Generally I like watching stuff from:
However theyre generally someting you either love or hate. And lots of people find it too immature. But it's funny.
You could try some vids of them.
For the rest I don't have specific channels I watch: just random vids of comedic gameplay
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the ones i enjoy the most are VanossGaming and Markiplier
I like vanoss because it's probably some of the best comedy gaming videos on youtube and markiplier because he loves indie games and great comedy as well (also great random videos like meow or mark walks down the street )
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I don't watch much, but I loved Birgirpall. Be warned, it's just ridiculous funny, no serious gaming. At all.
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One my favourite lets players i watch regularly is imaveriq has sworn off from swearing, is insanely funny when things dont go his way, plays alot of different games, mostly whatever new and big comes out, plays with his family and friends, has good witty soft humor, can be fustrating at times at what the does, doesnt realize, doesnt play, but can be good to watch, isnt afraid of challanges but will complain and it will be funny :)
Another favourite is VertiigoGaming who mainly plays Rust but delves occasionaly into other games too he's extremly funny but can get quite rude, loud, and mean and perhaps at times annoying but he's a good laugh and is a very fast growing youtuber, alot of months ago had only like a thousand subscribers, now look at him, hes worth a watch.
If youre into fighting games like mostly Mortal Kombat, this youtuber by the name of uncagedgamez can be a good watch occasionaly its not 100% mortal kombat but there is alot of that, not too funny but can be perhaps worth a watch occasionaly, also has sworn off swearing.
If youre a fighting game maniac and want more than just that, go ahead and check out Maximilian Dood who is all about fighting games, pluss he has an incredible cute puppy and his friends acknowledged Sheeva's sexyness, so..yay..?
If you prefer complete douchebags, assholes, morons, idiotic, obnoxious, cancerous, immature, trolling, annoying, rude, constantly swearing, mean, loud faggot pricks that plays with that exact kind of friends and is too heavily investing into CSGO, CSGO cases, H1Z1, Gears of War, Gmod then this horrible person by the name of goldglovetv (aka brandon) is perfect for you to view and if you dont like guys like that, avoid like the plague.
An horrible waste of a human being that i could say the same about like with Goldglovetv, i could say the same about is cobaltstreak, only he is unhealthily obsessed with the duisgusting overrated ugly trash Issac rebirth and whatever games and plans to play it forever but hey, if thats your thing, here you go but i warn you, you wont be able to stand this douche, he stopped playing Darkest Dungeon so im free of him = slightly plays other games but ONLY barely.
If you like getting annoyed the living SHIT out of, this douchebag by the name of MetalCanyon will provide you with all your annoyance needs, who doesnt even play that alot of games, makes his videos short and records in advance far too much for comments to matter, is annyoing, you will hate his voice, attitude and personality and pretends like you didnt see the previous video. Why is he notable then? Because he is litearly the only lets player in whole of youtube to have extensively given a proper long lets play of a game i love and want to get if you can tolerate him (which i am, barely for now for XCOM 2 for..some..reason..) then maybe you will get hooked, who knows...
Looking for Hearthstone and generaly card game fanatics with no absolute desire to play anything else, is cocky and quite frankly bothersome perhaps as a faggot, look no further for Trump is here
This absolute shitbag who is obsessed with only few games like Darkest Dungeon, who is a complete intolerable douchebag, can be seen here with the name BaerTaffy just giving options here.
If strategy game players is what you seek, then this ugly annoying trolling obnoxious four eyed nerd will please you atleast a little, he plays multide of strategy games and is obsessed with the Command and Conquer franchise, unfortunatly he is too dense to be willing to try anything else he hasnt yet like Warcraft games, the first Starcraft (which he never played, only the second one), he also spoils games for himself that he wants to play and then when he records for youtube, that first time expierience is lost. But still, if youre into Heroes of Might and Magic and generaly strategy games, dont mind a moron who doesnt expand his gaming horizions, is too slow on uploads, can be rude, obnoxious, ignorant and gross (litearly duisgusting at times) and dont mind him playing garbage like a transport tycoon currently, then give this Irwe3 a try and if you could do me a favour and constantly tell him to try other specific strategy games he hasnt tried yet (which is alot), then please do that.
This person is ALL about strategy games, might sound uneasy at first or slightly annoying perhaps and is a complete noob BUT plays a vast amount of different strategy games daily and constantly, including old aged strategy games via multiplayer, then kindly give a chance at watching this Sergiu guy he's nice, plays with a couple good friends (who are also noobs) has good creative humor but is just the worst possible horrible noob there could be... he has seemingly played nearly all strategy games or simply ALOT of them, Stronghold, Total War, Cossacks, C&C, Age of Empires, you name it. He ofcourse has not played all of the classics but its still alot and if youre looking to play old strategy games in multiplayer, you might be able to hook up with this guy, he might be very aproachable about it and explains how to do it, aswell as his fans in the comments whom also help out.
If you like watching massacres and utter violence, this guy will satisfy you very well by the name of Sly Shooter =
Theres a straightforward dipshit who thinks he is tough shit but is quite annoying and full of it...but he tries to be proffesional at games with his horrible voice, rushing, noob mistakes and such, still if you think you can handle him, check out gamespeak im only watching him for Darkest Dungeon but he also plays The Division, has started Killing Floor 2 and some else, tries to provide guides.
I hate markidiot, cryfuck, jackfuckyoueye, cinnamondipshittoastken, ihaswhorequake, kateNOTlovelymomo, nolifesimmer, corycockkenshin and pewpleasediepie, who are too loud, enourmesly annoying, retarded, irritating, obnoxious, rude, ignorant morons, try hards and overrated, mainstream douches so i wont suggest them, id rather suggest you to avoid them like the dickens.
Theres more i could mention but ive forgoten about them, so, i spent a large portion of my limited time for this, hope it helps you out buddy.
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DanielFromSL Trolling gold: BowMaster Daniels
Daithi De Nogla
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Well, i don't know if this is yur type of comedy: Mario's Bad Trip. (
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GoldGloveTV is my favourite and he has played with Nanners before :3
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I know my opinion is not mainstream but I never got the point of watching videos of people playing for fun. I get it when it is in order to learn or get better (LoL-like games) or helping decide whether to buy or not a game (gameplays, etc), but never for fun. Isn't it better to play it yourself?
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This is the only gaming related channel that i watch :
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The time they played Dead Rising was definitely my favorite
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This is all the gaming channels i need, they do release a lot of content
I should also mention birgipall which i watch from time to time and the Game Grumps, i really dislike the games they play, mainly the Wii shovelware but they are undeniably good comedians
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