covered it in an episode of 60 minutes last year.

60 Minutes - The Data Brokers: Selling You Personal Information

This is also just the tip of the iceberg. They don't talk about everything else that is collected on you like every email, text, or phone call you make and gps of everywhere you go. They don't mention anything about the other organizations that use this information like, the police, FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, all the "threat fusion centers" popping up across the country. The police are starting to use this information to assign a "threat level" to everyone. When they pull you over they can pull you up in their computer and it will basically create a psychological profile on you from everything you have every done on the internet including everything you searched, read, wrote, watched, played or purchased, and that includes what you do on your smartphone and smart tv.

9 years ago

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I THINK I got INFJ-T last time I took it, the result being Advocate. I am very introverted, emotional, and intuitive is what the test says, while I am 44% judging as opposed to prospecting and 38% turbulent opposed to assertive.

So... I'm a quiet shy weirdo ;')

EDIT: Also, yeah, I'm a diplomat. Yeah.

9 years ago

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Some of the best inventions were developed by quiet, shy weirdos!

9 years ago

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Yeah but I'm a quiet shy weirdo with a mediocre / possibly unharnessed intelligence so I don't even know if that's true!

The results said that INFJ makes up about 1% of the population and that they are very rare. Assuming that these tests are the real deal, and I believe it's basic psychology or something, I suppose the results I got were more towards people that keep to themselves but don't seclude themselves from outside problems. I 'unno. It's interesting, though. I do want to eventually help people, so I have that going for me.

EDIT: Sorry, less than 1% of the population.

9 years ago

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The world is full of untapped potential!

9 years ago

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Mediator (INFP-T)
Strength of individual traits: Introverted: 65%, Intuitive: 50%, Feeling: 38%, Prospecting: 33%, Turbulent: 62%.

9 years ago

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I am a sheep but what kind of sheep am I?
Doesn't surprise me. I got that last time I did the Myers Briggs test.
I've also had INFP in the past though.

Your poll results are bizarre though.

9 years ago

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Too much accurate :O

View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Hmm ... not a perfect match but close enough. ;D

9 years ago

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Mediator - INFP-A

91% Introverted (which is true)
10% Intuitive (uhm... well, me, intuitive?)
51% Feeling
28% Prospecting (yeah why not)
24% Assertive (true)

But given the fact that I let a lot of these answers in the middle as it's 50-50 for these situations, maybe it's why the results are these.

9 years ago

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According to this test I'm a Mediator. Reading what a Mediator is, I can see why I got this result.

Bump for cool personality Test

9 years ago

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I was about to post this exact same question (without the distraction of a giveaway, though...)

I'm very interested in whether the distribution of the types on SG - and online communities in general - matches that of the general population. Apparently not! INTP seems to be the most common type so far, which is odd because they make up only about 3-5 % of the general population... I wonder what causes the over-representation here?

9 years ago

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For some reason, I got ISTP as my result but that is SO not me...

9 years ago

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How so?

9 years ago

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This...I have all the weaknesses, none of the strengths

Also, I'm extremely inept at the hands-on mechanical kind of stuff...I used to pull things apart when I was younger but never put anything back together...I have absolutely no luck whatsoever making new friends...or keeping old ones...I've almost NEVER made "new acquaintances" through my hobbies because my hobbies are reading and playing vidya gaems

ISTPs are unusually popular, almost in spite of themselves.

I've NEVER been even remotely close to "popular" and have always been the outcast, the bullied, the social leper...

Where ISTP parents struggle most, as with their other relationships, is in emotional bonding.

DEFINITELY not me...my children (well, the one's I've been "allowed" to have anything to do with) are my world. I would give my life for them and have had the feeling since day dot. Especially with my youngest...

Did I mention I'm not at all creative?

9 years ago

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Are you me? Got ISTP aswell and thats not me.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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My test was a little off the first time as I went too fast and didn't read some of the questions properly.

9 years ago

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Oh I did...and I answered as accurately as I could...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Just did it again and got the same result, but with an added T for Turbulent...something about caring about my image...and I could care less about that, I mean, I go shopping in shorts/singlet/dressing gown ffs

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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The percentages also matter. Anything under 20% basically means you have a mild disposition towards that trait.

So maybe try looking at other personality types that you would almost fall into.

9 years ago

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Entrepreneur (ESTP-A)

9 years ago

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i am a protagonist? is that good?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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thank you <3

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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no need. i read it right away. it does fit. i am a very kind soul

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I got defender

9 years ago

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Defender - ISFJ

9 years ago

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Entrepreneur - ESTP-T

20% extro
10% observant
50% thinking
40% prospecting
22% turbulent

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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\Architect (INTJ) ..........

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Tests Many NeuroToxins!

Therefor you are GLaDOS!

9 years ago

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I'm kind of a Donatello but my favorite was always Michelangelo...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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I did this test a while ago. Should repeat because don't remember

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by mushclone298.