понаплодят говно, а потом еще просят поддержки в продвижении. хочешь делать игры, так делай, а не ЭТО. весь стим уже засран, что противно перебирать кучу всякого такого в поисках нормальных играбельных игр (да, в нормальные игры хочется играть, дорогой "разработчик")
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И теперь не только у иностранцев при словосочетании "русский разработчик игр" первым делом в голову приходят только негативные ассоциации
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I have to admit that having Italian as my default Steam language, the store page of that game is.. well, weird? =P
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SORRY FOR hiding your game.
Since you know how to make a game, i hope you'll decide to try to do better one.
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More like a Betadev.
Your rate is 1 game a month, you seriously think you can make full fledged decent games in that time? If you are good, maybe, but what people said your characters will make it look like a game a 6yr would try with some gamemaker software. And for some reason it's usually Russians believing it's a good way to make money, yet make the bad games (and need to use Putin).
Not trying to be harsh, you wanted opinions.
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Blacklisted for profile picture and for littering Steam catalogue with garbage :)
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Nice scam/meme I guess. What's the price gonna be? 69cents or 4,20euros?
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As a token of my support I reported your game on steam. You're welcome!
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what category did you put your report in? i just stared blankly at the form for a bit, nothing Steam offers seems to encompass "blatant cashgrab scam."
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Imagine you are going to grocery and there is literal shit on shelves. Would you "just not buy it" or would you be annoyed and report it to store manager?
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In this example - I may use shit in my garden whenever I get it for free. But I still don't like to see it in the grocery store.
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The point i am trying to make is you do use shit for the intented purpose. Shouting how bad it smells won't really help. They will still sell it despite some of the customers' complains. Maybe take down a couple but they will still remain in the long run.
Btw i am not trying to tell what you do or speak here are wrong. To me doing both at the same time feels wrong and that's just it.
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Are you trolling or what? I don't like bell peppers, but I don't mind if they sell bell peppers in grocery store. But I do mind if they start selling shit. Same with steam - I don't mind if they sell games I don't like, but I do mind if they sell trolling asset-flips. Because asset-flips is not games.
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I will be honest with you: those "games" looks more like interactive memes. I don't really see true effort there, but I can see glimpse of jump for cash. Using Google Translate for game description purpose at title Steam store page doesn't make it much better.
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I don't understand what all the weird comments are about. Sure its not a triple A game, but Its something they made and are excited about.
I have played a lot of early games from all the 'great' devs of today...a lot started out just like this.
While I may not play it, I congratulate you on you your first game...keep learning and growing...cheers
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...ahh so quick to judge, the perfect lifetime consumer.
Well you miss the entire point...& obviously have never made a game, but still jump on the bandwagon of complainers and finger pointers. Everyone starts at the bottom.
The purpose of this is to let others see it and give feedback...everyone has different levels of appreciation and skill
I would have problem if their next game showed no growth, which would mean they have little desire to do better.
Finally you kids need to learn the meaning of words and not just throw them around...you don't even know what hypocrite means.
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I would have problem if their next game showed no growth, which would mean they have little desire to do better.
Plot twist: this is not their first game.
EDIT: to be fair, they are not the worst shovelware developers on Steam. Not even close. Still, Steam would lose nothing if their latest "game" were removed.
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While I can understand your initial sentiment, this dev is not an innocent one.
I won't provide links etc for fear of punishment.
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as some others already said: its not his first game. he started to create a "game" every month so he dont want to spend much time into them. he seems just to make shovelware for the money...
to be honest, we cant even talk about his level of skill. sure, the games are looking pretty bad but who knows how much time he has spent in the games? maybe its not possible to create much better games in these few hours/days
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The thing is, this isn't OPs first game, looking at Steam, it seems they are releasing one game per month. One month is simply too little time for a game to be designed, developed and tested. There are game jams that last longer than the dev time of these games. This is not about being triple A, I think it's more about effort and commitment. I would like it much better if they would improve on their previous games instead of jumping on another project every month. I am not saying great games can't be created within a month, but more often than not that time is only enough for testing or demoing concepts. I don't think Steam is a good platform for something like that. That being said I am hoping they will learn from their projects. These half finished projects are not good for anyone on Steam.
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This game is not intended to play. Why do you think they ask people to add it to wishlist? This is clearly an attempt to bypass "profile features limited" filter, so that they could add achievements and cards, so that people would buy game for those (because they know perfectly that nobody will buy this for playing). And sure, they excited about it - people who are trying to abuse the system always excited, especially russians - abuse is a national sport there.
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Well, unlike regular giveaways, where I only enter for games I interested in, in mass giveaways section I enter all of them. It actually makes no sense anymore, but I still have this habit since the times when those trash games had cards.
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Or.....you could just have removed yourself from the giveaway by the time it took you to write that comment. No point of preaching something or making a stand if you're gonna sell yourself for some Russian shovelware just for that +1 on your game count.
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Thing is - I don't consider that as "selling yourself". It's just easier to enter everything in mass giveaways section. compare:
steampage = getsteampage(giveaway)
if (steampage.has(cards)) {
} else {
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