Uh-oh, yep. Neither of those titles are on Steam! I'm using the dreaded Origin for my Dragon Age needs, but I've found a bit of a bump: both DA:A and DA:2 are on sale for ten dollars each. I can only get one, and the sale ends December 1st.

Awakening would let me continue my Origins adventures, but I could lose my former companions (mostly) in favor of new ones. I did really like Origins' gameplay, but this DLC is only about 15 hours long, if that.

Dragon Age 2, on the other hand, is 56 hours long but with a vastly different dialogue system and an entirely new set of characters, as well as some fairly unflattering player reviews.

Can anyone recommend which one they think I should get?

Obligatory Gift thing.
It's only NiGHTS, though.
Edit: Annnd it's been ninja'd. ._.

Edit of an edit: WAIT WAIT WAIT. Ultimate Edition for Origins is cheaper than Awakening or DA 2. So there we go.
Thanks for all the help, guys!


10 years ago*

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Dragon Age 2, since it's longer and a better standalone. If you really enjoy Origins, though, go for Awakening by all means (but get the Ultimate Edition instead if at all possible). I'd suggest waiting for a better sale with a DAO Ultimate and DA II bundle, though.

10 years ago

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How often do these games go on sale?
From what I've seen, Origin doesn't really have sales quite like Steam does, so I could be waiting for quite some time for a better sale.

10 years ago

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Check Amazon occasionally, maybe.

10 years ago

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I would recommend getting DAO Ultimate, but if you have to buy something now go for DA2, but it plays a little different than Origins.

10 years ago

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Awakening is actually on steam (ultimate edition as well). It's only on 50% sale though, so not worth it.

10 years ago

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I wouldn't be able to import my character in from Origins, which I have on Origin, either. D;

10 years ago

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What's the price for awakening on origin now? If you aren't interested in other dlcs you could just buy DAO+Awakening on steam later on from a trader for around 3 keys or the ultimate edition for 5 keys (or cheaper, if steam sales take place).

10 years ago

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While they're both ten dollars for the sale, full price for Awakening is twenty bucks, and full price for DA2 is thirty.
And...Buying them on Steam still has the issue of not being able to port my character over, which I'd really like to be able to do.

Edit: Wait, no, DA2 is twenty at full price. I was looking at the wrong thing.

10 years ago

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Errr, why wouldn't you be able to port your char over? All your saves are stored into your Documents folder, they aren't linked to Origin. I had DAO on Origin first (got it when it was free) and then got DAO Ultimate on steam (since it was cheaper there). Only issue I remember having was with the list of all the downloadable content (since ultimate came with a large list of dlcs while i already had tons of player mods installed).

10 years ago

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Found out that the Ultimate Edition is on sale on Origin for...Cheaper than Awakening itself, for some reason. Going with that! Thanks for the input, though.

10 years ago

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I never recommend to anyone Dragon Age 2 (maybe to my worst enemy)DAO and DA2 are very diffrent mechanics one is RPG(more like Baldur Gates) and the other is well and "action RPG".Also is a real shame that the most of the DLCs of Dragon Age Origins are not avaliable on steam, like:
Witch Hunt
The Darkspawn Chronicles
Leliana's Song
The Golems of Amgarrak

10 years ago

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I don't mind that so much, since I have Origins on Origin, thanks to that brief time where it was absolutely free. And I can't say that I'm honestly all that interested in the smaller DLCs for DA:O, though I'm not sure why.

What did you, personally, dislike about DA:2? Was it truly awful, or just not great when compared to its predecessor?

10 years ago

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Some common criticisms I've heard: Simplified combat, less companion interaction, reused maps, small world, short plot, and low player character customization options.

10 years ago

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While the combat and the companion interaction are definitely problems for me, the rest don't bother me quite so much. The short plot in particular isn't much of a talking point when it's being compared to a fifteen-hour expansion. As for the customization, well...I'm not all that against modding DA2 to add in a few extra hairstyles and the like, so that's nothing.
The combat and the character interaction, though, those were pretty important to me. Hm.

10 years ago

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Last time I checked there was only one Dragon Age game; I've been away for a while.

TL;DR on the differences between the games and which one is newer pl0s

10 years ago

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Dragon Age: Inquisition is the newest game. Out of the ones I've had listed, DA2 is the newest.

10 years ago

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I've played and finished both... Get Awakening, hands down. da2 is nothing. its just piddling around without a proper story, with derivative combat and unsatisfying characters and fights. awakening is more DAO - a solid expansion pack with new story and characters. hands down, gets awakening.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Kitiko.