Welp, got scammed again today.
Someone sold me a gift for xcom 2 at a nice price (14 keys) yesterday, and he also went first (it was only giftable). It was a great deal, considering it never got on sale...too great.
Today I found out he revoked the gift, and he did this to a lot of people. Already contacted steam support tho, so I will wait like 3 weeks to get my keys back...I hope.
Someone else got scammed this way?


9 years ago

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Nice price - going first - never on sale = obvious. :P

9 years ago

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A lot of people are selling gifts that get revoked, especially in the past, when there was a plague of DayZ and GTA V revoked gifts.

9 years ago

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Also, don't worry, you may get your keys back, as long as you have enough proof. I bought 2 GTA V gifts from a trusted trader in the past and he turned out to a scammer and the gifts got revoked. Steam support returned me only 20 of my 40 tf2 keys. :P

9 years ago

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Well, he did goes first, so I thought "if he wanted to scam me, he would ask my keys first" but sigh he didn't :<
Also sorry for your loss of 20 keys (that are still better than 0), I hope steam support returns me all my 14 keys back ;_;

9 years ago

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Also can you tell me how much time did you wait for steam support to contact you?

9 years ago

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First of all, this happened a lot of time ago, so I don't know if steam support will need the same time to answer your ticket. But it usually takes 5-7 days to answer, I think. Thank you, but don't worry, I'm much more careful now. It makes me angry, because he was a trustworthy trader, but he decided at that moment to make a big fast profit by selling multiple GTA V gifts to many people with stolen paypal. What a degenerate! And I really wonder why steam support only returned me 20 keys, instead of 40, but it's still something. xD Sorry for your loss. I hope you'll get everything back. Also, report him on steamrep (or on an affiliated with steamrep site that it's faster) and -rep him on steamgifts.

9 years ago

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Maybe steam support thought you only traded one copy or something?
I went later on steamrep, only to see that someone else already got scammed the same way, sadly.

9 years ago

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Trust me, you should also report him. The more reports, the faster the ban. And why did they think that I only got one copy? :P

9 years ago

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Seeing that TheLuckyShamrock said that his issue was very long ago (I'm assuming more than a year ago?), I think you should not be too hopeful about getting your keys back.

The reason: Steam recently (less than a year ago), changed the gifts system where newly bought gifts can not be traded until after a certain time period (http://www.pcgamer.com/valve-explains-the-reasoning-behind-steam-gift-restrictions/). This is to prevent chargebacks and such scams from happening, because they were happening too often before that and they had to devote too much resource on it. So seeing that you bypassed their safety net, there is a high chance they would not help you get your stuff back.

9 years ago*

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...ouch. I hope that by providing some proof I can get at least something back ;_;
thanks anyway, I hope i'm lucky enough that at least ban that guy and some of his alts :c

9 years ago

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If you meant by steam banning him, it will almost never happen. At most you could get him labeled as a scammer on steamrep, and suspended on steamgifts (if he has a steamgifts profile).

9 years ago

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I thought steam could ban (or at least, block trades) if someone did illegal things like fraud multiple times?

9 years ago

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Yea, but it is super rare. I'm not that sure about this but I think in the past where they trade banned people, it was because they did frauds on more than 1 occasion (i.e many chargebacks can be done within a time period on 1 credit card, without much repercussion, because it might not be the user's fault, like perhaps his card was stolen or something and misused). Steam only bans people when they are absolutely sure that the person is playing with the system. (so it is not that hard to get away with it, if they are doing it for the first time)

Edit: I assume your 'fraud multiple times' is the guy scamming alot of people at one time with the chargebacks. (He can just buy alot of gifts and scam alot of people then call his bank to say that his card was misused(within a week to a month), so all the gifts is chargedback at once)

9 years ago

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Yeah, I checked online and saw that he did this multiple times, and he's apparently banned in a lot of sites (that I don't use) so yeah

9 years ago

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Banned for fraud or scam? Also what are the time period between the 'multiple times'?
Anyway steam rarely bans people though, so don't be too hopeful about it. Also if you know he is banned on alot of trading sites, you should not have done the trade with him. (Also I'm curious how much +rep and -rep he has on his steamgifts profile, could you tell me? Or does he even have a steamgifts profile?)

9 years ago*

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Right, never accept gifts in trades- the only thing Valve accepts responsibility for are trades made within the same trade window, and they explicitly state they won't honor any trades made outside of that format, even if through two back-to-back trade window usages.

A month may seem like a long while, but that's apparently the limit for credit card chargeback- you just gotta be patient and wait the month, and accept that anyone who isn't willing to is likely trying to scam you.

9 years ago

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Sigh, pretty sad but pretty true too.
Thanks, I will

9 years ago

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Once I told someone that it doesn't matter who goes first with a giftable only game, it can be revoked later. You should never trade with low reps (below 200) or impersonators (obviously)

9 years ago

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Why never trade with people with rep lower than 200? o.O We're not all scammers and we have to feed our library with games too. :'(

9 years ago

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I meant giftable only (probably keys for AAA games too, unless they were free or price glitches). And the reason? Well you have a bigger chance of getting scammed by those people.

