I call bullsh*t.... I also care about you and others here. I like your posts, they get me crackin up.
BTW, does it hurt your fingers to pick boogers through that mask??? :P
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From my old notepad on deviantart
The suffering
You which you overthrow on knees.
You which you retake the joy of the life.
You which you leave scars in my soul.
I do not want you, but you are nearby by the whole life.
The spark of the life,
you are like,
the soap bubble,
so beautiful,
so gentle,
so elusive.
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I dunno, I mean english grammar agrees with you, I looked before just replying nuh unh. But phonetically its still pronounced koodnt. So while the rules of contraction mean its a syllable shorter, pronunciation still gives 2 distinct sections of the word. So your right, but imo, only on a technicality.
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Aw, don't be like that. There's some good everywhere, you just have to seek it out. Cheer up and live life at its fullest. :)
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That's also fine. Sometimes it's not about what we are expected to do or what we should do, but just carrying on with our life. There will be better days.
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Honestly, just find something to occupy your time. Play a video game, watch a new tv series or watch porn. Sadly, like isn't supposed to be exciting and entertaining on a constant basis (only about 1% of population get to live that sort of life). You're just going through a phase, we all do at some point. Trust me when I say, life is worth it. :)
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That's where the phase I'm talking about comes in. I understand to an extent what you're in, I was at a stage where nothing interested me and I just felt like doing nothing. Heck, if hibernating for a few months was an option I would have taken it. I can't tell what caused it for you, on my end was when my ex broke up with me. It was quite a crappy time of my life where I was debating life just a little bit, didn't really consider suicide tho. (seen enough people committing suicide over love on the news, concluded straight away you won't see me on Sky News). If you virtually can't find anything to do that used to interest you, all I can say is find new interests. For example, I love football and tennis. Before the break up, I'd barely go out to play either of them because of laziness or else. A while after the break up, I ended up playing far more sport (not anymore, because laziness :p) which was a good way for me to occupy my time.
If you are going through a break up, just stay positive. You will realise sooner or later that one person it's not worth that much. If you're not, I hope what I said helps anyway. Good luck. :D
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More human interaction. Less porn and gaming in your darkened room.
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Well, you were already in my extremely small whitelist, so you must be one of the good guys. And ratios have nothing to do with that.
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To be honest I don't care about the giveaway, although I'm sure it's a nice game and the winner will appreciate it.
Just... Don't be sad. Or at least, don't be too sad.
Shit fucking sucks sometimes. And sometimes it doesn't.
I wish I could say something deeper but today was shitty, and the best I can do is tell you that a stranger feels simpathetic...
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I don't know what happened, but everything is just a phase. Sometimes when i'm tired of life i try to do something different,like going in some place it makes me forget about all the bullshit.
Cheer up \o/
i'm not very good in words... but i really hope it helped a little...
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Have you considered traveling/backpacking? It's not necessarily for everyone, or a cure-all, but it's definitely changed my life for the better. I've learned some things about myself , and made some positive changes, that I don't think I would have if I'd never left the country and experienced new places and cultures.
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Oh snap, is she single? Just kidding :P All my friends are either getting married or having kids, but I just can't see myself having them. Don't get me wrong, I like other people's kids, just not sure I'd make a great parent. Maybe I just don't want to grow up.
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I dont know, she doesnt talk to me. I havent seen my grandsons since August of last year. Her and their christmas presents/birthday presents are all still sitting in my closet gathering dust. No there was no falling out, theres just no relationship there. Yet another reason I am so against the family court system in the US. How can one be expected to build a lasting relationship with their child, when you are only allowed to see them for 40 hours a month? Dont get me wrong, I dont blame her at all, and I still make the effort to stay in her life, but my messages go unanswered, my phone calls go unreturned etc.
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Ah, that's a bummer, sorry to hear that. Well, there's still time for her to come around... I know I didn't have a great relationship with my dad until the last few years. And I agree, the family court system is a mess. I have a friend who works for the DSS and some of the stuff he tells me makes my blood boil.
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First and foremost, thanks for the GA.
As for the whole "sick of life" thing, life's not fair, and you're not the only one with problems. Seek advice from friends or family instead of turning to the internet and making it seem (i'm only saying it looks) like you're an anxious 14 year old at an edgy mood looking for attention from the web. Be thankful for what you've got, like a computer with Wi-fi and enough games on steam to be allowed on this site in the first place.
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Lol, I didnt mean to seem ungrateful for the things I have. I'm well aware some people have real problems to worry about, I just needed to vent not for the attention, but in a hope that vocalizing it will help me get past it.
Edit: This forum and a couple others are the closest things I have to friends and family. Antisocial does not begin to describe me.
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That's actually a fair point. Sorry if i sounded too harsh, i just see too many people who do it JUST for attention. Good luck with whatever's going on. You can let life punch you down a few times, happens to everyone, but the twist is that you can also get up every time and raise your favorite finger at life. Goodnight.
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Thinking "very disinterested in life" is usually sign of clinical depression. i am not saying you are, no one over the internet can diagnose someone, but you also cannot diagnose yourself. Hope you find something to interest yourself in.
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Yes, i think many people think depression means giving up, but only severe cases of depression people feel like they want to give up. There are many others that feel no happiness, or lack of interest, etc. The way the world is going is making it more difficult to not be depressed. It is becoming a struggle for more and more people.
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I feel you. With all the tuff going on worldwide, and at home personally, I sometimes feel the same way. Hope you have an ok day when you see this :)
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I hear you man. Sometimes things just suck. Still, I know you know it'll turn around. Call it what it is, just a bad day, and take the next as it comes.
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That's just stupid, why would you say such a thing? Not being happy about anything is in no way a permanent state.
I would seriously advise against saying people should end their lives on the internet, you have no idea who reads this and what their condition is.
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Just remember there's always people around you who care about you!
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There are always new things to try and new hobbies to see if you like! Always keep moving until you find something you love! Hope it gets better my friend! :)
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I dont even have it in me to make some bullshit topic or puzzle, so here just have this, https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/jlw2d/hurtworld it's all you care about anyways.
(Clarification) I'm not depressed or suicidal guys, just sick of life. Maybe thats a thin line of difference to some of you, not to me.
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