So I ran a giveaway for a game, the person who won is now running a give away for the same game he won off me which was started nearly immediately after he won the game from me.

Isn't that against the rules.. left no feedback to boot..

9 years ago

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Maybe its a different copy :S

9 years ago

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it's possibly I assume, but highly doubtful, if they already had a copy of the game why would they have entered the give away in the first place.

9 years ago

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Edit: I bought (we are legion) after I won, which makes me able to create 5 copies to share HAHAHAHAA

9 years ago*

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Well that's not against the rules but it's kinda stupid.. you had 5 copies and entered to win one more.

9 years ago

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i bought it after i won .'' cos its fun huhuhu

9 years ago

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Hen Hen .. that's not how you phrased it originally..

"i did enter for the game that i have" means you already had it.

9 years ago

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lol my english is bad :( maybe need more reading....

9 years ago

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the game he won didn't give out a gift copy, and he doesn't have the game in his library. I just think it's kind of shifty to enter into a giveaway for a game you have zero intention of using. I don't care about the game, but I'd rather it go to someone who will at the very least add it to their account.

9 years ago

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yea :l try reporting him

9 years ago

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It's a potential loophole to trade points for CV (if you are lucky enough to win). It is doubtful, but some people do it so you have to make sure he didn't activate it before reporting him.

9 years ago

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he only has 250 games and the one he won isn't one of them. My give away ended 2 hours ago, he created his little over 1 hour ago. Pretty sure it's a safe bet he won the giveaway and relisted the key without activating it.

9 years ago

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That's blatant regifting then. I would create a ticket.

9 years ago

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I have giveaways currently running for games in my wishlist. People sometimes do that. You figure that if you want the games, other will certainly want it as well.

However, if the giveaway was started right after he won and the game is not on his account, then it's almost a given that he's trying to regift. Try to contact the winner directly and report it if you can'T get him to add the game to his library.

9 years ago

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Sometimes when I buy a bundle and there is one game I really want I try to win here first before creating a GA for it.

If I win it, I create a GA for it. If I don't win it, I activate it myself. When a new bundle is out there is multiple chances so most of the times I managed to pull this out.

I think its smart.


9 years ago

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Sharing is good :P

9 years ago

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Sure, this is for only when I really really want a special game, I don't do this with every bundle, I've bought many bundles just to share without wanting none of the games, and even bought games I kinda wanted but decided it was better to do a giveaway for it atm :B

This is just to prevent something I did a couple of times: Buy 2 of the same bundle because I wanted a game but also wanted to give it away. Like the bundle with Insurgency, I wanted the game but I also wanted to give that game away (because its good), so I bought it 2 times. And I didn't really liked giving multiple copies of the rest because not all were that good. :B

I think this is using my money better, for me and for SG. So I can have the game I want, give the same game away and I don't have to buy the same bundle twice, so I can use it for another different bundle!

9 years ago*

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Does he now have the game in his library ? That's what matters. Giving away a game you previously won isn't against the rules. Giving away the game you should have actually registered for yourself after winning is.

9 years ago

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no he never registered the game to his account, just checked his profile the game is no where to be found.

9 years ago

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Then try contacting him about it and educate him or then if it fails contact Support so they do it.

9 years ago

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I did add him on steam to ask him about, I'm kind of new to the giveaway portion and I didn't want to send a report unless I knew what the person did was wrong. Now that I see it is against the rules I'm going to add him and issue a report I suppose.

9 years ago

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Report him

9 years ago

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Just check if the winner activated your game and report the user if this isn't the case.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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^ Exactly this.

9 years ago

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Yes. If he didn't activate the game, and is instead giving it away, it is against the rules. You should report the user. If he activates the game by the time support takes a look, and is just giving away another copy, then he dodged a bullet.

Otherwise, let the banning begin.

9 years ago

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check if he activated the game.

9 years ago

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no he never activated the game doesn't have it in his account

9 years ago

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Report rightaway!

9 years ago

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check his steam account to see if it is activated. if not I would report the user

9 years ago

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i left a note on his giveaway advising him its against the rules and that he could be banned

9 years ago

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pretty shady.. im assuming its your key hes giving out but wont he still have the 7 days to activate the game before you can actually report him?

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Well not that I need to add anything really, because everyone else said it, but yeah it is against the rule. It's not such a nice feeling either... So all you can do is report him.

9 years ago

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wait 7 days after your GA ended, if he didn't leave received feedback, send a support ticket with proof that you sent it (screenshot of gift history, or email, or key sent on your ga page).
also ask to check for unactivated wins on that account, and report the regift. he will be suspended, his GA will be deleted and he won't get any CV for it.

9 years ago

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In this case the winner hasn't activated and already created a giveaway for the game. I don't see the point of waiting 7 days.

9 years ago

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but following the rules he has 7 days to mark it as activated.

super optimistic mode:
he's sooo happy for winning that he's giving away the same game before activating his copy :3

9 years ago

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Im glad your problem has been resolved :)

9 years ago

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wait 7 days before reporting, if he didn't activated...but better talk to him first and tell him to read the FAQ!

