Well if people like you, they might put you on their whitelist . And if said people make whitelist giveaways, then you have an even better chance of winning games. Also joining different groups helps a lot. For group giveaways the pool of people entering is smaller, since only group members can join.
Annd to answer your initial question it took me about 3 weeks for my first win.
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If people don't like you they'll put you on their blacklist meaning you can't enter their GAs.
And don't come here expecting to win something.
It's luck. You could go for thousands of entries without a win.
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he just use 39/25,915. its your overall win chance so far.
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that's wrong then, you can't know the chances of win giveaways with that info.
you need the info of each giveaway you entered.
then you can know the average chances that you got to win a giveaway.
because we are talking about really small numbers of chance in each giveaway, that 39/25,915 isn't accurate at all.
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still, the same, you can't say success rate without counting every giveaway entry and get the succes rate for each individual giveaway entered.
in any case this is the average success rate, not the chances to win or the succes rate.
you can't just take two numbers and say whatever you want, maths don't lie, but you need to say the correct solution not the first that come to your mind.
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If 1000 people enter each giveaway and there is one winner of each giveaway, you're likely to win once out of every 1000 tries. Each draw is random, of course, so you theoretically could win every single giveaway you enter. Or none at all. Your chances of winning each giveaway depends on the number of entrants and the number of copies.
So entering giveaways with more copies and/or fewer total entrants will give you better chances of winning.
This site has 4 primary ways you can restrict access to giveaways:
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I've been very lucky and won a public GA after 7 days when I joined, back in 2013.
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I didn't have to wait. I won on my first entry ;) Given it was a 100 000 copy giveaway where everyone won. In all seriousness, you'll probably win 1 in a 2000 of the public giveaways. If you level up you can access more giveaways which usually contain higher quality games, and you contribute to the community.
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I strongly suggest Unlucky 7 group and ESGST add-on.
Day or entry counts doesn't matter. Your chance per giveaway matters. You should check puzzles and groups sections.
Btw making giveaways is a great gateaway.
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my first win came just after my first 300 points spend
so i got pretty lucky back then
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Hi. I am new here. Its my third day here.
Registered: Yesterday, 2:13 am.
How many accounts do you have?
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If you really want to know then look at the users here: https://www.steamgifts.com/users
From their profiles you can see when they registered and when they first won
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My first win was roughly 3 months after I registered and I was just over 3000 entries... it was a DLC I already owned (the site sometimes does this, worth double checking GAs every now and then). It gets better eventually, so just keep on keeping on'.
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Congrats on your first win. :)
For me I think it took a few months.
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It depends. I won 2 games within my first week of joining... but both had a large amount of copies available.
A mistake newbies make is just entering a bunch of things to see if they'll win. Try to go for stuff you do genuinely find interesting as you'll get more out of it in the long run. Check the forums for puzzles and things that you can solve to enter GAs with less entries. Also, if you buy bundles, consider giving away the games that you'll never play, that will increase your level so you can enter for more GAs with less entries.
Good luck. (and congrats on first win ^^)
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It took months for me to win a public giveaway, but for private group giveaways it took mere days or no more than a few weeks for me to get a win from them.
My very first win was actually from a whitelist giveaway one month after I joined SG.
Generally speaking, the chance of winning a giveaway by GA type is as follows: Whitelist, private group, public group, public GA.
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Hi. I am new here. Its my third day here. I have been claiming games left and right but so far haven't won anything. But surely if i come here daily and spend my points, then at some point i am bound to win something, right? I mean i get that my chances of winning a specific giveaway are very slim, since there are a lot of other people participating, but if i do that over, say, 400 days, and each day i participate in from 10 to 20 draws, then at some point i will have to win something, like? I mean, it would be highly unlikely that i wouldn't, right? How long did it take for you to win your first game?
EDIT: I am fucking lucky. just won a game.
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