do you agree with the userscore ?
thanks for the Spoiler tip used that .
yep i`m still wondering whats with the game that ppl hate so much based on what ive seen in metacritic
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I can't really agree or disagree with the user score because I've not seen anything related for the game, nor do I care to.
Lol, thanks for weighing in with this valuable opinion.
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I guess after Devs revealed storyline, fandom got into a shitstorm mode because they don't like it.
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i personally didnt like the story line in part two because of what ive seen in those spoiler videos on youtube and it seems they were true
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Major plot parts of the Story did get leaked by a mistreated Employee.. The new "Story" is utterly bad, the actions you need to take and the "enemies" you have to face...
If you are interested for more just google it, you will be disappointed how they made the sequel.
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some complain about that too some about graphics but i cant be sure untill i play the game
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I highly suggest to search for the leaked footage and story, it will blow your mind.. Don't forget, that this is a Story Game. Meant to be the sequel of the Masterpiece..
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They had a vision and they went for it, sadly it was beyond the wrong path to take. To have the Characters we loved, shared pain and memories with, to go through this awful new story line is so bad... They would need to redo the whole progress they've made so far, so they won't.They will try to sell this Garbage of a sequel and hope they make enough to cover the costs.
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It wasn't a mistreated employee, they had a vulnerability in their engine during development and an external hacker leaked it
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Considering I don't know the story and haven't seen any spoilers (edit: I have now after visiting metacritic for insight lol, hopefully I'll have forgotten it in 10 years when I actually play this, can't even find the "report" button for reviews in there), I would think it's a combination of a bigger focus on Ellie's sexuality, the story being leaked, and people realizing Naughty Dog treats their employees like cattle to make their games. The "visceral" violence in the game some of the press is praising is actually done in a way that psychologically damages some of the developers involved. Or maybe the story is just trash. But this is my guess.
Edit: found this 0 review on metacritic:
didnt expect game like the last of us to be sjw - 75 of 84 users found this helpful
And another one (score of 1):
Honestly the “It’s a SJW game” isn’t even the reason everyone is so upset. It’s that Naughty Dog ruined such beloved characters and created a terrible story in the process that makes this game unbearable to even finish. The only good thing about this game is the graphics but I wouldn’t even say that’s a compliment because we already expected them to be good. - 107 of 120 users found this helpful
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What? Everyone knew Ellie was lesbian from the first game but still loved it so why would they rage about it in a second? It really shows that you didnt play first game or you wouldnt act like whats happening in second part is totally fine..
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U can have any opinion you want, that includes the latter
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I Agree but anyone can have an opinion on homophobic too !! for example someone does not like it . and we have to respect that instead of insulting him .
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You cannot force anyone to believe what you want to believe, everyone is different therefore not everyone is going to agree so don't force it also, part of human nature.
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yep , but if truth lies in it . you cant insult it ... i`m not talking about something particular just saying
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You cannot force someone to believe your agenda either, you don't have to respect any idea too, my point is just that you won't be able to convince someone to be nice or respectful it just clearly depends on people as well as they have no right to be sillenced for it.
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I have no attention to force someone to believe anything nor do i care . its just we should respect each other
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Yeah, the SpiceCrackhead you are discussing with, just read him below some of his respect: "we are expected to respect all bunch of degenerate faggots which keep in mind i won't suicide because i don't have a reason too unlike the LGBT faggots along with the percentage. Anyways u earned your spot on my forum! Normie teheheeheeh"
Yeah, definitely some toxic people don't deserve any respect, or hate speech will spread (even more).
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yeah your right i shouldnt have said that .. some ppl are just .... they dont deserve respect
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No one can know what is in another person's heart. That is why we judge one another based upon actions. Hate evil actions, not individual people.
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No, they do not. That is why the second sentence is important. We are each responsible for our own actions and should be held accountable for them. There has never been a society wherein wrongdoers are permitted to escape justice except that it has been brought to ruin.
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What hate speech lmao? the truth? toxic people boohoooo, kind of hyprocritical of you to say when the guy told me to commit suicide just because i said i am a incel but as soon as i said that, you get mad because your bunch of normies who suck on Jew's cock, Wallahi you are deluded not me, it just proves my point!
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Line crossed. Please remember to keep your posts civil.
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Respecting people that are not like you it's not an "agenda"
It's called being a fucking decent human being :V
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Well fuck being a decent human being too lol, Can't force someone to be a ''decent human being'' either, people are different but maybe replace decent human being with a normie sheep voila!
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Nothing to cut with, but what about you? Would you mind showing me your wrists?
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Only if you show me yours 😉
edit: Dark jokes aside, you might want to take a step back and chill. How you're acting, is that really the kind of energy you think the world needs more of right now? I'm sure you're gonna insult, but give it a thought. You tend to be treated the way you treat others. Be kind, get kindness, be an ass, get treated an ass. Obviously not always, but overall. Besides, it costs nothing to not be a dick
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Don't waste your breath. Some people are just toxic and enjoy the attention. I'm sure there's a really sad story to it because nobody is born that hateful but once they're out there venting their bitterness and hatred and resentment for others' happiness online, there's no way to stop them. Look at how much time he spent spewing hatred at everyone in just this one thread.