9 years ago

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I sell only giftable copies too. Don't scare my customers. xD Anyway, yeah, if he wants to be careful, he should better trade within the steam trade window.

9 years ago

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Well, I'm not saying you are a scammer but I suggest you avoid getting giftable only games from people with less than 200 positive reps.
Nothing personal, just to be safe. Even high reps can scam you

9 years ago

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The problem was I had some extra keys I couldn't think were to invest, so i thought "nice this could be a nice quick way to get more keys, also he goes first".
But thanks for the tip, that I already know too late now, but I will keep it in mind

9 years ago

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If nobody traded with people below 200 rep, nobody would get above 200 rep. Also, rep isn't exactly meaningful with how easy you can fake it.

9 years ago

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"Gave me X item and I will +rep you!" It's something that I see too many times and it's very stupid.
I don't trust +rep, because if someone writes you "-rep" you can always delete the comment so...

9 years ago

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I suppose you never go for steam profile reps, if you ever care about steamprofile reps you are asking to be scammed. You should use steamtrades, tf2outpost, sourceop and others.

9 years ago

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Usually I use steamrep, but I forget about it most of the times.
I can't honestly check every person I trade with, and now I don't have much time with studying etc.
Also sometimes I just need to think that I can't trust everyone sadly :c

9 years ago

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Steamrep only is useless if the guy was not reported, you should at least check steamtrades profile (SG)

9 years ago

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In the next woah-nice-price trade I will check, thanks

9 years ago

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Actually for almost all trades on this site you should check his steamgifts profile (unless the trade is done totally in the trade window, i.e no steam keys/non-tradable stuff involved). There are alot of scammers lurking around this site and they prey on those with little rep (less than +50) very often because those people are often easier to scam.

9 years ago

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You can't delete -rep on steamgifts. What you are saying is applicable to steam profiles reps only. (I think you might have a misconception there.) Also if you "Gave me X item and I will +rep you!", and you are found out you will be suspended on steamgifts because it is against the rules to do so.

Edit: Seems you were talking about steam profile reps all along. My bad

9 years ago*

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To be honest it is not too easy to fake reps on SG. And please, read twice. I said to not trade with giftable only, you still can trade other stuff and get reps.

9 years ago

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You made 2 statements that are completely separate as far as what you wrote is concerned.
Namely these two: "giftable only can be revoked" and "never trade with low reps".
There is a very big difference between "You should never trade with low reps" and "You should never trade giftable only with low reps".
While it might have been your intention to make a single statement, you did not.

9 years ago

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I said "Once I told someone that it doesn't matter who goes first with a giftable only game, it can be revoked later. You should never trade with low reps (below 200) or impersonators (obviously)."
That's called context, I was obviously talking about giftable only games.

9 years ago

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I am assuming you are saying the reps for steamgifts. So..

You can't delete -rep on steamgifts. What you are saying is applicable to steam profiles reps only. (I think you might have a misconception there.) Also if you "Gave me X item and I will +rep you!", and you are found out you will be suspended on steamgifts because it is against the rules to do so.

9 years ago

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But I sell untradable gifts while on sale for cheaper prices than the actual discount...
Im legit ;~;

9 years ago

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You won't get them back, because you didn't traded the items in the same trade window (I think that's how it works :/).

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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I believe Steam's return policy counts only when the trade was done in the same window.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Think it happens only for the 1st time though (if you request help for the second time and onwards, they wont be obliged to help). Also there were alot of changes in steam in recent times, so previous stuff might not apply the same way now.

9 years ago*

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Seeing the trade topic you recently closed you prolly thought it was a great way to make some profit on it.

9 years ago

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Of course :D if someone sells you at a cheap price, you sell at a fair price. That's how I get money, and then i can get some games to gift here and at friends

9 years ago

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But 14 keys for a game that just released? Come on you have to think better before accepting a deal like that. If it looks to good to be true it usually is.

Did the guy at least had any rep at all or was it an impersonator?

9 years ago

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Well, he told me that he couldn't buy keys on market, and he could only sell gifts for keys. But being not tradable he needed to go first and he could have done that only by someone with a nice profile (like mine) and with a cheaper price.
It was reasonable and I thought hey why not.
Also couldn't think you can revoke game gifts like that sincerely.

9 years ago

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This might sound harsh but I hope you've learned from this. Install Enhanced Steam for your browser, it wont help you in a situation like this but its a good way to filter out the scammers.

9 years ago

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Didn't know about it, will use it. Thanks!

9 years ago

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You're welcome :)

9 years ago

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some rando contacted me asking if I still had any keys - yes, what do you have to offer?
two trading cards...

After a while, I asked if s/he thought I was retarded, after which s/he said s/he was in the hospital, and really really wanted to play a game.
Fucking muppet

9 years ago

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In this cases, I always get some cheap items/gifts that i give if someone bothers me too much. If they don't accept those, they were only greedy and I remove them. If they accept, yay for them i guess, they got 10 cents from me.

