I understand what you are saying, the thing though in those case is that it's not a random guy adding you. It's friends messaging you, so those people were probably just distracted when they saw the message. I know it has happened in the past that some friends message me when a game on my wishlist was given for free and if you don't know that your friend got hacked... I myself received the message from several friends that I would normally trust, I didn't clicked it cause I found it suspicious but I could see how it could happened to someone.
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Yeah i know what u want to say like 2 years ago my steam got hacked but i was just target to hack my friend idk how he enter in steam but i got it like 5 min ago then friend told me he lost his steam and he needed 14 days from steam support.But any link from anyone should not be entered there are pages in what we trust about free things "humble,indie gala" rest could be dangerous anything..
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Although people should indeed be more catious, you should keep in mind that all recent phising messages were sent by friends of the victim. That's much more dangerous than what you mentioned since you always trust your friends more than random people.
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There's no need to pour salt into the wounds of those affected by calling them 'greedy', when it does no one any benefit to do so. Some of the people affected by this are extremely nice, generous, and unfortunately for them- trusting of others.
So please, if you can be more considerate of others that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! =)
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Yeah dude im sorry im not from germany or whats so ever so i could buy eveyr month games aroun 100e to give away im from bosnia and working for 250e salary so not much and if would buying a lot of games to give away how much money i would have for my self? i dont even buying games on steam no more and like 3 expansive games i bought its like 3 month saving and selling steam cards for 0.04 to reach on 29.99e to buy my self a game im sorry for that.
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I'm not sure if it's just based in your having a poor grasp of English or if it's based more in you feeling deeply insecure and defensive about your circumstances, but the only thing I was doing was noting that antocapone didn't properly cover all the angles when making his reference, and attempting to assist him in giving a fully formed presentation.
In other words, I wasn't addressing you directly in any way, so it likely would have been better to address your reply towards the individual who was actually being critical of you. While I can't perceive it myself, and carefully attempted to avoid such when I wrote the post, I do apologize if you interpreted any sort of implication against you from my previous comment.
That said, you keep making justifications when the entire topic has its foundations in improper word use, so you're at a disadvantage regardless of what justifications you come up with. BloodyRo already explains this to you just below. You're using "greed" in a situation where another word would be better qualified [As greed can be involved, but it's not the key component], and you're doing so despite you evidencing a higher degree of behaviors that can interpreted as greedy than the individuals you're making an entire thread just to criticize.
If you don't want negative responses, then don't start off with negativity yourself. Leading with negativity and following through with kneejerk defensiveness towards even tangentially related parties isn't going to get you anything but blacklists and embarassment.
Now, let's address this:
how much money i would have for my self?
That self-centered outlook you just expressed actually serves as a clear example of the mentality that corresponds to greediness [ie, a strong and selfish desire for something]. All that statement accomplished was validating antocapone's perspective towards you. Not that some measure of greed isn't typically considered to be excusable, but when greed is presented with hypocrisy and defensiveness, it becomes rather unsupportable.
Now, putting aside this weird self-sabotaging grammar-confused conflict you've got going on, do note that my only interest is in limiting these spammy, hostile threads, not in assessing what worth your outlook may or may not have. My "success" is measured not in the judging of your merits, but in reducing the quantity of these threads. Whether that means you win or lose against me by keeping the thread open, I can't say.
Do also note that I consider my own usage of the site to be selfish and greedy (and assuming I'm reading the numbers you presented correctly, my spare funds are actually far lower than your own), so were I to in fact consider your usage as such, it wouldn't be unreasonable regardless.
Just to make that more clear, your once every three months game purchase exceeds the amount I spend on myself each year [as far as games are concerned] (though, disclaimer, I do consider myself as benefiting heavily from the generosity of friends and from Steamgifts, so I am in no way asserting any sort of personal lack).
Personally, I think it's reasonable if you just approach life stating "This is what I'm comfortable with, and I'm trying my best within my means and values.", so long as you're not hostile, hypocritical, clearly exploitative, or otherwise diminishing others with your actions. When you start trying to justify, rather than standing confident, then you're just going to get replies like this, which may put you in a worse light than you would have been if you'd just firmly dismissed the matter to start with. Though, seeing as this was first invited with the completely unnecessary thread topic, the self-sabotage really begins there.