Better just use the ignore button.
If only there was a ESGST for the rest of the interweb though...
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Please keep your posts civil. Disagreement is fine, but baiting and/or ridicule is not cool.
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Totally agree. Unfortunately those kind of people keep spreading like disease.
I always blocked them here and on Steam. I want nothing to do with any of them.
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That's the reality of the internet unfortunately, and the world at large but it's easier to avoid in real life.
I feel sad for people with so much hatred in them that they need to spread their unhappiness but I don't know if they can be helped so might as well not engage.
Love your avatar. Have a 💙
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truth is something that no one can deny it . like we all are humans
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well i cant argue with that . your right we cant truly determine whats the truth these days
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truth is something that no one can deny it .
I wish that were the case, but it is not. Truth is denied by individual people all over the world every day. When the truth is unpalatable, some choose to believe in a lie rather than the truth, choosing comfort over acceptance. So many people do their thinking based on "feelings" and desires, these days, that telling fact from fiction has become problematic and misinformation runs rampant. We live in the Age of Confusion, where the lies are presented as truth and the truth is presented as a lie.
Practice skepticism and critical thinking, and remember that you could always be mistaken. Truth will eventually out, and those who seek it will find it.
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damn .. mate your just more than right . we live in the world of pretenders who describe truth how they like .but your right truth will eventually come out no matter what you do . .sun never stays behind the moon forever
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Aha so if your homophobe you inkwell desewe to gwet shwamed and insulted! Boohooo for not agweeing with us! Sorry if we keep getting insulted i guess then we have to insult you back! But i guess we won't because we stay away from normies to avoid such conflicts.
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Nahhh man i don't speak nor understand normie either soz.
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''yikes'' Congrats you are a normie, now do you want some soylent with cookies sir i mean IT ze le fe te me whatever your pronouns are.
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the yikes was for unironically using the word "normie" in 2020 and you did it again. i hope you live long enough to be embarrassed by what you're doing with your time, but you'll probably end up doing a murder/suicide due to your incel rage. rip in piss and good luck, young man.
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Haha its quite hyprocritical of you to make fun of incels (who actually have mental issues) then we are expected to respect all bunch of degenerate faggots which keep in mind i won't suicide because i don't have a reason too unlike the LGBT faggots along with the percentage. Anyways u earned your spot on my forum! Normie teheheeheeh
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No such thing as a bad human normie, Its all subjective and your response goes to my forum so that we could just make fun of normies like you because its our cope! But its okay to protect your degenerate kind which i get your reason after all since your a normie pshhh.
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I always expect a response like this from a NPC like you!
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Of course you are entertaining! I always expect those responses from a normie!
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You can do better if you try, don't let yourself believe whatever is easiest, examine your beliefs and seek out alternate viewpoints. Your insecurity is being exploited by people pretending to be your friends because misery loves company. Educate yourself before you wreck yourself.
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Spoken by a hoe i know its bs this youtube video lmao, no us incels have something called a blackpill which already tells us the truth that you normie don't know, misery loves company? I am coping normie and i am not being exploited more like you are since you pay tax and be a sheeple. Inshallah
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Most likely environmental, but for me its because im a blackpilled incel who supports other incels, we stay clear away from normies and their agenda's, i guess i have to keep on hating lolz and Redcross there is no reason to respect anyone other than the people you side with if that makes any sense.
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We absolutely do not have to respect prejudices.
While a person is free to believe and think whatever they want to, as their mind is the truest sovereign space of the individual, it becomes an entirely different matter when they externalise those opinions. To react with stern negativity to someone voicing, normalising, or acting on prejudice, is not prejudice in itself. The paradigm of intolerance of intolerance isn't hard to understand. A homophobe has the capacity to not act upon their hate (where it forces others to pay for their tab), however a homosexual does not have the capacity to choose their sexual orientation (which the existence of, inflicts harm on nobody).
A homophobe can be respected as any other person, if they keep their beliefs entirely contained. But the homophobia itself does not warrant respect from any civilised individual. We are not purely rational creatures, I understand that. No matter how I identify as, and am functionally atheist, the irrational side of me occasionally gravitates back towards the pieces of christianity that was flicked at me as a child. What defines a person is their actions. A person from older generations where sexism and racism was rampant can easily retain prejudiced beliefs just through cultural proximity, however that does not make them a slave to their irrational, conditioned selves. There are a good number of elderly folks who learned to put a lid on these such things, holding them in balance with their adult reasoning, understanding that their beliefs have no real footing. We can respect them as individuals, and respect their effort to deal with the essential poison they're dealing with, but we do not have to respect the poison itself, nor 'respect their opinion' should their balance faulter and they have an in appropriate outburst.
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I have shown no hatred or prejudice towards christianity. No christian is being oppressed obecause I dared to acknowledge a version of duplicity in my own self. If you feel otherwise, elaborate.
Pretentious? Egocentric? Before you try dressing others in those words, you should perhaps stop trying to falsely equate reasoned counterargument with externalised prejudice, and serving it with a side-order of shit-eating passive aggression. Add substance to your accusations, or they're merely namecalling and overreach.
