Star citizen was released the following week. Until may 8, anyone can download alpha version 3.5 and see at what stage the game is.

5 years ago

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Nice. I think I'll give it another go. I downloaded it last time they had a free week but it didn't run very well. I've got an SSD since then so hopefully I'll notice an improvement. Interested to see how it's coming along.

5 years ago

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how is going the development o f the game...?? i followed this game years ago i cant remember when... its finished?

5 years ago

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"wait, we have to FINISH the game? sheeeit"

5 years ago

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I'll give it a try when it's 1.0

So in 20never

I only wanted the SP part anyway. Good thing that's completely done and will be released in 2016.

5 years ago

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I'm not sure what you're trying to say here with the "was released the following week" bit. It's still in alpha though?
Do you mean like an anniversary or something?

I've long since lost faith in it when I realised they held a convention for it, an unreleased game, while still accepting purchases under the guise of 'fundraising'. Well, that, and as someone who bought a lower-end ship package (including the singleplayer and an Avenger), after spending forever downloading it on my slow-yet-stable connection, I logged in to find that to play the arena mode you had to make a separate purchase. A year and a half later, and someone on a random chan-style forum said that it's free now. Downloaded the whole shebang again and it was a big nope on that front. Worse yet was that when I actually got to try it out on a 'free fly' weekend, I was frequently disconnected early in sessions because small amounts of packetloss / stutter / lagspikes resulted in whole "connection lost" reaction in a VS AI mode.

Star Citizen is a lovely idea, but ever since they realised there is more money to be had in generating ship content rather than in expediting the body of the project, it's just going to be milked to death while veering further and further towards microtransaction hell. I mean, it'll probably be finished eventually, but it's going to be less of a game with a full soul and more of a weird life-support symbiote used to float their entire company.

5 years ago

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+1, know what you mean. I was psyched for this game, years ago. Couldn't wait to get my hands on it......not anymore. Won't buy it, won't get it, even if they release today, the full game. Now, I'm waiting for Cyberpunk 2077.

5 years ago

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Wow, according to the Development Timeline the kickstarter campaign ended in 2012. I completely forgot about Star Citizen because even by 2016 no end of development was in sight. In hindsight i probably wouldn't have kickstarted it, if someone had told me that it would take more than eight years till release. (Planned release currently Q1 2020)

5 years ago

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Well, it was supposed to be released in 2014...

I mean, who hasn't been 6 years late with their project, right?

5 years ago

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Actually I'm sure that it will be released eventually. But the longer they took and the more features they added, the more I grew suspicious if the final product will be something I want to play. I wanted a good old space-sim with a nice story and when they announced it, I hoped for a predecessor of the brilliant game "Freelancer", but in the end I am not sure if I will play the game at release due to complexity...

5 years ago

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owlboy took 10 years to release.
though star citizen seems like bad management if there are any at all.

5 years ago

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Owlboy didn't have hundreds of millions though. Also, they were working on other projects in the meanwhile and they didn't crowdfund. That excuses it, I'd say.

Star Citizen is crowdfunded. They wanted $500,000 and they've hoarded half a million (yes, 500000%) percent more than that. They sell items that don't exist in the game.

5 years ago

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Duke Nukem?

5 years ago

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This scam is still around?

5 years ago

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No, you're hallucinating this entire discussion.

5 years ago

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He's not that far from the truth, they have lost millions in uncertain aspects: (minute 4:49)

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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