I'm the same - I think I get about 1 game a week done when work is normal, and right now it's crazy and I can't start anything new (I still keep buying games though XD)
So, would you like an invite? Like I said, "willingness" is enough, no one will be expecting/forcing you to play/finish a certain number of games every week ;)
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Na, got to many groups anyway.
Thanks for the offer
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I've got ~28 games that I want to finish during the next months - may not seem like much compared to a lot of other peoples backlogs, but I really want to take my time with each of them. Plus being active on SG now only helps my backlog grow. Count me in. c:
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I'd love to join! As a long-time-mmorpg player, my steam library has grown and grown and grown, but very little has actually gotten played.
Now I've quit hardcore mmorpging, and my focus is on raising my achievement %, which.. means.. getting through that insane backlog of games!
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sent you an invite :)
Progress reports are entirely up to you, we just want at least an initial thread from you to see that you're trying ;) (if you want, you can ask in that thread that we nudge you every now and then, maybe we'll do that ;) )
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Saw your request about the subforum. Unfortunately we can't make subforums for subforums, otherwise I'd open one for you right now, but I'll see what the other admins say (don't just want to decide to open a new subforum for one person by myself). Until we figure that out, you could also use the Review subforum - make a new thread for every game there (it's not just for straight reviews, but any thoughts you'd like to share about your gaming experience outside of your backlog thread), and maybe collect the links to those threads in a master list (we could pin that to the top of the forum), for when others post their threads in that forum as well and stuff gets buried ;)
Alternatively, you could just link to the first entry for every new game in your backlog thread, a bit like a table of contents.
Also, thanks for sharing those with us :)
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Actually I'm working on something group related that may be a good place for your diary entries ... Well, I don't want to tell too much or I'll just put pressure on myself -- right now I don't have enough time for this, so progress is slow.
Anyway ... just wanted to give this non-information as a little teaser ... I might come back to you and ask for your opinion once I have something testworthy :)
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Next week i finish my finals then i will join you people i still play a lot tho
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Hi there! I'm here to remind you that you've been in BLAEO for over 4 weeks now and haven't posted your thread yet. We also have a shiny new website now, where you can organize your Steam backlog and post about your progress. (Click here for a neat guide to get started.)
If you haven't shown any interest in being part of and participating in the group by at least
by next week (30. March), we will have to let you go from the group.
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I've been working on mine a bit recently.For a bit, I had a habit of starting, and not finishing games, and Christmas really put me behind here. You all are too damn generous.
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Same here, I often play the tutorial part, and by the time I get back to the game, I barely remember anything from the tutorial ^^"
Would you like an invite? The group/"pressure" from "going public" sort of helped me look at what I've started and finish at least a few of those games :)
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You write good reviews, I've read a lot of them :D
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cool, invited you. We have a review subforum, but there's not much going on yet. If you want to post your reviews there, feel free to either create a new thread for every review or collect everything in one thread :) (or you could just make a not in your regular backlog thread ;) )
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Maybe just maybe, this would be helpful...
I've got a couple hundred games to play, but I'm not really fond of singleplayer stories...I usually get tired fast and lose interest.
Then again, I am a sucker for achievements, but most games have hard achievements(unlike Make it indie!).
Life is hard, decisions have to be made. I can't promise anything, but I'd like to try trying at least ^_^
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oh I'm too shy for that, I don't even dare ask the people in my friend's list...
but I think maybe looking at other people's progress guilt trips me into playing more of my backlog ^_^
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Hi there! I'm here to remind you that you've been in BLAEO for over 4 weeks now and haven't posted your thread yet. We also have a shiny new website now, where you can organize your Steam backlog and post about your progress. (Click here for a neat guide to get started.)
If you haven't shown any interest in being part of and participating in the group by at least
by next week (30. March), we will have to let you go from the group.
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SIgn me up haha. I've been doing this for the last 3 years and making a blog out of it. xD
Also here's the site. I know you said thread but I already have everything here sooooo... yeah definitely serious about this lol. https://playtildrop.wordpress.com/
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wow, that's so cool! sent you an invite :)
You can just open a thread with the link and nothing else, if you want - it's just a precaution in case people apply just to get into a small group in order to have access to giveaways with better chances (fewer entrants). Since we don't really have any entry requirements and we're growing quite a bit now (didn't expect this ^^), we'll check for users with no threads periodically - can't promise that we won't accidentally kick you from the group if there's no thread ;) (we'll probably send out reminders first, but still,^^)
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I'd join. It's likely that i'll not be completing many games with my lack of free time at university currently but i'll still try my best.
