When browsing games, do you ever find yourself drawn to a game... Only to notice a total deal breaker in its profile?

I saw a game I thought was really attractive, until I noticed it's tags included both "survival" and "procedurally generated". I mean, why is it so hard to find the kind of game I'm looking for? Do you know any games that might be my type?

Female seeking adventurous, creative game, with mature dialogue and good grammar. Humor is a bonus. Enjoys long walks on the beach, killing monsters, occasional crafting or farming, jumping on platforms, and interior decorating.

8 years ago*

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total dealbreaker: Xbox One Exclusive

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Ever heard of Lisa? Doesn't fit all your criteria, but it's a RPG with a mature, depressing story accompanied by some great humour.

8 years ago

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"Horror" games, where 90% of the screenshots are a badly-implemented flashlight effect (so most of the screen is black, except for a small blob in the center), and the last 10% will spoil the inveitable jumpscare. Those are insta-nope for me, since they aren't really scary.

8 years ago*

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Multi-player only. Horror. There's even a tag out there called Difficult. Anything tactical military FPS is a deal breaker, too.

8 years ago

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"Rogue-like, Rogue-lite, Procedurally generated, Strategy" are the tags that make me close the store page immediately, no matter how charming the rest might look.
"Old school difficult" and "Permadeath" do the same trick, "Multiplayer only" and "Sandbox" as well. I'm also not very fond of first person horror titles. Too many of them seem exactly the same kind of plus I don't like the stress.

You and me have the same taste in gaming it seems. I'd like to recommend Firewatch to you, as well as Darksiders.

8 years ago

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