9 years ago

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Some people are ungrateful -_-

Just report him after 7 days, and justice will be served

9 years ago

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Use this tool to check if he activated all his won games or not

9 years ago

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Cool Tool =]

9 years ago

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Just report him so he gets suspended for 3 days and then can come back like nothing ever happened and still get the CV for regifting the item as well.

9 years ago

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I don't see why it's against the rules, he WON the game. It's HIS game now. If he wants to give it away why would that be breaking the rules?

9 years ago

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because the rules say you have to activate the games you win and you cant activate them if you give them away can you??

on top of that its immensely disrespectful to the person giving away the game.

9 years ago

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not activating and multiple wins are against the rules.

9 years ago

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I don't see why it's against the rules

then read the rules and you will see, that the rules say it's against the rules. that's why it's against the rules. not sure how you can say you don't see it. just look at it. the rules rule!

9 years ago

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its forbidden cause you could farm cv very easy... (create a group with four other people and start a giveaway for one game. the winner will start a giveaway for the game after he won and son on... repeat it until your level is 10 and be happy^^)

9 years ago

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because this site is for Giving away games to people that want them, regifting is like taking a game away from someone who really wanted to play it.

9 years ago

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^ Exactly. The whole point of steamgifts is already in the name; you want to "gift" a game.

It is just very rude to purposely enter a giveaway, which means you like the game enough to want it, and then give it away as soon as possible, to gain higher CV. That is basically profiting of the other, who actually paid for the game for someone who would enjoy it to have it.

9 years ago*

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I actually went and whitelisted every one in the the GA that I won then bought the bundle for , just to make it a bit more fair to them. ( it was a whitelist only GA) .

9 years ago

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Some gifts are locked by region though, which could be a legit reason for giving it away if you can't activate the game.

9 years ago

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No. there is no legit reason for regifting

9 years ago

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If the game is not redeemable then one of two things should occur, depending on why it is locked.
If the game is not redeemable due to regional laws, such as Wolfenstein: The New Order in Germany, then the winner should request a reroll as it is barred in his country and should not have entered (true he may not have known at the time, but it is not available in his country).
If the game is not redeemable due to purchasing a regional locked key then the winner should report the key as not received after 7 days and request a new ROW key.

9 years ago

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If the game is not redeemable due to purchasing a regional locked key then the winner should report the key as not received after 7 days and request a new ROW key.

Might be my bad interpretation but that could be taken as waiting the 7 days, marking as not received, then contacting the giveaway maker. No need to do that, you can make contact as soon as the key is found to be locked and hopefully have it all sorted out quickly but by all means if it isn't fixed after 7 days mark it as not received.

Would also add that in no way should you do anything with the key, like trade it, sell it or give it to someone in a region where it can be activated. It should be returned unused to the giveaway creator.

9 years ago

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If support said otherwise elsewhere, then sure, but until I see it then I'll take the safe route and do as its written below and wait 7 days. And as for the last part, that is implied in what I described, as doing anything with the key goes contrary to what I said should occur.

do not contact the giveaway creator during this time

9 years ago

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Fair enough, can't argue against that interpretation going by the book.

I have tended to think that only meant in terms of initiating contact and asking for the key or gift, that it was SG's attempt to prevent harrassment of the creator who might be busy with stuff when the giveaway initially ends. I've always seen the attempt of giving as an initiation of contact and therefore everything after that was fine.There's even been times when the creator has added me and given me a key in chat, it would be silly if I couldn't tell him it wasn't working.

I'd want to know as well if I was the creator. Region-locking isn't a problem I've encountered but I have accidentally given a few duplicate keys in my time and once gave someone the wrong game. In each case I was contacted and was glad of the opportunity to make ammends as soon as possible. I think that's much more prferable to giving the key the day the giveaway ends, wondering why it wasn't marked as received for a whole week then waking up to a not received and trying to make contact with the winner.

Edit to add: Not an official declaration, but support member jatan11t seems to have sympathy with the OP's view in this thread.

9 years ago*

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Ya, it was probably meant as you described, especially with that link. I also believe that is the best way, if you were contacted first then it should be fine for you to contact them back without having to wait the 7 days. I just prefer to cover my own butt and when explaining rules to say what is stated and not what is typically acceptable.
As you said, jatan was displeased when the first sign of a problem key is a not received a week later, but that is how the rules are worded. It is really up to support to clarify the rules if they wished them different. I think many of us would be cautious when dealing with a member of support lol
There is another problem with waiting the 7 days to contact the creator, by that time they could be waiting to issue a reroll. Depending on how your timing works, you may not be around to hit the Not Received before the request is submitted, and perhaps granted. That could create a whole new issues, especially if the first key was a duplicate and now they may figure you took the key and gave it to someone else.

9 years ago

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Steamgift should make a show key button like how the bundle sale site are doing for winners so that if we want to re-roll, we will know that the key was not shown to the winner and if the winner click the show key button, after the 7 days we will know that key was shown to winner and might be misused already and a re-roll is not applicable.

9 years ago

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If 7 days passed and it isnt in his account report him.
I wouldnt invest time in trying to contact him tbh, the rules are pretty clear.

9 years ago

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In this case it looks like he has withdrawn the regift.

9 years ago

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