And yes, while prejudices that were previously rampant are greatly diminished now, they are still much more recent than people realise. Ruby Bridges is only 65. A good number of the people who yelled death threats at her as a child for attending school may very well still be alive today. The ruling in america that finally allowed gay marriage (as a blanket, disregarding individual states) happened so recently that these very forums existed prior to it being enacted. Prejudices linger even when laws are passed to remedy how they manifest. Normalisation is a massive part of what propagates within a culture. When those prejudices surface, there is no reason to blindly 'respect' them simply because they are 'opinions', no matter how long the individual previously kept them under control.
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Did you see this:
User content, Point 4: Personal attacks or hate speech. Threats, harassment, and slurs (e.g. insults towards a user's race, sexual orientation, or gender) are not allowed.
Go with your homophobia (plainly to see in your comments above) to your incel threads, or better, learn to be a decent human beign.
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I don't need to learn to be a ''decent human being'' there's no such thing as that but i do know what i follow, not that you can stop me or anything because i continue either way.
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[Ignores giant discussion]
Sadly, that's just modern argumentation. Find the few vile people, claim the entire backlash comes from those arguments and apply to them to the full backlash, ignore every other complaint that everyone ousted.
Seen it before, see it now, will see it in the future i am afraid.
Just take it from us Star Wars fans who often got all our complains 'nullified' since clearly we are just upset with woman and Asians, nothing go do with the terrible plot and movies at all. :/
Edit: Reading further into this topic i can see this in full effect. The amount of people just reducing the critism to "homophobes" is staggering. Can't be the game is just that shit...
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Ok soyboy now go play on your nintendo switch while i fuck your wife.
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Just cause i ignore it doesn't mean i overlooked what a dredge of a human being you are. But really the only vile person in this topic is you. Everyony else got perfectly reasonable argjments for disliking this garbageheap.
So way to make the point... i guess?
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Blah blah what did you say NPC? That you are a cuck? You want nintendo switch to calm you down?
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Yeah, this is the hard thing about these discussions. One side dismisses the other as regressive. The other side dismisses the first as motivated by a progressive agenda. It's an ad hominem both ways--dismissing a person's reaction to a piece of art on the basis of a possible source of bias. It's just SO HANDY to be able to assume people are wrong and skip to explaining why rather than having to seriously tussle with the possibility that they might be saying something true, or at least reasonable.
And, as you point out, the ubiquity of people who really are being hateful doesn't help either.
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People who completed the game say that the first half (~15hrs) from Ellie's POV is mediocre but okay. There are flaws, but since it's just 15hrs they don't really bother you.
But then, right before the climax, you are forced to play the second half of the game (another 15hrs) from Abby's POV. And Abby's part isn't a continuation of Elli's part, it's a parallel storytelling. Think A and B routes from RE2R. They don't vary much. Instead here you are forced to play the same game with the very same mechanics (tbh even worse as according to these people there aren't any dogs that can sniff you while you are in stealth mode in Abby's campaign and thus the stealth becomes tedious garbage).
Plus storytelling itself becomes more and more... what's the correct word for it? Partitioned? Ragged? Tattered? As if they decided to redo the scenario from scratch in the very last moment.
In short, people expected much, much better game design and story writing from such company.
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yep ppl expect something else from the story and many dont like to be forced to do as they command
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I don't Like Horror games and still have many on my steam account. I also bought The Last of Us Remastered PS4 Disc (Still Brand New Sealed) haven't touch it. I don't get it :(
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Well to be very sincere I like some horror games that I can remember now like Bioshock 1 & Infinite, LFD 1, and others that I beat them all. But I haven't beat a single Resident Evil game, but I like All Real life Resident Evil Movies.
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Errh What!? Have you ever heard of Part-Time work, savings, eBay, Steam sales, Steam trading cards, Humble Bundle, Fanatical, Giveaways (Hello Mcfly!, Steam Gifts, HB, Epic, Gog, Origin, Uplay, ect)
You should get rid of Envy it will lead u to no good.
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no envy t ll, just a consideration on how world goes...there is an italian phrase for this, but don't know if it will works in english..Chi ha pane non ha denti, chi ha denti non ha pane. it's just a consideration and mainly referred to : I also bought The Last of Us Remastered PS4 Disc (Still Brand New Sealed) haven't touch it. I don't get it :(
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I think a lot of people are upset that the developer sacked their excellent lead (female) writer/director, Amy Hennig, so they could cram clumsy political activism into the game at the expense of story and the existing characters in the way that Rian Johnson did with Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Here's a somewhat obtuse summary of the backroom machinations that doesn't contain game plot spoilers:
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that could be too . there are varity of reasons why ppl hate the story
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Not without spoiling the plot. I haven't played it myself, although the plot was leaked online by a disgruntled employee and there is a lot of online discussion so you could find it if you wanted to. In general, it is clumsily attempting to portray non-white, non-male, non-heterosexual traits positively by showing them as powerful in contrast to white male heterosexual characters, including the beloved male protagonist of the first game. This is done with all the subtlety of a baseball bat to the face and at the expense of the story, including making him act in a manner at odds with the character that so much effort went into developing. The crude screaming of this message is made even less palatable by its contrast with the beautiful way that the first game revealed that two of the supporting characters were involved in a homosexual romantic relationship.
