Let's try something new!

How it works:

  • You make a comment if you want to enter
  • Name a Steam game that costs max 5€ (it can be on Sale or base price)
  • Make sure if the game is on Sale, the Sale lasts long enough
    - I will draw a winner in 24 hours (from now on) I WILL CLOSE IN 3 HOURS (5pm Germany time now, so 8pm Germany time)
  • Lucky winner needs to accept my friend request on Steam, I will send him the game there
  • You are not allowed to enter if you created your account after the creation time of this thread

Well that's it. Hope this will work somehow. ^^


  1. igel2005
  2. fenrir3778
  3. Apenas1Catolico
  4. Starwind
  5. Vincenzo77
  6. M4rcell
  7. Yobi5TailedFox
  8. Raktajino
  9. milk
  10. ExcelElmira
  11. Butterkatt
  12. RiderOfPhoenix
  13. Psyman
  14. adam1224
  15. MisterWolf
  16. akfas
  17. JTC3
  18. Zero224
  19. httrenard
  20. Cromwell
  21. PsychoApeMan:
  22. Pebbletool
  23. Synaesthesia
  24. RustedZen
  25. irony94
  26. EJANYA
  27. Aradiel
  28. Skwerm
  29. Alf0
  30. aquatorrent
  31. vigaristti
  32. Awesomaogi
  33. antidaz
  34. VictorWu
  35. ClapperMonkey
  36. AdJ
  37. yannbz
  38. Droj
  39. Godofhellfire
  40. zzzwlagga
  41. EX95
  42. someonequeer
  43. johcar
  44. Zepy
  45. ErhanT
  46. drstem
  47. softbearcas
  48. ponyzel
  49. Fromalan
  50. Maskitopeludito
  51. Zaphkiel69
  52. Krystie
  53. nicolas609
  54. mathisgreat
  55. brsichetti
  56. Schnapser29
  57. Channel28
  58. CptWest
  59. Soyalp104
  60. quijote3000
  61. Hawkingmeister
  62. Artuurs
  63. Designer1900
  64. JLobo
  65. CRAZY463708
  66. Ellemby
  67. Heprer
  68. Krakorin
  69. JMM72
  70. BlankPiano
  71. crez3088
  72. Filipi
  73. Ignition365
  74. RuGLo
  75. IronRata
  76. ilove420
  77. BauerBoy24
  78. Koalala
  79. CommissarCiaphasCain
  80. VahidSlayerOfAll
  81. Taurtirith
  82. MachineV
  83. SymphonyARG
  84. Swordoffury
  85. HiddenHero
  86. PashaBVB
  87. Lugum
  88. Xiangming
  89. Vorkosigan31
  90. letsmaybeLP92
  91. CurryKingWurst
  92. darkdude8
  93. pingu23
  94. cassioht
  95. Kyog
  96. Tsukichild
  97. LuckyLana
  98. Riil
  99. Naviis
  100. Shanti
  101. kyriaki
  102. Carenard
  103. Almostn33t
  104. Thedarksid3r
  105. Tucs
  106. GeoSol
  107. Mitsukuni
  108. Yogzire
  109. WaxWorm
  110. marianoag
  111. Briarej
  112. BabyDragon
  113. xurc
  114. BCGutsy
  115. zexxx
  116. yamaraus
  117. FallenKal
  118. MXY
  119. raydotn
  120. Azolti
  121. Golwar
  122. Serpentus
  123. xxxka
  124. digitaldictator
  125. rinachi
  126. WZeroY
  127. ShroudOfLethe
  128. Masafor
  129. Nimmy
  130. ddapro
  131. ponyzel
  132. andylicit
  133. ghostgg10
  134. vinstonsmitt
  135. dingbat
  136. hyrokey
  137. ColdOut
  138. DarkDreams1
  139. Palmiere
  140. ralierou
  141. GlutenTag
  142. Deadshot15
  143. BlackStark
  144. sengda2000
  145. Onkzeek
  146. Riku1
  147. Charlie22
  148. Ilan14
  149. GrowingStrong
  150. macgamer
  151. rngn
  152. Dux80
  153. Dragondave
  154. Chgoodday
  155. grcemeise
  156. imminiman
  157. Wasari
  158. BlackbeardXIII
  159. Calibr3
  160. ADR14N
  161. nonegiven
  162. wigglenose
  163. MikeWithAnI
  164. hsunkuei
  165. chairmankao
  166. orio
  167. na1
  168. Porofn
  169. juhaszandor
  170. Hoffmonn
  171. Talleyrand
  172. ChaosCVZ
  173. WellKnownPlayer
  174. ecefromhell
  175. Martibsir
  176. fernandopa
  177. Jeffoof
  178. helloway
  179. LupoSilente
  180. lesik
  181. Fraden
  182. Metalhead8489
  183. Gelweo
  184. MyrXIII
  185. Nilessa
  186. sosich
  187. PanTsour
  188. eeev
  189. Jack1990
  190. TheUnfunnyMan
  191. plasmasoup
  192. murkotlyvo
  193. xXxYEET
  194. CultofPersonalitea
  195. scrollo
  196. Frame
  197. Ikkimura
  198. UnbakedBacon
  199. EleonoraFalcon
  200. caesar239
  201. khkok123
  202. Gekkonidae
  203. Thexder
  204. Dagat
  205. CrabdaddyLonglegs
  206. CdriK
  207. Eiion
  208. Lunaedge
  209. Moony1986
  210. tommyluu1412
  211. ELGADO26
  212. Seyeko
  213. Rauchen
  214. SwagmasterLincoln
  215. Bagus23
  216. Ninglor03
  217. VeT
  218. SASsoldat
  219. DrSlitheen
  220. MagnificentOne
  221. xargu
  222. CarlusSilva
  223. BargainSeeker
  224. intexus
  225. Atro
  226. EmirLD
  227. ElMatadorYTyrannos
  228. Sirop
  229. Izaro
  230. nickkharkiv
  231. MeguminShiro
  232. cheshirecatgirl
  233. Rinocap
  234. philipdick
  235. Yuveria
  236. PrinceofDark
  237. herbesdeprovence
  238. Enarntite
  239. jackyex
  240. Wolveruno
  241. VampireXL

First winner: 121. Nameless4342 (removed from list to make it easier for me)
Second winner: 79. CommissarCiaphasCain

4 months ago*

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Congrats Commissar! Hope both winners enjoy their games :)

4 months ago

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Thanks mate :)

4 months ago

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Congrats to the winners and thanks for creating this amazing giveaway.

4 months ago

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Congrats winners and thanks again schmetti for the chance

4 months ago

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Wakes up and sees thread… damn time zones.

4 months ago

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Damn you Outside! :P

4 months ago

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You mean... damn sleep. It's overrated anyway.

4 months ago

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Nominated gift made it quite exciting, thanks for the raffle and congrats to the winners!

4 months ago

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Happy cake day, schmetti! :)

4 months ago

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Thank you WaxWorm! 🙃

4 months ago

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Congratulations on 5 years Schmetti, happy cakeday!

4 months ago

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Thanks Bacon!

4 months ago

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