Hey guys, i've been wondering if i could download steam games without the client,since my internet connection is 3G and extremely slow :/
because my college internet connection is very fast but the problem is that steam can't work there otherwise i'd download them there and copy them to my Hard drive..

9 years ago

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if you cannot run client then sadly nope :( you can download games on one client, copy them to another PC and create fake metadata to launch them - I used this when my home had no internet for 5 months - but you need client to Download. You can always try DLing "Stem versions" from torrents etc, but you can never be sure if data is accurate. And your college probably blocks torrent ports as well ;p

9 years ago

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yeah they're blocking p2p too lol :/ thanks for the answer though!!

9 years ago

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all I can suggest for you then is to do the same I used to do - DL game on some friends PC or on your laptop at friends home, then copy both game folder and corresponding appmanifest (you can find appmanifests in steam/steamapps folder, number at the end corresponds to app Id which you can find in steam store link) - also if game creates user / documents folders copy these as well. It didn't work for all the games but at least for 90% of them for me - that's how I was able to play anything new for over 5 months ;p

9 years ago

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isn't Backing up the game from others laptops easier? but this only can be used if you have the game they back up...
as for the method you mentioned you need to have the game? or just with sharing?

9 years ago

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well - if you don't own the game you can DL it but steam won't let you launch it ;) And backup doesn't always work - I learned it hard way loosing 60% game progression in SR IV as backupped game overrided my cloud save with clean one :(

9 years ago

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If it's just the client itself that makes problems you could trying to get it via steamcmd... I have never tried that but I've always been curious about what it might be able to do, so, report any successes ;-D

9 years ago

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whenever i try to log in it says error connecting to server or something like that,i'll try the method you mentioned and report if anything comes up !

9 years ago

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Have you tried with VPN?

9 years ago

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