It a discussion about how to earn money.You can find new ways to earn money on this discussion.
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I have a bridge I desperately need to sell! I'll pay you one hay-peso for every brick you sell to non-terrestrial residents.
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yes i made like €90 out of it and you wont get banned since riot doesn't care
You also could give coaching lessons for like 5/10$ hour.
Or stream on and try to get noticed.
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I can have a job sorry for that.I was a little bit confused.Tell the job to me please.
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play cs:go, sell colored pixels - fill steam wallet!
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Okay,I have made a giveaway from a game I have won. I already reported it.I am feeling confused.After a while I am just thinking about how to get a gob.
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Because he didn't actually report himself for the regift (but several others did, so there's that), and because he thinks by covering it up, people won't sniff out his round-about way of begging for bundles.
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I report myself you can ask the moderators if you like.Just talking about earning money.If you are going to talk about regifting stuff,not about earning some money. You are free to go.
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so you want to make money from playing games? It's like trying to get money from walking to the park or from eating sweets.
It's near impossible do get money from doing "recreational" stuff, you know?
Just like Rauben said - get a job. any job. so you will have money. then spend it on games.
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There is no discussion. You've contributed nothing to it. Short of selling your identity online to disreputable people, you're not going to find a way to magically make money appear for you.
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It's a real one if you'll talking about real work talk about it.I am ready to contribution if you don't understand.Not magically with sweat and tears of course.
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I have already sold them but thanks.If somebody didn't know it it can be helpful
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I'll pay for some hot webcam action. Put on something comfortable.
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So far, as much as I observed, there are few ways to live of playing games.
First, become "YouTuber", meaning create content for YouTube by posting "Let's plays", "Play through" and/or become reviewer of some kind.
Second, become "Twitch" streamer. Also, this works well in conduction with creating YouTube content.
Third, become professional e-sport player.
All 3 are not mutually exclusive, but can even become quite complementary, i.e. pro-MOBA players streams its practices via Twitch, and at end of the day posts highlights on YouTube.
What ever you chose I hope it will bring you happiness and fortune.
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Thank you finally not a troll who is thinking about just reporting and calling you to something bad. I am just trying found out how to earn money.
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Thank you.I want to just talk about earning money.I made a mistake,I am feeling not ok.
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I don't know where you're living, but there is lack of jobs on the market. Not to speak of that for average payed job you need university diploma, regardless of field. And even than you will barely have for ends meet, without much extra for buying games.
For any of jobs I listed, you don't need education, because by its nature games are learning experiences. I do agree that you need time to start making "good" money and that you need charisma. Also, you forgot to tell that most of the streamers do not live of partnership with Twitch and revenue of ads is quite small, but from donations from viewers and partnerships with digital shops, sponsors, especially pro players.
Also, I don't like you focus on major titles, its true that they have largest prize pools, but also largest competition. While "smaller" titles do have smaller prize pools, they do have companies who sponsorship teams/players who play those games too.
I have few more remarks, but it will not help cavalryleader, anymore then I've already said.
All in all, anything that I gave as suggestion is viable, but it does require time and work, work and work.
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Good Idea . Thank you. What about robbing McDonalds? :P
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If you're ready to go down this way, though, at least have them make you some fresh burgers and fries and wash it all down with a milkshake. Going to jail on an empty stomach sucks.
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I'll do you one better. Fill up an empty vodka bottle with water. Knock em out with the stone, take the money, leave the bottle. Troll x3 for the lulz.
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Not all items are marketable, sometimes you get drop and you can't put it on market, on Dota 2 and CSGO everything is marketable and you get much more money than you get from TF2, CSGO is kinda best since you can go to afk server and and get few drops every week, Dota 2 is good but you have to play game, and Dota 2 is best when there is event (mini-game) going on, during winter event (Wraith Night) I earned 50+ euros from selling stuff on steam market then there is Diretide event that is around 1st august and event for Chinese new year at the end on january, during those 3 events you can earn more then 150 euros..
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If you talk about giveaway,I already report myself. ı just opened that for persons who wants to find a useful work they can do.
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