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I watched a bit of the gameplay to gain some context. So the issue is one of the protagonists is female and homosexual and the game has no male protagonist? As far as I can see most characters are white, so I am not sure I understand that part of the criticism. What do you mean under positively? Are white male heterosexual characters the antagonists? It didn't seem like they are disproportionately overpowered because their counterparts were non-white, non-male and non-heterosexual. The person with the gun usually had the power. Admittedly, I didn't watch the whole game, but based on what I've seen the narrative choices and the storytelling seems much more strange and illogical to me. Maybe that's just me.
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There's a bit more to it. It also seems to revel in destroying the goodwill earned by the previous game, offending people eager to continue the adventure by shattering the emotional investment the carefully crafted first game had coaxed out of them. The way this is done doubles the pain because it involves the hero acting out of character and looking weak simply to contrast with the all-powerful new diversity hire. This is the parallel with Star Wars: The Last Jedi (and Star Trek: Picard), where the beloved Luke Skywalker, who had previously been shown to develop such determination that he never gave up on redeeming Darth Vader, is now portrayed as a bitter, broken, hopeless, weak man (defeated in training duel by the novice but supremely powerful new female protagonist) that exiled himself in misery after contemplating killing one of his students after fearing that he was powerful and had potential to turn to the dark side.
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The Last Jedi, and SW in general is more or less a fairy tale with very clear good and evil sides and mostly black and white characters. TLOU and TLOU2 (probably as well) on the other hand are dark grim narratives where humans are pushed towards the edge, as their morality is questioned and compromised, and good and evil are sometimes inseparable, so calling the characters "heroes" is a bit odd. The naturalistic way the games present these stories is very different to the SW franchise.
I tried to address the traits you brought up, and their relevance in the story. Again, I haven't played the game, but looking at that character death scene alone, it didn't seem like the "hero" acted out of character, it was an ambush after all and he wasn't overpowered by one diversity hire, rather by an entire group, so I don't see your point in this case. It's not like in Uncharted 4 where a new character (Nadine) easily overpowered both Drake brothers at the same time, despite the game showing Nathan fight and win against so many people prior to that event.
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Bro, I lol'ed so many times in this video I couldn't even count. Best review ever, without a single minute of gameplay. 10/10.
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Yeah, he's a funny guy and his insightful drunkard schtick can be quite entertaining. He makes some excellent film review videos. He's an author that's well educated in the craft of storytelling and is quite merciless when writers resort to lazy shortcuts. He isn't purely negative, though, he does praise work that impresses him and he also offers alternative solutions for work he considers to have been done poorly. His channel is worth a look if you enjoyed the style of this video.
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This guy has a really good/funny review of the last "Star Wars" movie
part 1
part 2
the last 2-3 minutes in part 2 are absolutely brilliant IMHO
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Every single "review" is a thousand times better than the object he is reviewing. I'm actually watching them al now...
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i haven't played either game cos i don't have a console, but i read the outline of the story now that everyone is arguing about it. my theory is that the hatred for the game stems from a favorite character being killed on top of all that other stuff they hate. i personally fit into the classification of the SJW community (tho i think that term is dumb and don't use it as a self-identifier, but gamers gonna be gamers here) and even i'd be nonplussed despite all the so-called representation if a character who i loved from the first game was killed on-screen in the second.
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Can't you be a bit more careful? Reading that comment and your response is a major spoiler and most people will know exactly what happens in the game, even with that one hidden word. I guess people who still want to enjoy the game should stay away from this thread. But unfortunately it is the nature of spoilers that you only realize it when it's too late.
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first of all i have no attention to spoil anything for anyone and im not so familliar with SG only 5 month im here but for that i
m sorry i will try to be more careful mate
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Why not edit your previous comment then? KillingArts is correct, everyone who's not brain-dead will read it as a spoiler.
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i dont have consoles but yeah . i guess its a good game
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nah man thats not the reason i grew with pc and i like it more playin with keyboard and mouse ...dont like controllers
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nothing .. i dont like consoles thats why i didnt buy one , but i cant spare god of war and such .
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I agree, user scores are not always indicative of fun but reviews can tell you what to expect of certain aspects. Also woe be you if your likes are sometimes niche or if you just want to play relaxing games instead of all the permadeath/rogue-like/souls-like/action-filled games.
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Yeah I was wondering about that as well. I mean, I get RedCross is asking what people think to know if the ratings are valid but on the other hand, when I want to watch a movie because it seems interesting to me, or play a game because I like the previous one, I don't really care what professional critics or other people rate it, let alone when there's an obvious reason for biased reviews on top of that.
Of course that tends to invalidate the whole rating system but hey make your own opinion and everyone else can have theirs. What matters if how you enjoy it or not in the end.
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I loved Mass Effect 3 despite its deus ex machina.
Just as I really enjoyed Resident Evil 6 despite its weaker death animations and winding plot (no matter how messy it was, that story format allowed for several differently flavoured branches, and while the death animations lacked the same polish as other titles, the action was still solid). On the flip side, the Bioshock franchise bored me, Borderlands was a headache-inducing grindfest with guns that very quickly felt like featherdusters vs tanks even with critical hits, and Hellblade : Senua's Sacrifice didn't really have much impact on me despite its storytelling and solid audio/visual design.
