But for me, I only do it when I have concerns of scamming or regifting from the person.
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there are so many dumb reasons in there. I guess i just got blacklisted again today for them.
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Yeah, references to "devils" or any sharp objects will result in a swift PERMA-LIFE-(ULTRA)BAN
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The game is not bundled, and its very fun as well. I played it with the dev team such an awesome people and had much fun is it a bad thing to giveaway something thats actually good just because its cheap somewhere??
Yeah sure i can spam the giveaway section with 50 of that 1$ bundle to rise my CV just like everyone else does :) But no i actually found a good game and You know by spreading that game more we can actually help this small game to become more popular
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I used to blacklist people for not saying thanks, for being rude, or breaking SG rules.
recently I thought about it and realized that there isn't many reasons why I wouldn't want someone to win my giveaway. I may not like some people, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't win a game they might actually want to play.
So to answer your question I only blacklist people who I find extremely rude or a constant rulebreaker. I only have two people on the list currently.
23 blacklists isnt that bad at all. People blacklist for all kinds of reasons. They could hate your name or avatar. They could disagree with an opinion you posted or hate a giveaway you made. Even making this thread will get you some blacklists. Don't worry about it because the small amount is a tiny percent of the website :)
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Yup you are right, just got another 4 blacklists after posting this thread lol. Well glad that Blacklisting work both ways now :)
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I only blacklist for one of two reasons: a) being a scammer; or b) being an intolerable jerk.
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Pretty much a lot of the annoying spammy attention whore types that frequent this site and are always starting threads. I have a lot of the "popular" people on here blocked; not that that would matter much to them since I haven't listed much in awhile.
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Well shit, apparently I'm not popular enough to be blacklisted.
Line starts here. +1s behind me.
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Sir you need to check your definition of popular, it's obviously messed up if I'm considered popular
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That's an interesting reason. Do you generally dislike the creation of threads? Which is rather strange since a forum would go dead without new threads being created.
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These are my blacklist reasons. I don't check as much (#5), but I will go by "real" CV.
I go through my BL every month or so and delete accordingly. For every blacklisted user, and there aren't that many, there is a note, using ESGST, explaining why they are there. For instance, #NeverForgetKonrad.
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Just started using ESGST script just a week ago. It was getting hard to track BL. Specially after that re-gifts from mass GA of "The Lost Valley". I have gone through the list and created tags for them which has made way more easier to track them. Cleared remaining ones.
I also went by CV ratio before, but once I encountered a user with 230:2 won/sent ratio. I checked for playtime and found >1 achievement % more than 40% and >25% complete more than 10%, so I thought why not go by playtime/achievement ratio, as there are some users who genuinely can't afford buying games or gift games but want to play games. It would be more fair.
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I don't usually blacklist people for making ONE mistake. Like not activating one gift or not sending one game etc. But if they do it often... There's this guy who won a gift from me. I checked his profile, he had won 40 games and given 0, which is fine by me, that's what levels are for, if I made a level 0 giveaway it's because I wanted someone at level 0 to win and maybe consider contributing to the site, but the thing is: He made 2 giveaways, both fake. I never wanted a reroll so bad in this 10 months I'm using SG. In fact, I never even wanted a reroll before.
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Yeah i have learned a hard lesson with the level 0 giveaways...Never to do them again
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My current blacklist is: ZERO.
I only blacklist for scamming, extreme rudeness or being blacklisted (if im aware of- i don't care enought to discover who blacklisted me for stupid/random reasons since i gave none).
I recall one scam attempt when i was still new on the site but that was before Blacklists if im not mistaken.
Ever since i haven't been scammed nor offended directly.
I hope 2 way blacklists fixes a good amount of the blacklist insanity but that doesn't seem enougth for me. How endless they can be for any/whatever reason will always lead to weird 'abuse'. I can't call it abuse per se as, after all, no one should be forced to gift someone they don't want to but come on, how trigger happy many users are borders being offensive. Its unfriendly, rarely polite and so often immature.
Its against everything i believe any online community should be much less one around gifting.
Not saying all bls are like that mind you. Surely theres dumb people being offensive, abusive or rule breaking being blacklisted left and right as they should - but by the amount of blacklisting going around i doubt the 'fair and reasoneable blacklisted' reaches half of it. Heck, it probably not even in the 30%.
Thankfully i haven't met any nasty users myself. Surely ive seen tons of leechers, ungrateful and so on- but i myself have been lvl 0 with no income at some point ('leecher' until i could start giving back more), most doesn't deserve the time id spent double checking and blacklisting and most importantly - they won't see the good and best GAs anyway, people high-lvl, whitelist and group those... so why bother so much?
I know some of my 29 blacklisters were because of unplayed wins - GAs i won with no hdd spare (seriously, im with 1-10 gigas left daily, i fill it up as soom as i clear some) and or others on my backlog to finish. Guess they don't have backlogs nor took their time to play anything.
The others i know i gave no reason. Curious thing is how my blacklisting increased two fold quickly after i started thanking GAs for entering because some people were blacklisting for non-commenting entries... (facepalm)
At the end of the day happy trigger blacklisting seens to me like almost a poison in the community. It generates drama, countless discussions that are just waste of time and server space- and lead to more blacklisting, more drama... We could be better then that.
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Oh unplayed wins people blacklist for that? Hmm there should be at least somewhat given period before someone blacklist you for not playing the game.
I personally have been busy with my studies and i couldn't play any of what i won
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I blacklist black people and whitelist white people. I mean it's right there in the name...
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I have a feeling that someone is gonna get triggered from that comment.
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I only blacklist people who are extremely rude, rule breakers if they don't do anything to address the issue when told about the guidelines, racists, or mostly anyone being generally an asshole or disrespecting others and their opinions. Honestly though, I've been tempted to wipe my blacklist and quit using it. I only have 18 people there, most of who are inactive.
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I only blacklist people that have already blacklisted me. :P
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I dunno, I don't have anybody on my blacklist - so far. Guess who ever manages to get on there has to be super rude and/or a total jerk. Apparently I was lucky so far ;)
Although there seem to be a few ppl who think something like that of me. Not sure what's going on there. Might be because I'm so tolerant or something. They always seemed to pop up after I commented a tolerant discussion, quite suspicious really ;)
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´ll just say what a good percentage is always so afraid of expressing:
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I have been looking at my states and wondering since a while why I got black listed from 23 person!
I'm usually not talkative in here and I always say thank you if i won someone's giveaway.
Funny thing is getting one blacklist and a white list yesterday at the same time
I only blacklisted one person for personal reasons (being extremely rude) but that was it.
You tell me guys for what reason(s) do you blacklist or white-list someone?
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