Folks love jumping on bandwagons. Memes are low effort. People are idiots. What more do you want?
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I agree that Steam is crap and I don't even spend my money there anymore these days, but I disagree about being "triggered" because I don't give a shit if people are amused by a meme. Fucking hell, I swear there are so many threads complaining about people doing certain things one way, or wanting people to stop doing certain things on SG these days... Can't we all agree to disagree? :P
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It's popular to go against everything now. Did you not get the memo?
I mean, I'd say he had a good point overall. The meme thing was cringeworthy and an awful topic starter, but what can you do, right?
With topics like this "agreeing to disagree" would probably be pointless. This is a harmless topic overall, so I'd say let them fight :D
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I just feel like being "triggered" by something so meaningless seems a bit, well... meaningless. To each their own I suppose.
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Way ahead of you. I stopped spending any real money on Steam (except for buying people presents and even then it is mostly Steam Wallet money and I first look if I can't find a better deal somewhere else especially with the new gifting bullshit) way back when they removed euro tier 2 (yup I am still butthurt because of that).
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These days, I mostly buy my games on GOG with no regrets. Steam as a platform is getting worse, but not because of its deals. They're accepting any kind of intrusive DRM (look at GTA IV/V, Far Cry Primal, etc., they've like 3 DRM protections with 2 accounts required), they've almost killed any sort of QA they previously had, they don't put any effort in trying to counteract the huge abuses by developers and users on their platform (look at cards, achievements, in-game RMT and DLC). They simply do not care anymore. Valve does not care about the quality of the games they sell and the service they offer as long as people keep logging in everyday and keep buying/trading/idling stuff.
So, as far as I'm concerned, who cares.
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So what? Getting triggered over an old meme is really pointless, live and let live.
And about steam sales. Yes, they're not as good as they used to be, there's also the fact that a few years ago I didn't had as many games as I have now and there wasn't that many alternatives to the steam store. I still come across some games that are only available thru the steam store. What am I supposed to do in those cases? I eventually give in and buy them.
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look at other point of view,GabeN saves your money :)
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The refund system introduced... well, refunds, but it also introduced the weaker sales. Pick your poison. Pay more and get a chance to redecide or pay less and get stuck with what you picked.
As to boycotting Valve... good on you, I guess. How much did you spend earlier though? Because it's one thing to claim you're boycotting something even though you used to be an avid customer, but it's another to say you're boycotting something that you never really used that much.
But, good on you, as I said. Personally, I won't join your crusade, but maybe someone else will. Good luck with it.
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" But i will not buy games from steam anymore (or maybe a DLC at 1€ every 6months)" So finally, you buy at Steam store or not?
Gabe is rich and what? He's alone behind Steam? There are no employees and families depending of Steam? Whatever, what's the problem about giving money for something? Do you realize you can buy at the Steam store with the money Steam is giving you? I mean, when you sell items on the market, that's essentially items you didnt really bought but items you won when playing the games you bought.
Games are maybe more expensive during Steam Sale but you have the opportunity to use this "free" money to finally spend less real money.
And I'm not talking about the fact resellers use the Steam system but dont have to pay for it (servers, bandwith, support...)
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Yes and not. If you are new on steam and have some money your wallet going to suffer... if you have tons of games by now the the maybe you find one or two things to buy on high discounts, not much more. But yeah, mainly the sales last two years was less impressive and alot less fun.
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sorry, but it's actually even worse than you thought ;) 5% fee is for market items only ;) The cut Valve takes per game sold is much higher - anywhere between 15 and 30% of sale price (some publishers can get lower cut with higher numbers of games sold) ;)
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a few days ago witcher 3 was priced 20€ on gog too
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You never heard of GOG? o.0
It was formerly called Good Old Games and used to specialise in releasing oldies, only the team always made sure that the games ran on modern systems. They are also the only digital store that always sells DRM-free games and never backed out of this, ever.