Taste factors into a lot of things, all the way down to execution of specific scenes. So long as the content isn't flagrantly objectionable or poorly forewarned (so people can moderate what they consume), then I think this is just naturally part of any artform. There are games that I felt I should have really liked, but for whatever reason just didn't click for me, and games that I should probably find garbage but surprisingly enjoyed. The same with movies, and no doubt if I read more, the same with books.
(still a little sore about Hereditary, such wasted potential, such a near hit)
This is usually why when people start loudly declaring something is garbage for pushing a narrative, if they can't articulate it without citing something more than what amounts to "a general feeling of SJWness" or "seems a bit rapey, it appeals to the male fantasy", then I will usually judge it for myself, or simply ignore them in favour of reviews that actually give reasons. People tried to say Resident Evil 4 and 5 were racist for having the primary antagonists be of a certain nationality, but in playing them, the execution never leaned into any obvious racial stereotypings nor played up ethnicity. People tried to say Life is Strange 1&2 was SJW propaganda, yet my playthrough of LiS 1 had no such leanings at all, and in LiS 2 there are two white racist douchebag characters in the first episode, but also the primary sympathic characters are also white (hell, the best one is a chunky internet blogger, and he's an absolute unit). To a certain degree, I can appreciate how things might come off if the player is already very polarised on certain things, but really polarised people aren't often good judges of character in the first place.
I mean, I remember people being up in arms about a gay guy being included in Mass Effect 3, and for 'forcing you to date him' and all kinds of garbage. And while the character does bring it up in a really dumb manner in-game, it was no worse than how in Mass Effect 1, if you were somewhat patient with your crew, they immediately assumed you were romancing all of them. That's just a foggy mix of either bad writing, or the nature of branching-plot design clashing badly by not transitioning smoothly through possible pathways.
Ah jesus. That was one hell of a spammy ramble.
Uh. Disregard me. I agree with your sentiment, haha :P
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I did not play the game, but what's the problem with having a lesbian romance in a game, care to explain? There is plenty heterosexual romances in games and I don't see "everyone sick of" that. Maybe learn to overcome prejudices on your part?
And I'm not going to bother with the sjw part.
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And I'm not going to bother with the sjw part.
It's relevant though as "sjw" is a blanket term for "people living in this century" now so anything you couldn't see on tv or in games or anywhere pre-1980ies is "sjw"; That's the conclusion my research in alt-rightspeak has led to me anyway. Not that I care but I'm interested in neo-linguistics so I had to dig a little.
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Yeah, exactly xD And I think it's a label that is a pretty clear example of how they love ad hominem attacks. It's easier to attack the person, to shame him, rather than refute their arguments.
It's really an interesting subject to research on why the alt-right grows so much and how to end with so much hatred and bitterness. I think in part it's because people who always were in the spotlight in their culture, white heterosexual males mostly (which I am lol), always represented in every form of media, art, etc as the norm, the protagonist, the focus... now they become insecure when women, people from other races, homosexuals, trans people... criticize that and take the spotlight in spaces they weren't in the first place (or not visible).
They, the alt-right, don't believe these groups should be in there, that they are taking something from them.
Just a rant lol
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Heh your rant is safe with me.
And yeah I see what you mean.
I don't think it's all insecurity though, even if it does play a part
It's a natural reaction I guess because the over-representation of white dudes in the media, as well as other venues, lasted so long, they started thinking it was true. What doesn't help either: terms like "minorities". As if white men were a de facto "majority", statistically, which they are not in most places (except maybe Scandinavia or Poland lol) , not to mention worldwide.
If anything, their reaction shows why representation of diversity matters. And in a generation, there will be less acrimony to you know... regular representation of societies as they are in the media. But it stems from being lied to by the media and accepting it. So now they bitch about some media agenda, as if that wasn't the case in the first place when the media showed only white men and everyone else was there for laughs, to be villains or to be "converted".
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This has to be the biggest BS i have read in this entire thread.
Alt-right speak? Living in this century?
Do all those people whine if Sonic gets a proper redesign. Think its dangerous to listen to fans. Think Sneider Cut is the anti-Christ. Need Paw Patrol banned since copdog? Bitch and whine that men should leave movies alone then complain we are all misogynists if those bomb?
Cause those are the Social Justice Warriors.
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I just like a good story. Even though I am a bisexual female and I dont mind the gender of characters, its getting ridiculous how much lesbian characters are being forced into media likes games, series, movies just so that it caters to everyone in the audience. It just seems forced to me in this situation as well. Same with everything else that makes certain people different from others. And same with trying to be politically correct. I love old movies and series because they never tried to cater to everyone. They wanted to make good movies and they did. And the other part - not another zombie game!
By the way thanks for the 30 blacklists, Im glad I triggered some snowflakes :)
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I suspect those blacklists may be a knee-jerk reaction from those sensitive to your wording. When you are swinging a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
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I played the original TLoU and it was a pretty good, story was overrated but still pretty decent. Now, I didn't play TLoU 2 but watched a playthrough and I can already tell that it's "misery porn" when it comes to the story, it's like TLoU 1 intro but the whole game is like that.
Putting all the political stuff aside, the story is still garbage without that. All the sad or bad moments lose all the meaning when they happen one after another.
