If it is GTA V then yeah it's definitely coming with the launcher.
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nice find if true looked at there free games coming soon and gta isn't on the books
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Why? It's a game from 2015* (according to Steam, actually 2013), and it's often available for under $15..
(Also, lots of players use cheater mods that give them godlike powers, and Rockstar doesn't seem to care too much.. but it's still a fun game..)
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if you are starting online now, yeah
grind is a slow and hardous job. you will share a server with Mk2, deluxo, ruiner 2000, explosive rounds...
they can play on a server by their own, but there's also enough businesses, and heists that require large amounts of cash
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Yea me too. thanks for the tips and thanks to Epicstore, they are doing a lot for those, like me, that have not much money cuz unemploywed for long time...now i need money tobuy hardware capapble of playing these games, sadly. i ne4ed 4 gb of rAm for at least try to start them on my old rig. but spending 30+€ for 2x4 gb of DDR3 used is not so fair to me...uff
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I'd much rather this. Even though I only have the base game for GTA V all the extras are for the online mode which have very little interest in whilst this would be a whole new game for me and also one I'm interested in.
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That would be super neat, but unfortunately unlikely.
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That would be better for me at least since I have GTA V on steam already :v
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Some says is Killing Floor 2 acording to https://www.grac.or.kr/
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Well fuck, this almost makes me consider creating an Epic account. Almost.
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Nah. A long time ago, I said that I'm never touching that piece of crap (Epic, not GTA) and I meant it ;)
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Yeah, unfortunatelly many people said that about Epic only to start using it like good little drones with the frist game they gave away. Not me though. Not me.
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That was to be expected, wasn't it? I never said it, never thought it and I am honestly glad we finally have a Steam contender on the market. I might not agree with everything they do. But I can say the same thing about Valve, so...
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I honestly don't mind that much. It's a necessary evil in order to get to equal footing with Valve. If they didn't do that, nobody would buy there. Not even if they had all the nice Steam features. People are too invested in Steam, and they definitely are too loyal to Steam. I never understood how anyone can be loyal to a big company like Valve. Valve is not our friend. It's a big company that does everything it does for financial gain. Same as Epic.
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Yeah, don't get being loyal to a company myself either. And with how Valve has been resting on its laurels for a long time now, growing more and more complacent, I welcome Epic, if for no other reason than that I really hope it will make Valve finally wake up and fix bugs that have be known for over 5 years....
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Yea, that was 16 years ago when there was nothing to compare/go to and we had to deal with steam as it didn't have anyone to learn from and had to forge the way for PC to the future by themself.
Since were are 16 years ahead now and have steam as the premier/standard PC launcher I think it's easier for a lot of people to simply ignore the outdated/featureless launcher like EGS and go for 100x better alternatives like Steam and GOG, plus EGS shitty practices is a huge boost for that too :)
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I actually prefer the EGS launcher. It's barebones, sure, and there are some features I think are missing, but it's also very light. And being very light, hardly having any memory footprint, is something that I value far far more than pretty much all the extra "features" (see bloat) that Steam has.
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Didn't Linus made a video on how high CPU EGS launcher use??
Edit: found it
And yea, a quick search showed me this pics... not sure about the "hardly having any memory footprint" part
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Weird, because when I last used it to play something, CPU usage was at 0, and RAM usage was at <20mb, when a game was running, or it was minimized.
Just did a bit of testing, and EGS does use a lot of CPU... right when you're launching it and it's logging into your account. Then it goes down to 0%, and when a game is running, RAM is at <20mb.
Also, I have something to show you:
By choosing the right moment to take a screenshot, I could make it look like Steam uses a lot of CPU and pretty much as much GPU as Epic does in the screenshots you posted.
CPU usage actually peaked at over 70%, but I was slow with my print-screening
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I think it's clear in all this pic that it was not by "choosing the right moment", one of them even shows all of them in idle state and another is when downloading.
I guess Linus video is "choosing the right moment to take a screenshot" too!!
And why the Steam screenshot?? I didn't say anything about steam being lite nor it not using high CPU, or are you trying to prove something since I put EGS on the spot ??!!
Well, it's very clear you're trying to defend Epic whatever way possible without even being logical. So I prefer to walk away from this conversation since even facts are arguable looks like!
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What is Linus doing during the video? Is he downloading/installing a game? So yes, it can very well be a clip chosen "at the right moment", to prove a point.
Why the Steam screenshot? To show that a screenshot on its own does not actually prove anything. Or rather it can be chosen to prove what you want it to prove.
And if you're getting your information about Epic game store from a subreddit called fuckepic, then that's really just setting you up for getting your views about it confirmed. You're not really interested in a nuanced view on it, you'll just hear about everything bad. It's like that anti-steam site, which name i can't remember right now, which just focused on saying how bad steam was, about 10 years ago. If you got your info about steam that way, you would think steam would eat all your GPU power, make all the games crash, and turn PC gaming into a wasteland. Obviously that was not true, but back then, when someone wanted to hate on steam, they liked to link to things written there.