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Thanks. xD
Calling victims names just rubs me the wrong way, I guess. xD
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Well, I wouldn't have brought up the topic of SG stats on my own, but I do have my compulsion to see things given a properly fleshed out presentation; Given that, my initial inclination wasn't really based in being supportive, but in being thorough. :P
But, then there's the consideration that the affected users- some of whom are rather well-considered on SG, mind- deserve receiving proper representation in circumstances where they're being nonsensically slandered. Add in the fact that I fully support your underlying sentiment [though I admit that I may honestly find the faulty logic, misrepresentations, and nonconstructive posting even more irksome than the fact that the harassing sentiments further aggravate already victimized individuals], and yeah, I'm on board with your approach.
I may be even more irritated with fact that the current staff setup lets things like this so readily get out of hand.
The forums are rather embarassing to look at, right now.
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I may be even more irritated with fact that the current staff setup lets things like this so readily get out of hand.
Are there site rules being broken? Other than posting clickable links and potentially "calling out", that is?
If you're suggesting that the "no spam" rule is being broken... I don't think there is a "no spam" rule, is there? The site guidelines mention that spam is prohibited in Steamgifts Chat, but not on the forums, as far as I can see.
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you might call him greedy but at least does he get his +1's in difference to the scamed people here^^
its smarter to get the free +1 here then to paste your log in data into strange websites...
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But I didn't call him greedy, just don't like victim blaming is all. xD
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you are right, blaming victims isnt nice. but i can understand him. one by one is falling for this scam. and cause everybody is collecting hundreds of friends, its spreading more and more...
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You can understand him making a thread, despite there being a dozen or so already, seemingly solely to insult people? :P
Their perspective may be one that can be identified with, but it seems difficult to support the way they went about presenting it.
As I noted above, my issue is solely in the blatant* spam and escalating (and thus far, staff-ignored [thereby, passively encouraged] ) victim-blaming, so this thread, with its seeming lack of constructive benefit, is something I can't see the need to support. Of course, playing the neutral role may be best in limiting further escalation, so I can't say your stance is necessarily in the wrong place, either.
*Defi's thread aside, the only effort these threads seem to have put into them, is directed towards escalating the stresses involved. There's not even a casual gesture in most of the threads towards making them seem constructive.
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you are mean xD
i dont understand him insulting others but i understand his feelings, seeing all people getting scamed just cause the site is promising the +1... i dont believe he is a bad guy but sometimes people might get angry cause they are pissed off due to so many people are falling for this scam.
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While I wouldn't oppose accusations of having a somewhat rough disposition, I can't see any part of my last comment being interpreted as "mean". It's not like I was targetting anyone, diminishing anyone, or intending a "petty, stingy, small-minded, ignoble, malicious, or foul-tempered" behavior. Rather, wouldn't such an accusation in itself be somewhat mean? :P
The behavior in this thread isn't supportable (regardless of whether it's able to be sympathized with or not), and moreso, is problematic for the site and is arguably in violation of the site's expectations toward spamming. That doesn't need to signify any kind of issue with the individual involved- rather, as I've already indicated, my issue is with the overall trend of getting nothing but spammed, entirely non-constructive, mean-spirited posts.
My issue is with the behavior, not the individuals; Conversely, the individuals in question have expressed issue with the individuals affected by the spam. Regardless of whether there are flaws within my own presentation, these kind of threads really don't serve any benefit and end up causing problems for the site.
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Remember. Greed can, and usually does, lead to carelessness.
Most of the time it boils down to stupidity. Most people should know to never click a random link if you never heard of it. Especially if it's offering to give anything for free like that.
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It's not fair to call people stupid either. Desperate for a new game or +1 maybe, but not stupid. These scams are getting more and more elaborate. I won't fall for one of them because I'm way too paranoid for that. I see a post shared on Facebook about someone famous, or something big, I have to go fact check it with reputable sources before believing or commenting on it. I've just learned to be like this. I've never been scammed, not because I'm smarter than others, but because I'm much more skeptical of everything. I'm also pretty tech savvy having run and co-run community sites for over a decade. You kinda become more aware, the more you are exposed to stuff that happens to others. Not everyone has the same amount of experience with this stuff, so you have to understand that. Smarter people than I have been taken in by this scam this weekend. lol.
