Should Bundle Retailers Stop Bundling Unplayable, Abandoned & Broken Games?
This is precisely why the only bundles I buy are the Humble Monthly and the occasional Humble *insert word* Bundle
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Yeah, that looks just as bad as the example I gave - I could have given a few more as well, if I trawled through my Steam library, cos I know I could eventually find them as there's no way I would have bought quite a few.
I forgot to say - I'd rather there was one less game in the bundle than give these con artists any chance of making more money from basically nothing.
That second game, wow - 12 out of 12 negative reviews. That's pretty bad.
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Ahaha, wth, it's like someone put a ITH puzzle on Steam. And its developer is famous for pulling crap like this.
Oh boy.
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You're not kidding - I just looked at their other games on, just wow.
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You could make "Unacceptable Lemonade" with that!!
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Indie Gala makes horrible bundles in general. Stopped using that site long time ago.
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They have good games on occasion. Some of them from the last few months:
Algotica - Iteration 1
Bulb Boy
Carrie's Order Up
Flat Kingdom Paper's Cut Edition
Goo Saga - HD Edition
Kung Fury: Street Rage
Mr. Shadow
Odallus: The Dark Call
Otem's Defiance
Shards of Azuria
She Wants Me Dead
The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day
Tiny Guardians
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I personally don't mind unfinished / abandoned games as long as it has content in them
Like how Windforge WAS. Then a steam / windows / whatelse update (not the game, it's abandoned) broke the tutorial's scripting and unless I'm terribly mistaken, expects you to fix up a broken ship which is not even there.
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Ehhh that's not how it works, demand <-> offers
Are cigarettes bad for your health ? of course
Are cigarettes going to be banned ? that won't happen
Probably literally no one buys those games to "play" them, ok, but tbh I can't understand why we can't just ignore those games :\
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I totally agree - we should all take some kind of pledge to immediately forget the steam keys for these games that come as part of bundles. That way they wont receive any money from trading cards.
Or we could add the key to our library, use Idle Master for the required minutes and then leave a steaming pile of a review, not that they'd care.
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everytime buy bundle study each game and decided. so many bundle fm indigala i didnt buy
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Well, here's the thing: nobody forces you to buy those bundles. In fact, the best way to make them stop bundling stuff like that is, if nobody buys it. Okay, I know that's not very realistic, because people will always buy stuff for cards or +1. But, hey, you can still just ignore it.
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That was kinda my point. When I asked basically, "is it OK?", I meant "do you put up with it".
As you say, it's unrealistic in so many ways to either get everyone to stop buying the or to get sites like IG to stop including them. I really would prefer there was just one less game in a bundle, especially at their fairly low prices. Maybe less is more is what I am saying.
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Well yes, I get your point. I agree, and I would even say, I'd rather have less bundles in general and better ones Even those bundles not containing broken, unplayable stuff, still tend to contain stuff that's just bad and/or boring more often than not. As folks here already stated, the main problem is the lack of quality control in Steam. I think it's also a problem with the Steam trading card system. Valve is far too generous allowing every broken, half-finished greenlght project its own set of cards and (in many cases also abysmal) backgrounds. And still.. we can't change the way it works, all we can do is choose to ignore it.
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Well, you know, quite often you can gain a few cents buying the game (for a few cents) idling the cards and selling them. So it is the devs and the buyers who profit (at least these buyers - and the bundle sites and sites like steamgrounds, of course). It would be in Steam's interest to do something against this, because though they also earn a few cents, it hurts their reputation. They don't - instead of implementing a quality control for new games (maybe in combination with the current greenlight system) in order to check if the game meet minimal standards (playable, with a bit of content), they are just going to implement a paywall ...
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Just more of the market getting poisoned by asset-flippers, who are enabled by Valve's total lack of quaility control on their storefront, and who are empowered by idiots who put more effort into building the biggest library and/or badge collections on steam instead of playing the actual games (with or without card farmers as an extra step before said idiots spend their money).
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Haven't bought any [insertBundleSite] bundle for at least x years. All the games in there are trash. I haven't played them, but they are trash. Objectively! The trailer / reviews / screenshots already show that. If I don't expect a game to be enjoyable for me, it won't be, therefore I don't even have to buy it. I've never accidentally found a gem.
Now someone who wants trash like this for 20-30 cents (they would only be more expensive, if they were good - and come on, we already agreed they are not) has probably lost his marbles. I mean, they can't play it, since it's trash. They can't like it, since it's trash. They are losing time by taking care of it.. just imagine all the scrolling through their library.
And then they're idling, most probably they only start the PC for it.. what an ecological and economic disaster. They have to buy further cards to complete their sets to show off small shiny, fancy things in a virtual gallery which is so uninteresting nobody ever gonna look at it. Poor guys. One should be able to tell them how to spend their money. And how they should spend their free time. At least they need a legal guardian.
Sorry, OP, for hi-jacking. I agree with you regarding Greenlight and Valve's lack of quality control. Unfortunately Steam Direct most probably won't help. IndieGala - well they should also be interested in their own reputation (maybe it's too late for that). On the other hand a bundle has to have trade-offs, otherwise it couldn't lead to cheaper prices than retail/sale prices of the individual games.
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There's many russian devs selling their games for less than cent per key (for card farming). Indie Gala simply does use these to pad their bundles.
I'd guess Steam Direct will "fix" this, but frankly Valve should eliminate worst of worst from store.
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So, I was looking at the current IndieGala Contingency Bundle, and I noticed with horror(gasp!!) that Village Story - link below - is part of it.
This game is basically unplayable, according to reviews and a video playthrough on YT.
My own opinion is that these games should not get the sales, publicity etc from being in a bundle, especially as this game has ONE steam feature in it; surprise, surprise, it's trading cards. I don't think these people(I wont call them developers) should be allowed to profit from this, as they know these keys cannot be refunded and therefore there is a much higher chance the cards will be harvested, traded and SOLD on Steam.
This is not a quality issue - the worst game on Steam....a tough call....that is at least playable, I have no problem with. Maybe someone will get some enjoyment from it; my terrible game is not necessarily yours or someone else's.
What do you think about this practice?
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