hey as you know the last of us part two got 95 metacritic and we were able to play it last night i guess .. after of 20 hours in eu we see userscore and its 3.4 by 6700 user whats the problem ?? ppl argue about the Story-line do you agree with them ?

Spoiler Alert !!!!
Maybe they hate that characters die on the first 3 hours of the game and some complaining about GBT what do you think guys
some think that those website wich review the games like ign had to be quiet about the story and feminism and sony did not even let them to review the last 10 hours of the game

4 years ago*

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do you agree with the userscore ?

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I read a meta-review of the game, and it basically said that reviewers agreed that the game is violent to the point of being disturbing, and that characters make curiously bad choices to advance the plot that results in that violence, but that the focus on Ellie and the LGBT aspect make it a good game. I'm paraphrasing, of course. I only watched one review, after reading that, and it did go into how too graphically violent the game is but gave it a perfect score anyway.

My personal point of view is that games have become way too graphically violent, and that it's cynical to put LGBT and such to offset that. It may be a positive aspect to portray strong women and LGBT, but putting that alongside extreme violence doesn't make things better but rather worse, diminishing the idea of inclusion by its association with the violence.

4 years ago

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sorry for edit : missunderstood what you meant between portray of the strong woman and LGBT . many ppl say that those scenes wich contains LGBT is so bad that they couldnt even show it right to the ppl however your missing a point violent is the same topic as the first part and almost nothing changed

4 years ago*

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Personally speaking, I couldn't give two shits about user scores and blah blah blah. I watched a couple hours of the game on Twitch (from a favorite streamer), and it looked damned good to me. In my opinion, if people are rating this game poorly, they're not basing it on how good the game is, but on some personal/political metric beyond my understanding.

Probably the only game that makes me want a Playstation.

4 years ago

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i do agree on persona/political metrics but story is kinda sad too thats another reason
but nah for me personaly i dont but if i want to buy a playstation its just because of the God of war

4 years ago

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I want to write a big rant on how the "progressives (lol)" or SJWs are destroying the entertainment medium we love but that would probably be like screaming in deaf ears.
I've seen various playthrough videos and not gonna lie, the graphics are great. That's just it. Next, we have all kind of porns like literal porn, misery porn, muh revenge porn - all with subverted expectations (Thanks GoT S05-08 and Sequel Trilogy).

Then comes the Woke stuff, with literal LGBT shit shoved right in and justify the actions. I mean, the characters don't have any trait, other then they are gay. Oh and they are almost always right and never the villains!

Now before some actual SJW jumps to kill me here, I'd like to clarify something: Woman, Gay people (hell anything from LGBT+++++++ shade) in a game does not mean it's woke and bad. But when it's forced and there for only token points and for shitting on players/viewers, it's woke.

Which brings me to Naughty Dog. I'm no Sony fanboy but got a PS4 for cheap last summer. Started Uncharted series and enjoyed them for what they were: Walking simulators with easy puzzles & Michael Bay set pieces, and a little bit of gunplay in between. I enjoyed them, then came Uncharted 4. I was excited because it was well received and universally loved. Fucking boring, slow "game". It's less gameplay and more walking shit but now with (minor) woke stuff. A strong woman of color, beating the shit out of not one but two white males. Twice! Ignoring that, the main issue was that the game was not a game anymore. I still liked it but not as much as 1st & 2nd one (3rd one is my least liked for different reasons). And this is why I have skipped The Lost Legacy.

Now comes TLoU 1 - Loved the graphics but the gameplay was there for like a couple of hours only and fucking same as Uncharted. It's literally glorified walking simulator and has won multiple awards! Cannot believe that. Anyway, the story seemed like written for some edgy young adults but was OK, nothing ground breaking. A solid 7/10 "game".

Now, watched the playthrough of TLoU P2 and they made the protagonist a dumb cunt, who provides their whole detail to anyone they meet. (Mind you, He was super cynical in P1, which is why he survived). Then, he gets beaten by a strong woman (literally! I mean where did "she" found all those steroids in an apocalypse?). Then we play as daughter duos and change perspectives mid-game and then some. Then the ending comes and the expectations are subverted even more because "muh, revenge bad, mkay!". The gameplay is similar to the first one with minor changes so it's literal walking sim still.

So, If I had bought the game, the score would be something like this (for 3 major factors):
Graphics: 9/10
Gameplay: 5/10
Story: 1/10
Average: 5/10. So, it's an average game but almost all the "game journalists" have given 10/10 for including LGBT characters (Literally written in many reviews).