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your right maybe fans just dissapointed when they saw part two . cause they expected some kinda happy story not like this ..
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didnt miss your point mate ive seen to many comments like this but the problem is only some think story is garbage but about last of us 1 most of the ppl think its awesome
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Ah, got it.
Just thought that it was a bait/troll, guess I'll need to stop jumping the shark so early.
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Spoilers to explain it. Basically they kinda almost retcon the ending of the first game, making that choice almost the entire reason the 2nd one happens. Also killing of character(s) like they mean nothing when they built them up in the first game. Also pandering.
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Well, if you get me a copy of the game, I'll gladly play it and let you know whether I agree with the user score or not. ;)
But I generally take user scores with some skepticism. I've seen games with great user reviews that I thought were terrible, and I've also seen games that I thought were amazing get some surprisingly poor scores. I remember looking up one game in particular, surprised at some of the 0/10 and 1/10 reviews and discovered that those were made by people who didn't understand the basic game mechanics of the game.
For example, it is a common design for strategy games with discrete battles to save the randomly generated seed used for random number generation at the beginning of the battle to maintain consistency and discourage save-scumming - that way if you restart the battle it'll start exactly the same way and if you perform the same exact actions you'll get the same exact outcome. But some people saw that, and mistakenly thought that everything was set in stone, and gave the game a 0 as a result.
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even if you count half of them who hate or dont know anything about the game . still half played the game and for this particular game you cant deny them . as for the witcher it got like 93 metacrit . 91 metascore these two tells another story
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I think a lot of people hated the game for various reasons but most of all, the genuine 'I hated it" scores that are not about random political agenda are ironically caused by people loving the first game.
It never fails. It's hard enough to do a sequel for anything but when people so massively loved the first part, and they wait so long for the second part, they fill their hope balloon with all kinds of expectations and when the game/movie/show/whatever dare go another way, and pop their happy bubble, they just hate it, even if it's not bad, which may or may not be the case there.
Just saying people's love for something can turn to unreasonable and unjustified hatred very fast when they don't get their way.
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i guess your right . they expected something like the part 1 , and right now all of em are angry sad and dissapointed
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People online often get upset over things that don't bother me at all, and when it's something popular there's a bit of a mob mentality that comes into play in piling on to tear it down - you may have heard of review bombing.
When a game has nearly unanimously glowing critical reviews but terrible user reviews, I assume that review bombing is in effect, and I would trust the critic reviews - they're more accurate in my experience.
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Especially then you shouldn't trust the critics - or at least you should take a closer look at them and if something drastic happens like with TLOU2 - where ridiculously many 100s are shot out... my first assumption would be that critics did not understand their job or do it for a reason (which has nothing to do with the product) especially today when everything is "manipulated" somehow
the user score is corrupted by stuff like the "bombing" but the critic score too - there are enough examples to prove this
just look at what disney is doing - deletes or scrap reviews for bigger Cinema Movies - the never changing user score of rise of the skywalker and with a crappy critic score but who, for inexplicable reasons, loved the previous film O_o
or almost nothing Seth MacFarlane ever did was really well received by the critics - the same with his latest show The Orville - Season 1 - critic score 30% .....but Season 2 is at 100% now. Did the show improve? Yes...but whats really happen ...between 1 and 2 ... Disney bought Fox :p
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You're talking about movies and shows and I'm talking about games. Can you give me an example of a game with universal critical praise that has poor user reviews and was a legitimately bad game?
As an aside, I haven't seen Orville, but I've not been impressed by anything of Seth MacFarlane's that I have seen. But I'm not sure what your point is? That Season 2 was better received by critics? It wouldn't be the first time a show didn't hit its stride until Season 2 - Babylon 5 comes to mind as a prime example. Many critics mention that it improved over the first season, and the critic reviews are now in line with the overwhelmingly positive user reviews. Additionally Rotten Tomatoes uses a simple good/bad review system as Steam does, which makes it easy to get 100% from a few reviews, particularly as RT counts anything with a 7.5+ as positive and 7.0- as negative. Season 2 has all of 14 reviews, almost entirely based on the 1st episode of Season 2, with individual scores ranging in the 7.5-8/10 range - is it really unbelievable that those 14 people who watched the 1st episode of Season 2 thought, "Hey, this is actually pretty good, I'll recommend it"? The negative reviews of the 1st Season, mostly based on the first 1-3 episodes, are in the 5-7/10 range, so it's not that the critics hated it, it's just that it fell short of the 7.5 needed for RT to count it as a positive review and thus only 30% of the reviews were positive. Though there were also a lot more reviews, only 2 of the 18 "Top Critics" who reviewed the 1st season have reviewed the 2nd, and those two bumped their scores up from 6-7 for the 1st season to 8-8.5 for the second - I'm not seeing anything earth shattering here that points to some bigger conspiracy.
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no i can not at least i cant think of one - the "there are enough examples" was actually only limited to movies and series
I also dont think there are really bad games either, at least not in the AAA area
I think I completely misunderstood you there - your posts were generally related to the relationship between critics and user reviews, right?
I was extremely focused on TLOUS2 and thought that because the game is being bombarded, you now trust the really exaggerated critic reviews in this "special case" where you can't really take either side seriously.
