Well, LoL is probably the most noob friendly, mainly because it simplifies most of the harder game aspects. You could also try joining DoTA on WC3 if you have it. Dota 2 is a lot harder, and, well, Realm of Immortals might actually be the best choice, although its not very good.
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Dota 2 harder than Dota 1?! They are almost the same and Dota 2 is a los more friendly user interface than Dota 1, also in Dota 2 now you can open build and leveling guides in game. I would say Dota 2 over Dota 1.
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Dota 1 is pretty easy to grasp if you have prior playtime in another MOBA, while Dota 2 is still a big change. However, I guess the shop is a bit easier to navigate, although I still like my Dota 1 shop. And while the user interface is easier in 2, gameplay mechanics are much harder to grasp in 2.
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Personally, Dota 2 was my first MOBA, and I got used to it pretty easily, to the state of which I would decimate the other team.
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Awesomenauts. It's fairly simple, not that competitive and the music is great.
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you should find league of legends noob friendly, if you start off with dota or heroes of newerth you're going to have a bad time for a few days, though if you then switch from league of legends you'll have to learn a lot again. most importantly once you start any of the games you should read a bit about the gameplay etc, because if you will just play and try to learn you might end up repeating the same mistakes all over again.
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once you start any of the games you should read a bit about the gameplay etc, because if you will just play and try to learn you might end up repeating the same mistakes all over again
All the more reason to start of with Awesomenauts. You can hop into that with no reading. First play will teach you goals and controls, starting with the limited character choices will teach you a bit about the strategies and after 10-15 games you'll be set for the game. From there you can transplant genre knowledge to the proper 3D versions.
No offense to Casevil669 because I agree with your post but while I don't abhor reading the fact that I can't turn on the game and have some idea of where to start based on the game itself is so 90s.
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I would say SMITE, its a 3D MOBA-style game in a 3rd person FPS type perspective using the unreal engine , every skill in the game is a skill-shot. and it is super fun.
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It looks like you have Demigod. That would be better than getting into LoL/HoN as your first go. LoL has the main problem of requiring you to purchase 'champions', which doesn't give you a fair go to explore the genre. edit: also the 'rune system' that has you underpowered before level 30. It's just a silly system. You may have Dota but it's not showing in your library. You can add me for a copy if you don't. It has a lot of depth compared to the rest (it is the sequel to the original MOBA), but the genre isn't one that you learn without going all the way in.
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You dont HAVE to buy champions, there are 10 free ones every week, and they are not completely randomly picked. At least 1 Tank, 1 Support etc. you get the idea. But of course, playing through all the champions may require a lot of patience or currency
About the rune system, it won't have you too underpowered because you get teamed up with and against people with similar 'summoner' (account) levels. I can only think of 2 exceptions to this: First is to play as level 30 without runes, and second is to get matched against 25+ people when you are lower level which can only happen if you spend too long on the queue or team up with some high level friends. Even then, runes don't mean everything!
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League of Legends, easy to learn hard to master, this is also why the community sucks. All thinks that know to play only cause it's easy too approache and it's always the others fault if something is going wrong. Moba is a good genre and lol is a good game but pay attention to the people that play it and to yourself to not become as them. As for me, I played long time the game(I think it's the game I gave more hours) and I was still a useless noob, after a while I decided to quit cause I don't like how people take the game seriously even at low levels(of course i'm not referring at in game level but at skills) and have more frustration than fun.
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LoL is waaaay easier than Dota 2... but, Dota 2 match maker is more accurate, you should not have any problem to get used to it. Also, with the new Steam's updates, you open the overlay and can get the guides right there.
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You can do fine in DotA 2 if you start with bot matches and dont start with the matchmaking. Normally most people in bot matches are friendly and dont flame you. LoL might be considered noob friendly, but theres also a lot of people who flame you if u dont go competitive builds etc. And if you start with LoL you might stick to bad habbits you get there. Starting with DotA 2 might be harder mechanics wise, but if you're good in DotA you wont have problems in LoL.
Btw: DotA 2 is really f2p not some shitty f2p model which lol has, where you pretty much need to spend money to be able to utilize everything.
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How is LoL 'less' f2p? You can buy anything but skins with IP. Or... you mean that you have to buy the heroes? Trust me, you will end up playing less then 5-10 heroes if you want to be good - you can try the others in PBE client.