I'm ready for the blacklists from the SJWs. Fuck some progressives & SJWs. They are the modern racists.

4 years ago

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jeeeez dude took me a while to read it . but hell your right on some parts in my opinion about the part you say
you almost see every one gay and they all are good there is no villians i guess theire just do some political shiiit by that you should find even one gay villain in these games but nah there is non ..and for the white males that was truely bad move of those devs cause they want to show the world that white ppl are bad i kinda see in to many movies and that is a nasty work how come all white ppl are always bad and villains or rapist its a big fat lie ...shit it make me angry
i dont have any ideas about the gameplay since i did not play the game but . as for the story and cutscenes your right they tried to hide the gameplay behind some kind of movie and they just failed thats where i find how rockstar made red dead 2 hard and it was hell ova work dude !!!

your right in most parts ... thanks

4 years ago

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Well, that was pretty straightforward!
I haven't played or watched a playthrough of either game so I can't comment on them.
Let's just say that I have absolutely no problem with LGBT+, feminism, and so on but being presented with pro-speech is not something I actively seek when I open my wallet for a video game.
I actually like it better when it's only hinted at or very subtle (as in Life Is Strange), just as it is in real life with people I meet.

4 years ago

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Was that a critique or a venting?

For myself, I try not to post while I am "worked up" about something. It helps me to keep my posts civil.

4 years ago*

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Well, TBH, I cannot actually provide a critique because I haven't "played" the game but watched the streams, and based on that, yes, you can say it's kind of venting.
To tell you the truth, I'm tired of SJWs ruining everything to push certain agenda and/or ideology.
I think it's time to fight back and I'm gonna give them the taste of their own medicine (whenever I can), and I believe more people will follow. Most are afraid of canceled out and don't speak up but I'm not.

Regarding the message, I think it was pretty civil. I did not personally attack any "thing" unlike those woke, liberal (lol) SJWs, who attacks anyone who is either one of (or combination of): 1) Male, 2) Straight, 3) White. I fit 2 out of these 3 criteria and am tired of blamed for shit happened centuries ago, when I wasn't even born. Fuck them! Fuck their politics! Fuck their "inclusiveness"!

Oh, and seems like you have blacklisted me! No hard feelings! It's feature one should use.
At least it's not Reddit and you cannot shadowban me (yet!) and hopefully, won't be able to in the future as well.

4 years ago

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Nope. I do not have you blacklisted. It must be on your side. I do not mind if you blacklist me, either, as that comes with the job of Moderator. As for "shadowbanning," we do not do that on this site, nor have I any predilection toward doing so. I am an honest and straightforward person, so if I have an issue with someone, I simply tell them. I also have no problem with people disagreeing with my ideas and/or point of view. The way I see it, each person has the right to decide for him or herself what he or she thinks.

4 years ago*

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Hey, No issues. So, it turns out, I was being dumb and nothing else. I clicked a wrong link and thought you blacklisted me. My sincere apologies for assuming that!
I wholeheartedly agree with your other response, and that is why I have 0 blacklisted users. We are on Steamgifts after all ;)

4 years ago

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Oh. I kinda hoped that this whole "let's review-bomb this game because the devs dared to make the main character gay" was our local thing (here it's almost unanimously hated on any gaming site), that was pretty naive of me.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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hehe maybe we all are obssesed with PC :D Sony Tries to pursude pc player with games like horizon zero dawn but i suppose they just failing

4 years ago

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The last of us is my favourite game ever, even before I got to play it. But sadly I won't buy part 2 until there's a sale. I hope it's not that bad. I tried to avoid the spoilers but I saw some stuff about transgender people. I hope the critiques are not just from people who are transphobic...

4 years ago

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critics are not based on storyline and for the most parts game looks great but story thats something you shoud play to see wheter u like it or not

4 years ago

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Don't buy the defense argument that everyone disliking this is a -phobic.
Its because of the story, the sjw retoric (hey, lets dismiss food in an apocalypse since "bigot"!), a certain scene involving golf clubs, a certain scene involving Druckman himself... naked. The ending... oh and everyone is saying beside trash story the gameplay is trash too, a trimmed down version of the original 10 years ago.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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damn it was so hard for him

4 years ago

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The difference between the user reviews and the critic reviews is that the users didn't get paid. Guess they have that in common with the employees who made the game.

4 years ago

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lol its kinda right . i cant accept this paradox between metacritic and metascore something is wrong

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Bryanfreak.