Yes, the Orville example was probably not the best if i think about it, there are some series where this is the case. just wanted to list something else because I think it was or is a strange coincidence for the big picture
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I was saying that, within the scope of video games, I trust critic reviews over user reviews. I have seen many examples of good games being review-bombed by angry users (which is definitely what's happening here - the game had thousands of 0/10 reviews within 7 hours of release, so either thousands of people stopped playing a few hours into a 20 hour game to leave a 0/10 review, or thousands of people left a review without ever playing the game, and 0/10 is very much an "I am angry and using this to voice my anger" score).
I've seen negative, angry reviews posted for ridiculous things. For example, there was a PC game that was delayed by a few months for additional bug fixing, and many people were outraged. Some bought the game on Steam just to leave a negative review and refund it. Yes, people were outraged that a studio took the time to fix bugs rather than rushing out a buggy game. /boggle
I've also seen overwhelmingly positive user reviews for poor games with poor critical reviews, and I can give you at least two cases where the critics were absolutely right and users were wrong.
Blades of Time has a 9/10 on Steam for what is a poor God of War clone with mediocre and tedious combat, terrible voice acting, and frequent bugs such that I had to repeat the first boss fight 3 times because the first time I fell through the world and the second time the boss glitched and became invincible. I love God of War, I love Marlow Briggs (which is a GoW clone done right), but I stopped only a few hours into Blades of Time when, after finally getting past the first boss without a game-breaking bug, they introduced an enemy type that could only be defeated in a particularly tedious way.
The Legend of Korra had a 9/10 on Steam for what is (sadly) a surprisingly poor action game with repetitive, featureless levels; a poorly told story that makes no sense (I watched the show, and I still had no idea what was going on in the game, or if it was even following the show or making up its own story); very few enemies that were constantly recycled; and a roller-coaster difficulty curve which made no sense and in which you would either get destroyed in seconds to beat the fight with barely a scratch. I got it because I liked the show, I loved the studio's other games, and because of all the positive user reviews, but it was a really disappointing game - I should have trusted the critic reviews. I beat it, so it wasn't as bad as Blades of Time, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
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Well, if you get me a copy of the game, I'll gladly play it and let you know whether I agree with the user score or not. ;)
Yeah, that kind of talk will get you suspended. SG Support has no tolerance for begging, even in jest. Take an Official Warning and be thankful I chose not to hammer you, this time.
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I haven't played either, but Ive watched the first playthrough and I'm halfway into the second game.
Honestly, I can't comment on the gameplay, but the story just lacks.... polish or something. My love of the original characters aside, the story seems kind of... clunky? It doesn't flow as well, and doesn't seem as well written. I heard they got a different writer for the game this time though, so that might be it.
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i dont think writer is replaced but i agree with the story most of us dissapointed for what they done to ellie and joel .... but gameplay is fine . graphics is good . . all seems fine but story
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Dang. 3.3 score as of this comment with 12356 ratings. I'd think it would be a vocal minority, but the amount of ratings prove otherwise. This is actually big. At this point I really do think the game probably isn't that great, and the combination of disappointed fans and homophobic people is producing these high numbers.
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most important part is not about SJW . its about the characters and violence in this game and thats why they do that but i think the reviews are based on 4-5 of gameplay not all . that being said i have no faith on those review sites like ign nor sony
first sony didnt allow them to review the last 10 hours
secound these sites may act by politics and i suppose they have to be agree with feminism . SJW . and such and that is something i cannot accept its like someone is forcing you
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Those who wrote the policy of the review i cannot accept that . i mean when you want to Criticize you should be able to do it on all sides of the game . like the story for example they have to agree with how it is and even if you have to do something you dont want to
you dont have much of a option like describing the character as they see fit . i cannot accept with force anyhow
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i`m sayin that they have no right to to criticize the story you see ppl dont see the story as they see right or fit ..
i dont think naughty dog have rights for that but its obvious that someone has otherwise they shouldve atleast complain about the story
i cant believe there is no review from ign and reviewers like them complaining about the story and that makes me wonder
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Well, the ones who got the game before it was relased got it from Naughty Dog, for free.
If they want to get a game again next time, they can't say that the game is sh*t.
And also, I can already see how someone would get called homophobic just because they would point out anything wrong with a lesbian character.
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The agenda?
I mean, they ALL
1) Ignore Sony's DMCA abuse
2) Post articles how "it was not angry employees, its evil hackers, all is fine!" In the same hour
3) Make 10/10 revieuws
4) Now make article after article sayinv the userscore is "fake news" and hating on the fanbase (Russian bots, manbabies, altright! You know the drill)
Suspicious, no?
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There are a lot of people with big chips on their shoulders, these days.
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But it can still be used as an indicator that something is absolutely wrong with the game or people just don't like it - Why they dont like it? Whats wrong? that is actually completely irrelevant .... there's a bunch of 0/10s but the 10/10s are just nonsense too
If these people gave an honest score about their "hate or fan" statements it would settle somewhere between 5-6
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I feel like a lot of hate is coming from people that dislike the direction the story went.
