When browsing games, do you ever find yourself drawn to a game... Only to notice a total deal breaker in its profile?

I saw a game I thought was really attractive, until I noticed it's tags included both "survival" and "procedurally generated". I mean, why is it so hard to find the kind of game I'm looking for? Do you know any games that might be my type?

Female seeking adventurous, creative game, with mature dialogue and good grammar. Humor is a bonus. Enjoys long walks on the beach, killing monsters, occasional crafting or farming, jumping on platforms, and interior decorating.

8 years ago*

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"Free to Play" with non-cosmetic micro-transactions

8 years ago

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Not my type at all! D:

8 years ago

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Hey, this game looks interes—
"Zombies" "Survival" "Massive Multiplayer" "yet another indie platformer that tries to attract with an interesting cover image"

8 years ago

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Maybe it would be more interesting if all of this applied to the same game... Maybe.

8 years ago

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Well… I have a UserScript that auto-flags games as not interesting if they include certain tags. I think the biggest I saw was a six-combo hit on some MMO FPS zombie junk.

8 years ago

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I updated my profile. ^^^

8 years ago

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That's my reaction to price tags.

8 years ago

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Some games have overly high standards.

8 years ago

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You may like Stardew Valley

8 years ago

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Yeah, that game looks pretty cool. I just got Popolocrois though, so I'm going to be taking a break from Harvest Moon type games until I beat that. :)

8 years ago

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And I would recommend that you keep Stardew on top of your list for your next purchase! It really brought back good memories as Harvest Moon Back to Nature was the game that got me hooked on PS1.

8 years ago

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Coop games that are very well made but almost dead population(Looking at you Sanctum and Guns of Icarus).

8 years ago

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Remember that tags are made by users, it doesnt always reflect the game's mechanics right.

8 years ago

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So you are telling me that Bad Rats isn't really a dating sim? D:

8 years ago

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Bad rats is anything you want it to be, baby.

8 years ago

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I like Tales from the Borderlands

8 years ago

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also, most stuff you are looking for actually comes only (as a pack) in mmos. Archeage has crafting, beaches (and boats and sea combat too, plus fishing) and open world housing and because its open world and not instanced like its in most other games, decorations are a serious business :P

plus you could get a house on the beach, and for most of us thats the only way we are ever going to get a house on the beach so yeah... ^_^

8 years ago

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When browsing games, do you ever find yourself drawn to a game... Only to notice a total deal breaker in its profile?

"these games look so nice, let's see: roguelike.... next, mmo... next, multiplayer only... next, permadeath... next, voxel... next, always online drm... next" *facepalm*

8 years ago

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Sounds totally awesome



I only like that in Total War series:p

8 years ago

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Okay, cool, let's read a little further...

"Take control of Biff McWhiteguy, the world's most killingest soldier..."


8 years ago

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Ahh this game looks nice, combat?
Never mind. And that happens a lot :(

8 years ago

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Hm, I think it depends on the gams as you can make something good and interesting with every genre. Normally I'm also looking for games in categories I'm interested more than excluding. But I think Multiplayer-Online (especially with PvP) is one thing I don't like.

Female seeking adventurous, creative game, with mature dialogue and good grammar. Humor is a bonus. Enjoys long walks on the beach, killing monsters, occasional crafting or farming, jumping on platforms, and interior decorating.

For the first part you may look at The Cat Lady. It has an creative setting, mature dialogue good grammar and between all the blood and depression there is sometimes a bit of humour. It is special in different ways some good, some bad. For the second part .... yea none of that is fulfilled.

8 years ago

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The only language besides English listed on the store page is Russian.

8 years ago

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"Requires UPLay"

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Uplay, or Early Access :c

8 years ago

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permadeath, procedurally generated, survival, turn-based and roguelike are generally tags I don't like

8 years ago

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Zombies. I am absolutely, utterly sick to death of zombies. I like a post-apocalyptic setting along the lines of the Mad Max films or Wasteland and it seems to me that every single game that appears to be like that is a zombie apocalypse instead. It ruins it for me. There's nothing to do with zombies but slog through killing endless shambling hordes of the things and it ruins the game for me.

8 years ago

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When a game brags about its old school difficulty. I like challenging games, but games that brag about their old school difficulty tend to be the bad kind of challenging, where "challenging" just means frustrating, and memorization is more important than skill.

Procedurally generated. I do like rogue-likes, and rogue-lites, but when an unknown indie title starts bragging about its procedurally generated levels, that's usually a bad sign, as the vast majority of them are terrible. And no, it's not laziness that motives developers to do this, making a game that does procedurally generated levels well is harder than doing hand crafted levels, my guess is that the reason why we see so many games like this is because the kind of people who develop games are likely to find the tech interesting.

8 years ago

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Horror. I get haunted by shit pretty easily so even if I might enjoy something - say a certain zombie TV show, I will constantly think and dream of zombies anywhere I go. Close my eyes in the shower and I'll feel the need to open my eyes because there might be a zombie there. Watch my back everywhere I go.

8 years ago

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Anything new that pops up on Steam Early Access with the tags "Survival" and "Sandbox" instantly gets the "Nope" button from me. Seriously it's like every talentless hack looking for a quick buck(and at times for a quick scam) flocks to this genre.

8 years ago

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They flock to whatever is in vogue. Same as how the eighties were full of platformers, and the nineties full of shooters. a few years ago the big thing was "retro graphics" and "crafting" and now it's Survival and Sandbox.

8 years ago

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And don't forget the abysmal amount of cheap hack & slash ARPGs, especially on the console scene in the early 2000s. Sometimes I feel like half of the new games released then were dungeon crawlers.

8 years ago

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1 word: Diablo.
As soon as someone makes oodles of money off a seemingly simple concept, a gazillion followers jump in. Actually, any time someone is successful with a new idea, there will be copycats.

8 years ago

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I run away whenever I see the RTS, Survival and Horror tags

8 years ago

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turn-based, rogue-like, mmorpg, those tend to make me turn away and never look back.
But since sometimes I find stuff I like that match these tags I may give it a chance anyway.

8 years ago

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Total dealbreakers: Dating Sim, Hidden Object, City Builder, Hacking, RPGMaker, Pixel Graphics, Top-Down

General dealbreakers that I'll make an occasional exception for: Survival, RTS, Point & Click, FPS, Platformer, Walking Simulator, Tower Defense, World War (I or II)

8 years ago*

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That, uhm, pretty much eliminates every game on Steam that is not a TPS/third-person ARPG.

8 years ago

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any RPG not just ARPG, also Action-Adventure, Dungeon Crawlers, non-RTS strategy games, Horror, Sports, Cards...there are plenty of other categories out there. Also like I said I do make exceptions for some games.

8 years ago*

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