We live in a culture now where lies and clickbait are a thing. People blindly share shitposts on social media without stopping to think "this could be fake." They see deals online and eager to save a little bit of money, people fall for them, not realising they are buying from some shady Chinese site that's going to send them something way below the standard they were expecting. Again, they aren't stupid people... they are just tempted by what they think is an amazing deal.
If it's too good to be true, it generally is.
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there are generous people but i guess there are more people who try to scamm you and even if not: a person who wants to gift to strangers can just give what they have. but a scammer can take much more as he can get what many others have...
so rather be carefull and wonder why the website/person wants to give something to you...
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Two years ago a total stranger gifted me a game I wanted. Not to scame me, just to be nice and generous. I could not believe it but, without knowing it, this person made a big chance to me. In a way it was a turning point for me to see what a nice people this world still has. I am very glad he did that as it made me smile for a week and completely restored my faith in humanity.
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It could happen to anybody.
I don't know. Does this really seem like it could be a real message from a friend?
1 free game for new users!
take the game you want!
I would think if a friend was sending you a key, he/she would say something that sounded like a human, right? Even if the friend was really excited about a new website, I would think they would phrase it differently. Something like hey man, I found this website that's giving away games, it's pretty cool, check it out.
I don't know. I just don't get how anyone can look at the message above and not think "SPAM!", even if it's from your best friend.
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People make mistakes. Have you never made a stupid mistake and then thought later on, "how could I be so stupid"? I see a bunch of post here shaming people who made a silly mistake. Rather than shaming them, raise awareness and be supportive. Shaming these people achieves nothing.
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Well on this site anyway u will get black list for no reason most of times.Unhappy cause of loosing steam accounts? Well is it my bad they should be carefull not to rush for games tell me who would want you to chose a some AAA 59.99e game to get for free by just log in into site? And not only about games there its many about tradings and more
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this happened to me but not because I was greedy, it was because it was made to look like my closest friend messaged to visit a harmless site to have a chance at winning a free game so I was like why not.
I just didn't know that hackers can do that since his account was pretty much secured, but it's whatever cause I got my account back several hours later.
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Ah yes, of course.
"Got food poisoning? Stop being so gluttonous!"
"Got HIV from your partner? Stop being so lustful!"
"Got raped and kidnapped by a person who advertised a couch on Facebook Marketplace? Stop being so greedy!"
If everyone followed your advice, the world would be such a better place, right?
You barely give anything to this community, saying that you give when you can, yet you have over 900 games and you never stop entering in giveaways. You're not automatically entered, but you still do. Yet, you, some paragon of not being greedy, say that others are greedy for taking a free item. Not to mention, there are threads about this whole thing already, yet you're still so desperate for attention that you feel the need to add more of them just so you'd get messages.
I don't care if you leech off the site and lie about giving when you can. But when you yourself try and puff up your chest, thinking you're some big man coming in and setting everyone straight, then I'll totally point out how full of shit you are and how ironic your statements are.
You claim you got your account hacked 2 years ago, yet you have no sympathy here. Fair enough, maybe you didn't feel bad and also scolded yourself for a while because you were such a dumbass to get hacked, right? Like fuck you did. Even with this thread, you reveal what you really are. Easy to feel bad for yourself, lie to make up sob stories and at the same time throw shade towards others who are going through what you are.
Have some more sympathy. Or don't. Get demolished here. Show that you're some dummy who has no real clue what happens in the world, who leeches off of good samaritans on this site and who lies about his reasons for it. You could've easily just been quiet, like almost everyone else. But I guess this is the hill to die on for you. Good on you, I guess...
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Steam accounts being hacked a lot.Well guys stop being greedy honestly anyone think some random guy will add u cause he want to give you game.As u can see anywhere where u log in there its post to be carefull where u enter but most of guys care only about game not about that text..
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