They are also the distribution company of CD Projekt Red, the guys who made the Witcher games.
Nowadays it is a store that stands out with its DRM-free policy, but otherwise they also sell new games. Mostly high-grade indie, naturally, as AAA publishers rarely dare to release a new game as DRM-free, but for example they had No Man's Lie on launch day too.
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They (Valve) have made some stats/analysis and conclusions about discount/event sales and shared them witth devs a while ago (that must still be publicly accessible). They were mainly saying it was better not to do too heavy discounts.
So, yes, don't expect crazy discounts anymore. And this confirms your feeling.
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But they changed their system so now you can't buy anything on sale to trade it later so it's a great advantage for developpers, they don't fear to see their keys on grey market.
It's something possible only for games sold on steam, so they could easily make bigger discounts on there. The inventory gifting removal should benefit to customers too.
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How come? Before I could buy a game on sale, store in my inventory, and only activated when I was going to play it. If for some reason I decide I don't want the game anymore I could gift/trade/giveaway it.
Now I can't do it so I probably don't spend my money on the game.
Another bad thing is trading: Before I could "buy" a game and pay with TF2 keys/hats. I could see the game in the other person's trade window/inventory so I know the trade is legit.
Now I only could trade for game keys, it's too much risky.
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... removing trade-able gifts along with the last region restriction update (15% price difference
= no gifting) was the last straw for me - never mind the shit discounts that ensued
this is the new steam, too bad though not even 5% of
steams active user base will have noticed any changes:
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that is probably the only good thing
for people living in countries where the stuff is cheaper it is good, as most online platforms are for everyone, thus asking for us prices
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Also bad things:
Before I could buy a game on sale, store in my inventory, and only activated when I was going to play it. If for some reason I decide I don't want the game anymore I could gift/trade/giveaway it.
Now I can't do it so I probably don't spend my money on the game.
Another bad thing is trading: Before I could "buy" a game and pay with TF2 keys/hats. I could see the game in the other person's trade window/inventory so I know the trade is legit.
Now I only could trade for game keys, it's too much risky.
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Steam take 5% on every items sold on the market (and there is a lot of transactions) and Gabe is rich.
So what? Did you think Valve is running Steam for the sake of the gamers. Wake up kiddo. It's a business and the only way a business can remain relevant is by making money. Or did you expect him, now that he is rich, to say "Yeah, fuck it. I'll give them the games for free".
They get the 5% for the service they provide for free (which is not even 5%, but rather 10%). And yeah it costs money to run Steam, who would have thought so.
Blaming Steam for the bad sales PUBLISHERS provide, is retarded. You better blame Bethesda, Activision etc. who still try to sell their 10 y/o games for 10$+. If you don't feel like buying on Steam, just don't. If you can find better offers out there, go for them and when the majority of the userbase will end up doing the same, Steam will die out.
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I agree about memes being infuriatingly stupid and about Steam changing many things for worse.
I don't think the sales are that bad, though. I have tons of small indie games on my wishlist and those get some pretty neat discounts on every sale, so I'm quite happy ;D
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Steam sale meme got me triggered. "Steam sale, my wallet is weak and will be destroyed."
We should be proud of our wallet and don't let anyone touch it.
This meme isn't valide anymore, let's face it, sales on steam are terrible now and steam in general isn't better. Very few good deals where there was very good saving on AA games.I also hear many crying about the recent changes, trading cards, drm, offline mode not working, no mobile app on windows phone, gift policies, worst and worst events. So i wish everyone hear me and dont buy from steam anymore. In this world our money is our voice.
There is now many resellers with good prices (i'm not talking about G2A). For those who think Steam needs a little bit of money : Steam
take 5% on every items sold on the market (and there is a lot of transactions) and Gabe is rich.
Overall I still love Steam, backgrounds, showcases, the application, the overlay. But i will not buy games from steam anymore (or maybe a DLC at 1€ every 6months) and i do not buy or sell cards on the Community market.
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