Also I don't know if your aware of "completing the backlog" steam group but that basically does the same thing as yours. I use this group as well but will also post in this group :)
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Invited :)
I browsed their group page for a bit, but the group seemed pretty huge and impersonal. Also, I only found them about half an hour after creating this group XD But yeah, I don't know much about them, but I think the difference is that we're exclusive to SG and we're not quite as "groupy" - there won't be weekly announcements and giveaways etc., it's mostly up to the members to browse the forums and post/interact there, or on SG ... although we have some event-type things and an awesome surprise planned (at least one of those will start in March, the other one is up to its creator and probably needs a bit more time ^^)
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The willingness is there. The backlog too. And they coexist like water and oil.
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I will try my best. I've never intended to have a backlog and I recently decided to enter only wishlisted GAs... just to see my wishlist grow up to 500 titles :)
Thanks !
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And thanks for the blurry nature of the group obligations. I'll do my best for those too :)
May I ask you something ?
Would you kindly look at the games I won (around 40) and tell me which one you would like me to play first ?
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The group just came about from a thread revilheart made a while ago (linked in the OP), the main goal for the group was really just to not spam SG with every single little update and discussion about it ;) You can also check that thread for ideas on how to go about your backlog of SG wins.
If tables and batches aren't for you, here's what I think, although I don't know many of your games. So far I only played Overture (not for long, got old/repetitive fast for me and I read that it's really difficult to beat, unless you're into grinding or exceptionally good at it) and Schein (that was fun, a puzzle platformer with a message, sort of; it took a few days to beat and I had to look up how to defeat the bosses - for some I still don't know how it worked and why it sometimes didn't work). I also have Tales from the Broderlands, Frederic: Resurrection of Music and Unium on my to-play-lists, and would like to try Particulars and maybe Two Brothers, OlliOlli and Frozen Synapse Prime (I think I even have that in my library), so I guess just pick a genre you're more into right now and start :)
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Thanks for your in-depth answer ! This is a good place to start !
I'll tell you about my adventures as soon as possible !
(and make some GAs as soon as my slots will be available again :)
Cheers !
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Well, I'll try to contribute within these very open boundaries.
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Hi there! I'm here to remind you that you've been in BLAEO for over 4 weeks now and haven't posted your thread yet. We also have a shiny new website now, where you can organize your Steam backlog and post about your progress. (Click here for a neat guide to get started.)
If you haven't shown any interest in being part of and participating in the group by at least
by next week (30. March), we will have to let you go from the group.
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Hello nellyneko.
I'm sorry. My enthusiasm met some unexpected shortcomings. I won't be able to fulfill the requirements for being part of your very nice group. So I'm glad to leave my place for someone who can.
Cheers !
Maybe the next time...
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It should be for me. I love games. And I'm only entering wishlisted GAs so beating the shit out of my backlog should be my n°1 priority. It's just that I'm a bit overwhelmed these days and can't find the energy to play.
I'll apply in due form whenever I'll be better organized.
Great group. I love it. Especially:
this is not a GA group
Cheers !
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It's hard to find the motivation to play really anything, and when I do something comes up or my computer breaks :(
The group seems cool but I've kinda stopped making goals for myself because something always comes in the way and ruins them. Hopefully I'll do a good job going through my backlog on my own. Good luck to ya'll, have fun and bump.
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Thanks for the bump, Tree :)
Good luck with your backlog quests, I hope your computer gets better and/or stuff stops to come up ;)
(You can join anytime without goals, if you want, reading other people's thread is pretty motivating too ;) )
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We're working on new rules right now, sit tight if you're waiting to join - we'll open a new thread shortly :)
This thread was opened to introduce the group Backlog Assassins Extraordinaire, or BLAEO for short. This is what we do:
in dedicated threads and here on SGon our brand-new website O.O (thanks to mandrill!)What you need to have if you'd like to join us:
Requirement to stay in the group:
Please set up your backlog plan in your profile on our website and sort your games there, or post your progress thread in our Steam forums sometime within 3 weeks of joining - otherwise we may think you're not serious about your backlog and may ask you to leave the group ^^
Reply to this post if you'd like to join. Feel free to ask questions about the group here as well - I can't promise any answers, but I'll do my best.
We recently started excluding inactive members (no posts or organizing their profiles on the website since joining 4 weeks ago or earlier). If you feel we've made mistake excluding you, please post here with your reason(s) or contact us in the group's chat.
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