Hi there. I'm new here :D
I've got some unused games keys I didn't use from a bundle I bought. Is it ok to create a giveaway using these keys?

Thanks :)

11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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Sure :) As long as they are Steam redeemable keys!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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umm, does it mean Bundle games worth less than regular games or something? Sorry, I didn't really get it :D

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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It means that you get the full value of the game's worth up until a certain point. That point is either (if I recall correctly) $30.00 or a certain percentage of your contributor value based on how many non-bundled games you give away.

Whichever is higher.

Meaning if you give nothing but bundled giveaways, regardless of whether you bought them as a bundle or from the steam marketplace, then you will not get more than the $30.00 for your contributor value (no matter how many you give away).

11 years ago

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Yes! You can make a giveaway with any Steam redeemable gift/key.
Just if you didn't know yet, read this Info about Bundle keys

11 years ago

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If you didn't used the keys already it is OK. But if the bundle games have a value over $30.00 it doesn't count.

11 years ago

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Could someone please explain what cv is? :) What does it affect?

11 years ago

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CV is contributor value. The only thing it affects is what giveaways you can enter. Sometimes people make giveaways where you have to have so high of a CV to enter.

ETA: Bundle games, without giving away any others, will only give you up to $30 CV. Once you give away non-bundled games, you start to get a portion of whatever is left from the bundled value. The math is in the post linked up there. Bundle games are denoted by a * in the giveaway list.

11 years ago

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Great, thank you :)

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Yolei.