I even tried "Who is?" and "Who is", and so on, but I missed "Who is Totec". It was clearly simple.
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The puzzles are OVER, missed them? Want to know what was in that picture? Here are the solutions.
The puzzle that ended on the 15th had a prerequisite puzzle that ended last week and was hidden in a thread that I said I couldn't find, yet I kept bumping.
To make it a little more obvious that there was a hidden thread there were stats to both rounds of the puzzle and left a major hint.
The hint was the Ninja Proof puzzle
Solutions to the ninja proof
1. What Humble Bundle is this bonus from? (number)
2. What games do you get with this code?
Braid, Lone Survivor, Super Meat Boy
3. When was this game released for PC? (Picture of cover art for Braid)
April 10, 2009
4. 01010011 01110101 01110000 01100101 01110010 00100000 01001101 01100101 01100001 01110100 00100000 01011111 01011111 01011111 01011111 01011111 00111111
This translated to "Super Meat _____?" The answer was "boy"
5. I need to check if you're human.
Simon says, "say banana in spanish"
This one had a VERY obvious hint. The answer was literally "say banana in spanish" (no quotes)
Once solved I gave a code for the games and left a hint:
By the way, if my hint blinded you, you should REALLY proceed to the other thread. If you don't know about the other thread, you're already behind and you need to solve a prerequisite puzzle for my new puzzle.
At this point, you had to find my other thread: http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/MeyVp/venus-transit-now-its-over-ill-post-solutions-sometime-tomorrow
On the page, there was an obvious link to a paste bin that said you needed to find the puzzle on the page. The puzzle was hidden in the last period where i wrote "This is already more interesting than E3..."
After clicking, you'd find another itstoohard puzzle: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/F6PDAhFA
I wanted to make the puzzle somewhat linear and have hints throughout.
Round 1 Puzzle solutions
1. What is the usual format to giveaways at steamgifts?
2. When in doubt, where do you go?
google (there were many ways to write this)
3. What happens when you mix a Apprentice, Squire, Huntress, and Monk?
You were supposed to google "Apprentice, Squire, Huntress, and Monk" and you'd quickly find that they are all playable characters in dungeon defenders. So Dungeon Defenders was the answer.
**4. Dig deeper.
00110100 01100100 00100000 00110100 00110100 00100000 00110100 00110101 00100000 00110111 00110111 00100000 00110100 01100100 00100000 00110101 00110100 00100000 00110100 00110101 00100000 00110111 00110111 00100000 00110100 01100100 00100000 00110101 00110100 00100000 00110100 00110001 00100000 00110011 01100100**
When this code gets translated, you get hex, from the Hex you get Base 64, from the base 64 you get binary. From the binary, you get Z.
**5. (A strange picture of a circle with dots on it)
There were LOADS of hints for this one. The circle is the sun, the darker circles were duplicates of venus and the smallest dots were sun spots. Throughout the thread I said that my eyes were hurting from staring at the sun. There were a couple of ways to solve this. The first would be if you picked up on all my references on being blinded by the sun and looked up or understood braille. The dots were braille for the letter c. The second way would be in the EXIF data of the image, where i wrote that it's lowercase and gave it 3 stars. From here you can either brute force till you got c or translated the 3 stars to c.
Once solved, you get a message: "You Mad bro?"
From this point all you had to do was take all the hints and letters and just combine them. You'd get ZcMad and thats the code for Dungeon Defenders.
Round 2 Puzzle Solutions
After seeing a closed giveaway, in the description was the entry to the main puzzle. Once again, it started with a pastebin. From the pastebin, you are lef to another itstoohard puzzle
1. MzAgMzEgMzAgMzEgMzAgMzEgMzEgMzEgMjAgMzAgMzEgMzEgMzAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzAgMzEgMzEgMzAgMzAgMzAgMzAgMzEgMjAgMzAgMzEgMzEgMzEgMzAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzAgMzAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMzAgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzAgMzEgMzEgMzEgMzEgMzAgMzAgMzEgMjAgMzAgMzEgMzEgMzAgMzAgMzEgMzAgMzEgMjAgMzAgMzEgMzEgMzAgMzAgMzAgMzAgMzEgMjAgMzAgMzEgMzEgMzEgMzAgMzAgMzEgMzAgMjAgMzAgMzAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMzAgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzAgMzEgMzEgMzAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMzEgMjAgMzAgMzEgMzEgMzEgMzAgMzAgMzEgMzEgMjAgMzAgMzAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMzAgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzAgMzEgMzEgMzAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMzEgMjAgMzAgMzEgMzEgMzEgMzAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzAgMzAgMzEgMzEgMzEgMzEgMzEgMzE=
This was simple Base64 that converted to hex, then to binary. From the binary you get: What year is it? The answer is 2012.
**2. Who's the girl in this puzzle? http://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=07d5c0de5345
The answer was Lara Croft or Tomb Raider. If you continue looking at the picture, there was a number 6 just laying there.
3. How many symbols have I given you so far?
This question was meant for you to know that you missed something, you could brute force it, and once you get to 2 you'd know that there was another symbol hidden in a question before this one. So, the first question didnt have anything, then the puzzle must've had 2 digits. The picture only had the 6, however there was a question in the tags: "What was the first letter of that planet?" The planet I was referring to was Venus, v was the second letter.
4. There was a game in a bundle I dropped earlier, there was a picture in it, what was the first letter of that game? 01001001 01101110 00100000 01101000 01100101 01111000
For this question, you needed to find the ninja drop puzzle again and find a picture. The picture was of Braid. However, when you attempt B, it doesn't work. Thus, you convert the binary and it says "In hex." OK, so what is B in hex? 42
I have to test your humanity
Simon says, "say banana in spanish"
Same answer as before. "say banana in spanish"
6. My puzzles wouldn't be complete without a picture.
Find the question ??? and write it below.
Once again, there were a couple of ways to solve this. Looking at the picture you find morse code: ".-- .... --- / .. ..." and it translates to "Who is". So who is the guy in the picture? There were a couple of hints to this. The first was Tomb Raider and references to light. So you'd either know that the guy is from Lara Croft GOL and find that his name was Totec, or you'd look at EXIF data from the picture and find the name Totec written there. The answer was "Who is Totec"
Once solved, the remaining code is revealed:
"You should know how to put these things together by now. #xXCj"
Thus, the code was 6vBCj
And that was the end of the puzzle. I'm sure I'll do more puzzles in the future and they probably wont require those puzzles.
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