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I would love to hear all your conspiracy theories about how everyone is trying to "choosing the right moment" to make epic look bad or something, but since you have proven you're blindly defending epic (even tho you have all the evidence to prove my point) I wouldn't stick around to waste my time... or yours for that.
And yea about the FuckEpic subreddit, I didn't get my info from there... It's a video so whatever I linked it won't change the content!!
Here is the link to the full video https://youtu.be/n48rgxB1qv8?t=154 . That's very strange!! he is saying the same words from the video I linked earlier!! It's as if whatever place you found the video on doesn't change the content of the video and I just linked the specific subreddit to prove more that you're blindly defending epic on whatever situation you're put it... it's really strange, right??
Please forgive me if I don't reply anymore since I have proven my points multiple times and again to stop waste anybody's time.
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So your proof is an extremely short section (just a few seconds) of a video from 2018, that is not even about the Epic launcher? Seriously, that is what you call "all the evidence"? If Linus had made a real test about launcher CPU usage, sure. But all this is is a random comment of like 5 seconds in a video that he made 2.5 years ago. It should be clear that this does not represent the current state of the launcher in any way.
Why not look ourselves?
I took a screenshot right now, and it looks like this (see below). Epic uses about as much CPU as Steam and a lot less memory. The Blizzard App wins against both of them.
When starting a download it uses significantly more CPU. For me it is around 11% (second screenshot). Now, you could say that seems rather high. But how do the other launchers behave in comparison?
Steam when downloading a game also uses up significant CPU time (screenshot 3). It was about the same as Epic for me (even slightly higher). So, not only Epic sucks at this, Steam does as well.
The Blizzard launcher wins again with only 1-2% when downloading a game (screenshot 4). Seems to me both Steam and Epic could learn a thing or two from Blizzard.
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I never said that steam anything about it being lite, Again you're putting it as it's steam vs EGS.
He mentioned that EGS is liter that Steam because it's "barebone/featureless" while on the other side your screenshots proved the opposite. So yes my argument is still valid, despite being "barebone/featureless" it's still not "very light" as Fnord said.
Thanks for proving that with those extra pics, really appreciate it.
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I never said that steam anything about it being lite, Again you're putting it as it's steam vs EGS.
Well, you started by comparing EGS to Steam and said Steam was the 100x better alternative.
He mentioned that EGS is liter that Steam because it's "barebone/featureless" while on the other side your screenshots proved the opposite. So yes my argument is still valid, despite being "barebone/featureless" it's still not "very light" as Fnord said.
But you claimed EGS had significantly higher CPU usage as it actually has and gave a 2.5 year old small part of a video as "proof". You gave the impression that EGS is unusually demanding. That part of your argument doesn't seem valid at all. It deals with outdated and incomplete information. Incomplete because your screenshots might have run on a Pentium 3 for all we know. If you are interested, my screenshots are from a i7-6700K. So I think it's ok to say that they seem identical in CPU usage as a reaction to your post, because you implied it has unreasonable high demand.
Regarding EGS being less light than Steam - It is not in terms of CPU usage, that's true. They're both pretty much identical. But look at the memory. Steam bootstrapper and webhelper have 800-900-MB combined. That's roughly 3x what EGS uses (on my machine, might be different on others, of course). I find that pretty significant. Imagine you have a pure gaming rig with 8GB of RAM, and then Steam takes almost 1GB of that. Seems pretty high to me. So at least in that regard EGS actually seems lighter than Steam.
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My argument was that steam is 100x better alternative than EGS because of EGS being "outdated/featureless" launcher not because it being "lighter". please re-read my comment.
And you again talking about "EGS actually seems lighter than Steam" even tho I didn't mention it once. And again read Fnord comment, your 2020 screen pic (and the others pics I had in my comment that you purposely ignored) still proves that EGS after 2.5 is not "very light" as Fnord mention which again was my comparison point.
EGS having 1% of steam features and is still having a small difference which doesn't make it, again "Very light". You yourself proved that multiple times. You even have proven that battlenet is the lighter here!!!???
We are circling in the same loop while you're providing more evidence aiding my comment. I really don't get your point of the argument while trying to prove that I'm right??
Please, please, please re-read the comment and not blindly defending EGS because it's on the spot.
Edit: since you guys trying really hard to prove that steam is heavier (even tho nobody said otherwise but whatever), here is my steam memory usage. Just for the sake of argument :)
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I hope we won't have to wait 16 years :) right now seems it does not even have the resume download option working properly! :( caz if you exit the client without finishing downloading the whole game, it will reset the whole downloading thing even if it is on %99.99 !
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Wow, you're right. Never noticed that, but it even tells you when closing that it will cancel the download. So it's not even a bug. That's pretty bad. I don't need trading cards, but resumable downloads should be the bare minimum for any launcher.
CORRECTION: it does actually resume the download. I don't know why it says it will cancel the download when closing the client. But when you start it again (notice the resume button), it continues where it left off. At least that's what it does for me. If it really does not do that for you, then that must be a bug. But here it works fine.
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Yes, I noticed that like a minute later, but then had to go do some urgent work and couldn't correct myself until now. But you're right. It even says "resume" in your library when you restart it.