9 years ago

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I realise afterward, that it may have been in response to my posting on steam game forums that I had spare keys to give away. But in my defense, it's been quite a while since I've done that - and I always updated after I gave the keys away.

9 years ago

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Sorry to hear. :-(

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Also there are impersonators that don't have an account here, lurking in the SG trades looking for victims.

One of them already impersonated 7 SG traders already this week including me.

9 years ago

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Impersonators are the most stupid ones. If they are low level it's easy to check :/

9 years ago

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what are you doing... *facepalm*

9 years ago

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Well, one time I had a bad day and trusted someone I knew for one year and gave him some items to sell...WOPS
At least I know how to regain the items I lost with some trading >_>

9 years ago

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Well it was giftable, not tradable. That means it's a brand new purchase, so he can easily chargeback the money

9 years ago

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Yeah, but didn't know you could revoke the gift even if it isn't in your profile :v

9 years ago

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Now you know! :3

9 years ago

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Sadly lol

9 years ago

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I didn't even know it was possible to revoke Steam gifts.

Thanks for the giveaway by the way! <3

9 years ago

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Now you know, and it could be helpful in the future!

9 years ago

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Very true. Thank you for the helpful post. :)

9 years ago

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actually, i thought that after adding the gift to the library buyer cannot revoke gift unless new owner allows that in his steam library settings.

9 years ago

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Seems so, but i kept it in my inventory for later use :V

9 years ago

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What shpasic said is not right. The game will still be removed, if the purchaser chargebacks on the transaction.

9 years ago

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The game will still be removed from your library if the purchaser of the gift chargebacks on the purchase.
There will be a message popup that states that your game is removed due to chargeback when you login on steam, if it happens (I know from experience).

9 years ago

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didn't know that. thanks for the info.

9 years ago

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Because the gift buyer (a.k.a. 'scammer') probably initiated a chargeback with the bank/credit card company or PayPal.
They did not start the refund process within the Steam rules.

9 years ago

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It's a shame that people (I use that term loosely) that do this can't be charged by whatever authorities would have jurisdiction. It is fraud after all. For myself, I always use the Steam Trade Window only, and that is because I am paranoid.

9 years ago

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I usually do this too, but I already traded some games like this (or giving them myself, or buying them), but it never occured that someone revoked it only to gain some dollars.
Trading in steam trade window only it's probably the best thing to do

9 years ago

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I am sure this is small consolation to you, but at least it looks like you have learned from your mistake.

There are people that continually let themselves get taken because they are either incredibly naïve or greedy. And the scammers keep licking their greasy, slimy lips all the while.

9 years ago

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Maybe I could be kind of naive mmh
I mean, sometimes I trust people too much, then I start don't trusting everyone, then again trusting everyone. I'm kind of stupid :v
But whatever, at least I don't do it a lot of times :v

9 years ago

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As long as you don't do this particular action again, you should be okay.:)

9 years ago

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can't isn't the right word. They could totally be charged. But, first the authorities would need to be notified, then they would need to investigate. Then they need to (a) understand what's going on, and (b) figure out how to convey it in a court of law. Only then will it ever lead to an arrest.
They're not gonna do this for small stuff. But if you drop evidence in their lap showing that the scammer has scammed for thousands of dollars, then maybe they'll look into it.

(put it this way, if they have to decide between investigating this or a violent robbery, odds are they'll go for the robbery every time)

9 years ago

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That's true. I do wonder how many of these scammers really are "big fish" and how many of them are just ones that took advantage of just a small amount of people.

Some law enforcement agencies do have a section set aside just for Cybercrime. This would fall into this category I am sure, but you are right that most of the people that they could go after probably wouldn't be worth the resources spent to investigate them. It's a shame, but sadly also a reality.

9 years ago

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Cybercrime tends to focus on child pornography, and to a lesser extent vice (prostitution, drug dealing, etc.). Fraud is usually handled by a financial crime unit, and they don't have the resources to go after small potatoes

9 years ago

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Yeah, that actually makes more sense. Those are much more vile and need to be taken care of right away anyhow.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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From what I know, there could be a 30 days time if the gifts sits in a friends library/inventory.
If the game goes to another library (example: you buy a gift, then you send it to another friend), it shouldn't be revoked.
But those are suppositions so don't take them as true :P

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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Not getting scammed does require a bit of knowing what to look for and not being super greedy.

Lesson learned hopefully.

9 years ago

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I know prices, that it's what I should need to know for trading.
If there's some trading I can't accept because if I do they're going to take away items or game gift from my inventory, then I shouldn't even trade with people who trade gifts with dispenser.tf . I already traded some not-tradable game gifts (like i bought Undertale for 3 keys 1 month after his release) and nothing bad happened.
And what do you mean by greedy? This dude I traded with just came to me saying he would sell it for a price i found convenient and that he would go first, so I accepted, thinking I could resell it.
It's that being "super greedy"?
I learned my lesson.

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Narga95.