From my experience, you get what you pay for, specially with routers.
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I use an Asus RT-AC66U and I absolutely love it for all my devices. I'm pretty sure there is newer versions, but this one is super fast and I also flashed some custom Merlin firmware on it.
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Linksys used to be good, but there are plenty others out there. I'd try to find one that lets you run custom firmware such as DD-WRT or Tomato as often you can take a cheap next to useless featured router and turn it in to a premium featured router comparable (feature-wise) to ones that cost 10x or more the price
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I have an Asus RT-AC68U and it's the best router I used so far.
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I recommend a TP-Link TL-WR1043ND v3 it is easy to set up, you also have a lot of option about multimedia ..etc it support pendrive or external HDD you just have to plug in the usb 3.0 to the back, its easy and usefull. I have a Synology NAS, some Smart TV's, iPads, Laptops, Consoles(PS4....etc) It works flawlessly! You can also change the frimware for OpenWRT or any other you can find a lot of uniqe one :) I'm using My TL-WR1043ND v2 since 2011 without any problem !!!!
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I have this:
and this:
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The Asus ones are quite well, i agree. Maybe also have a look at the new one from ASRock G10
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What do you mean with IP conflict and not all devices can connect??
You might want to make sure that is not an issue other then your router that is causing it,As if it is something else then a new router will do little to fix it..If your not getting a good signal it will not connect even if it picks up a signal if it is too weak it will not connect like it should.Not all devices not connecting may mean you have to many trying to connect or the signal is not strong enough...
More details about your problem as it might be fixed without buying a new router..Also remember with like wirless N if that is what your using the speed is faster and the signal is stronger,but the down side to that is the signal does not go as far as the older stuff does.
Asking what a good router is like asking where to find some nice girls,you will get 100 different answers and just as many opinions,my best advice is to rule out that it is the router.
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Finally, there was no real ip router was not able to get an ip because I plug the link in the wrong port-_-. Stupid me XD.
But there are some issues like sometime, it is impossible to connect a new device to wifi, I have to reboot the router.
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Well sometimes a router needs a reboot to flesh out issues...
The more you got connected and the more data you pump through the router the higher odds that things will get throwing off,but the reboot to get new devices to connect is a bit odd...
Have you tried updating the firmware or doing a factory reset,it may be due to a glitch in the firmware or an update to fix a issue.
What model is it and how is this router?
Though i would almost go as far to say i think it more of best way i can describe it is,device over load where to many devices are being connected and that is causing the issues/conflict..
This might be hard to do being that so many are attached to the net and devices,but to disconnect all devices from the wireless and then used one at a time and see how that goes for awhile and each time just add more and so on.Watch for issues or other things to pop up and if you connect say 5 devices and the 5th one has issues but the others did not i would assume it just to many devices connected.
Here is a good place to start..
Like i said given the devices you say you have connected i am just leaning toward it just to much for the router to handle and causes things to go wonky.
Not good to have every device in the house connected at once,that is a lot of bandwidth to handle and can cause issues.
Good luck...and if all else fails just to a Wal-mart and get a router that will closest match the speed you will need for the devices connected as the box will tell you how much bandwidth it can give out.
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Well, yeah, lot of devices connected can cause errors :) But it's more when my printer is sleeping and is not priting because it can't get an ip. But all devices are not always connected at the same time. But we are 4 in the house, with our cell phones, the printer and others wireless only devices. But our computer are connected with a cable, but there is still a router at the end. So I mostly need a router with a good DHCP(for adressing all thoses ip adress without ip conflict) and able to load lot's of device. There is two in this thread that are interesting. And thank you alot for your help :)
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Hi, I want to buy a new router. I'm sick of the one I have at home. Right now, there is an ip conflict with the wifi and all wifi device do not work. And there is some heavy gaming in the house, multiplayer ones. So, what do you recommend? Low price is better, but if there a super epic router at 200$, I might get it, so do not restrain your advice :)
EDIT: No more ip conflict. Error was mine. I was stupid and replug the cable in the wrong port.
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