What do you think about new Valve game?

2 weeks ago

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You've been invited to help test Deadlock.

2 weeks ago

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Yes i am downloading it right now.

2 weeks ago

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Dea... what? :confused:

2 weeks ago*

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Its a new game done by Valve it is currently in alpha testing.

2 weeks ago

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Alright. Thanks but no, thanks. Not interessted in Multiplayer.

2 weeks ago

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I'm looking forward to trying it!
It looks right up my alley.

2 weeks ago

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View attached image.
2 weeks ago

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It has a store page now.

It's a moba so right away I don't really care about it.

2 weeks ago

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I'm not buying it, that's for sure!

I don't mind games going free eventually but I got nothing by way of thanks for Team Fortress 2 and that would just be a decent thing to have done. An ingame t-shirt or something.

2 weeks ago

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I liked it but why are you talking about a decades old game? https://store.steampowered.com/app/328440/

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Wait... I've bloody played this before!!!
Daaaaaamn, that was a odd form of nostalgia haha

2 weeks ago

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Ineteresting. It remind me Awesomenauts i loved. And + Team Fortress too of course.

2 weeks ago

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I don't know, it looks kinda generic. I expected something more nuanced from Valve, something with more unique setting, gameplay and mechanics. This type of hero shooter has been done before so many times since TF.

2 weeks ago

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it's interesting, but not for me
i don't like moba games
but for sure it's optimized to run even on my potato and at the same time looks nice

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Another MOBA by Valve? Meh...

2 weeks ago

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Not interested in MOBAs. But I can understand putting development into what makes them money. I'd rather something single player. Even their Desk Job game to test the Steam Deck was funny.

2 weeks ago

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I dunno, I played a bit of Battleborn Vs before it went free and eventually shut down, was an interesting concept... but already failed back then... and Battleborn had 2 other modes of play to make it more interesting... I did enjoy a few exercises against bots though, but only tried once playing with real humans, someone immediately disconnected and left us to suffer... a good reminder online games are as good as your team.

2 weeks ago

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I heard the community is trying to revive that game. Not sure if It's something atm.

1 week ago

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I've been enjoying it, reminds me most of Monday Night Combat

2 weeks ago

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I like the name.

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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can someone send me an invite? been trying to get it from some randoms but no luck so far, would greatly appreciate it

2 weeks ago

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add me and i will give you

2 weeks ago

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added, thank you

2 weeks ago

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Seems that there will be plenty of people who appreciate it.
Steam invited me but I didn't try the game myself. Mostly because it's summer and I usually didn't want to waste my time with beta or EA versions.

But if the game is and remains accessible enough with a non-toxic community, I could imagine to play it occasionally.

2 weeks ago

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I hope all those testers are getting paid for their work.

2 weeks ago

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You'll get an animated avatar frame saying 'I've been a good beta-tester for Deadlock' and you'll like it!

1 week ago

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i like the sniper class myself

1 week ago

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