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yeah it does resume on my friend's PC, but for me it happened at least +2 times, so I had to get the back up from him and let it verify the whole thing.
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So surely you never play any games that use Epic's Unreal Engine either right?
Personally, I have not downloaded the Epic launcher or bought anything from their store, however I have added every single free game they've given to my account because why not? Who knows, maybe someday there will be a GoG connect like there is sometimes with steam. Plus Epic is planning on adding many games to Geforce Now which means you could play them without ever installing thier launcher on your computer! I own thousands of dollars of free games through epic. I imagine that for each game I add to my epic account epic pays the game makers a small amount as well.
You can do whatever you want but using the phrase "I'm Never" is just putting a limitation on yourself.
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Nah, I'm not touching that pile of steaming feces that's the Epic store. Not for free games, not if they paid me. Not unless they start being consumer friendly.
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They are consumer and developper friendly (their sales are VERY consumer friendly, 10€ coupon in addition of sales, I know it won't last but it's amazing), it's just that their launcher is missing a whole bunch of features.
I hated Steam for years and ended up getting everything on it. Eventually we try to block the tide for no other reason than pride.
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Correct. I've happily bought some AAA games for much cheaper on EGS than on Steam, even after considering that we have cheap regional pricing on Steam (e.g. GTA V base price is only US$19.50 / €18.04 in our currency compared to US$29.99 in US, €29.99 in Europe).
In EGS you get initial $10 coupon for $14.99+ games (after sales price not from base price), which when used will get you another $10 coupon for the next $14.99 purchase, and so on, and so on, it's endless! I cannot comprehend how much money Epic is losing from these sales, to both consumers and developers/publishers equally because they pay the developers/publishers the same amount of money used by the coupons, besides the sales price. It cannot get more consumer-friendly and developer-friendly than this!
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Once you redeem it on Rockstar launcher you no longer need the Epic store. Just create a quick account with fake details.
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"an anonymous, but very well-informed source"
THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is how you generate clicks.
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Nice way to create some noise. They gave Mutant Year Zero and Abzu so KF2 or GTAV is possible.
What will happen with the Epic hate If It's GTAV.
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I believe it's the 2nd most sold game going so many would just hate on them for giving away something they already have.
It happens with PS+ all the time.
"Urghh... I have this game, this is a shit month!"
But with the 'amount' of people that have it already... I dunno if it's a good idea.
Heh, not long to find out.
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I checked the Steam discussions last night and some users wrote they would start griefing the new players, so yeah.
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I will get it, but i don't really like GTA anymore.
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Don't worry, I have very reliable info from my mates at Epic.
It's not GTA:V.... It's Minecraft!!!! XD
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Btw anyone else had to enable the two factor authentication for the Death Coming game?
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No, not anymore. I got it without enabling 2 factor aythentication. Last week it was mandatory.
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'a reliable source has informed us that starting tomorrow'
well, sounds suspicious to me, but whatever, lets see if its true
Edit: Well, its actually true, thanks!
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Until this is actually confirmed you should really change your clickbait shitpost of a title.
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The online community is already infested with countless hackers and modders. This is gonna be the final nail in the game's coffin. sure it's gonna get a significant increase in its playerbase but it's all gonna go downhill from there.
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You can, but some activities are not available there. For example most (if not all) business sales are possible only in public lobbies - and this is best way to gain more money in more or less passive way.
Anyway, you can tune your firewall to avoid random guys connecting to your public session (guides are available in Steam)
And yeap, if you don't have 3+ friends who will play with you then cheaters can ruin your game - most of heists require 4 players except of very first Heist and Doomsday which can be played in team of 2, 3 and 4 (not sure about Diamond Casino Heist - havent played it yet)
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No idea. I'm not going to create EGS account.
And, TBH, there's no reason for me to claim that version on my R* account - I've already bought all in-game properties which are coming with this version (and location of those which I've bough is much better =) )
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Found this comment, check thread, seems like there's an answer to your question: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/xNPCd/free-epic-gta-v-premium-edition-1405-2105/search?page=7#NqfBpHG
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Good luck there. Ping me in Steam if you'll decide to get Criminal Mastermind for Doomsday Heist - I still need to get achivements related to it.
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You can block others with firewall or there is an exploit where you pause the application during the loading session and unpause after couple of seconds it should create completely new session for you and your mates. Also, this exploit helps to skip most annoying long loading sessions as you interrupt the application's search for appropriate servers and let it crash as you pause it and it will just give up and create a public server just for your mates. As soon as someone joins, it usually takes a good 30min or more, you can just finish up your mission and reload the game same way (pause, wait for it to kick you, just ask your friends when you were "removed" and unpause and let your mates join your session). This will help you avoid annoying public servers that are required for certain public only missions.
Only host/party leader has to do it though. Rest of your mates can enjoy seamless empty servers and nice experience.
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Next Freebie (starting Thursday 14/05) in the Epic Store will be GTA V according to:
Special sauce: https://twitter.com/ZhugeEX/status/1260555154924994562
Confirmed. Now till 21/05 17:00CET.
Enjoy :)
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