What I don`t like about dota:
-fucked up animations = hard to lasthit minions
-umbalanced heroes = one can snowball badly
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No i want all hetoes. I can play 100 heroes on a decent level and i dont want to miss any of them. Only playing 5-10 heroes if i want to be good ? Thats like 2 heroes for each role.
Fucked up animations ? Most got fixed, almost all animations are fine.
Unbalanced heroes ? Lol, theres maybe a handful heroes that are overpowered.
The snowball part is a game philosophy you could say, in LoL every hero scales pretty much equally with items, DotA has specific heroes that are meant to scale harder than others and thats totally fine.
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That is wrong in so many levels. If you want to specialize in a role (Something you should never do BTW) you should know how to play at least 10 heroes of said role well. If not you should be familiar with at least 4-5 heroes for each role, wich makes a minimun of 20 heroes or so.
Are you the Trynda-top-or-troll type or what?
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"If you want to specialize in a role (Something you should never do BTW)"
Ofc you have to play all the roles / heroes to understand the game, but with your mentality you have high chances that a Darius will beat the shit out of you while playing Kayle/ Teemo. True story! :)
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With only 10 matches in DotA 2 u play versus utter retards, no wonder you can snowball like crazy if you're decent.
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The need to play like 3 gazillion hours to get every hero sure is a good f2p model.
DotA's f2p model is way superior. You really only buy cosmetic items which dont affect the game in any way. Sure you may have the same in LoL but only coupled if you play like a mad man and farm those IP. Thats not really f2p. Being able to pay money to get an advantage isnt the best f2p. And if you want to play competitive you need a whole lotta runes and in my eyes heroes.
In Dota you can start with everything you need and dont need to grind for stuff you need.
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I completely fail to understand why you would need access to every hero at all times. The 10 heroes on rotation plus 5-20 purchased ones should be more than enough. What use is having a hero unlocked if you only use him once every 1000 games or so?
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In DotA 2 i play a new hero pretty much every game. DotA 2 has around 100 heroes right now and the most games i have on one hero after 1k games are 30.
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For me having all the heroes unlocked is just not fun, i like the idea of unlocking stuff. I stopped playing Heroes of Newerth because now i have all the heroes, i played a couple of times with each and now its just boring. I don't understand why but even if i play the same amount of games with same heroes, having them all unlocked at once just doesn't do it for me. Hope it made sense :D
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And thats fine for you, i like diversity. And unlocking everything doesnt cut it for me. Especially with the new price policy in LoL that pretty much every new hero is 6300 ip, some time ago new heroes came with prices of 3100 and stuff like that, now every new hero is 6300. If i could unlock everything in a decent amount of time i'd be fine with it, but you literally need years to unlock every hero via playing.
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my first MOBA which i've played and enjoyed a lot was dota 2. I started playing it with a few friends, all of which had no real knowledge of mobas. I played awesomenauts before that but in my opinion it's a lot different and i sucked at it anyway. we played some bot matches and sorta got the hang of it, so we started playin online. I've yet to come across anyone close to the communities described, although that could just be luck. Playing with friends does make games more fun in my opinion, but i can still see myself playing on my own. I'd reccommend trying dota, although never played the others so not sure how difficult it is to start comparitively, or how fun they are.
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I would recommend DOTA. Altough LoL is the most newbie friendly from what I've heard, Dota is the best choice in the long-term.
You will take a beating for the first matches, but If you ask/search stuff to learn you'll get good at it and it is a blast.
Try and get some friends to play with you if you can cuz it's even more fun.
If you need a key for it add me ;).
Also it is true that Dota is more complex but I'm guessing that's part of the fun, cuz there are so many things to learn, there's always room for improvement, which means the game won't feel always the same. Also it's F2P (it will be) and Valve has the most awesomest games so soon the game will be more Awesome than it already is
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None are newb friendly. I mean, even if they are, community is hell.
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LoL if you are starting, Dota if you have experience in the past.
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I feel like I'm missing out on a whole genre of gaming by not playing any of them, however what I've read about the communities of these sorts of games has kept me from giving any of them a fair go. Can anyone recommend either a single player game in the genre to get acquainted with the rules, or a multiplayer one which is somewhat noob friendly?
also, obligatory giveaway link: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/76PPK/
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