Spoilers ahead (tried to be as non-specific as possible)
Having to endure what they did to a certain character from previous game, being forced to play as a very unlikable character afterwards, having to oppose another fan-favourite character and not even being able to make a choice during the ending
There's also talk about forcing a SJW/LGBTQ+/... agenda, which made certain groups' eyes glow red.
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your right .. more than right maybe well see what happends after day or two
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There's also talk about forcing a SJW/LGBTQ+/... agenda, which made certain groups' eyes glow red.
Nope. These people are never offended. It's just the SJW that are offended by everything and anything.
To sum it up:
Joke aside, I agree with you. I think people loved the first game so much, they were hoping for something that didn't come true and their disappointment turned to resentment.
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This review bombing embarrass me as someone who plays games too.
Call of Duty does not have any agenda or politics (despite being propaganda pro yanki) but
-A LGTB character
-A non-sexualized woman
Are political things and agenda for some gamers. Ok
These gAmERs precisely criticize SJW for being overly offended with anything. They don't see the irony? They are criticizing this super secret political agenda who forces developers to include LGTB themes, but these enraged gamers are doing the very same thing forcing and harassing developers to not include these topics in their games.
This is the people who defend freedom for creators and freedom of speech lol But of course, developers can't use topics they don't like
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People don't like the social pandering. That's what happens when you hire a SJW as either head of develop or head writer?
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Maybe . but i`m pretty sure one of the reasons is that you cannot bring something like that to a game like the last of us and this topic is not accepted by the public even in usa nor eu (not by all ppl) they shouldnt have bring it to that game and ruin the character ppl so loved both i mean
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this one Anita Sarkeesian is the head leader of this shitty idea ... ppl waited like 7 years and they get what !!
dont play this if you looking for a game if you cant accept leave the fuc... us alone says neil :|
but hey maybe sony learned it leasson not to ruin a game by this reveloutions i guess hehe
its not about someone religious its about something that most of the ppl cant accept !! or they dont like it !! i was scared that they going to do that like tv series in games too and thats exacly what happend
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Yes, has some homophobic comments sadly - 30% i guess, but the reason of majority negative rewiews is: THE SCRPIT, what´s happening to a amazing charater and this WTF ending.
Graphichs, gameplay and the visual is amazing but the main storyline sucks, SWJ are nonsenses and this game really desevers a rating of 3/5 for this creep storyboard. Graphics maybe 8/10
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yeah this paradox between metacritic and metascore makes me wonder !!!!
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It pulled a Last Jedi... shitting on beloved chars and hoping to get sales before people figure out how terrible it is.
But Naughty Dog is so terrible their former employees leaked the story out of revenge. Still very sorry for the poor haps who avoided spoilers and didn't cancel pre-order, i can understand how mad they must be, having endured Last Jedi firsthand.
So yeah, totally legit score. Terrible story, terrible score. Reap the crap you sow...
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lol . that was a little harsh dude but yeah i`m pretty sure he was behind the spoilers and those ( hackers) sony mentioned is nothing but a big fat lie to cover theire ,,,,,
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loool you mean the scene where Luke loses all control of his emotions and tries to straight up kill Vader by just wailing away at him with his lightsaber, before the Emperor's urgings to succumb to the Dark Side cause Luke to realize what he was doing, regain his composure, and attempt to coax Vader over to the Light Side even if he has to nearly sacrifice himself to do it?
Just to eventually... lose all control of his emotions and try to straight up kill Ben by just attacking him with his lightsaber, before his fear of succumbing to the Dark Side causes Luke to realize what he was doing, regain his composure, and (albeit some years later) attempt to coax Ben over to the Light Side even if he has to sacrifice himself to do it?
Yeah, can't imagine how those are the same character, at all.
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It may not be good writing, but at least it is consistent. P
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You mean where Vader coaxed him by mentioning going for Leia... yes, i have seen it too. What taunting did sleepy Kylo do?
And he still went in for redeem in the first place, not murder.
I mean even Mark Hamill himself said its not the same Luke. Is he wrong too?
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I share this unpopular (in some quarters) opinion with Amedeus. First, a disclaimer: TLJ wasn't a good movie. I thought it was a badly flawed movie, but the better parts of it struck me as the most worthwhile things in the new trilogy.
Anyhow, it doesn't seem true to what we saw onscreen to say Luke tried to "murder his nephew". That would be premeditated, or at least involve the intention to kill Kylo. But the movie seemed careful to establish that Luke had no such intention. He sensed a dark threat and responded out of a Jedi's instinct. He didn't strike, though he could have. He was ashamed of even of drawing his weapon immediately upon realizing what he'd done.
That real tragedy of it was that Luke hadn't done anything very wrong--never actually attempted to harm his student. Yet he blamed himself for everything that followed, as a good man might. It's like a soldier who's training leads him to make a split second decision resulting in friendly fire. He blames himself for a thing he never chose.
That's my take anyway. I thought grumpy old Luke was more interesting, and better acted, than Luke had been at any point previous. Also, while I agree with a lot of the complains about Rey, I thought Johnson's direaction with her was better than the other two films. He wanted her to be nobody from no place, not a chosen one or heir to some Jedi bloodline. Up to that point Rey's defining trait was just being too powerful; she had little other characterization. But her existential frustration over her identity, and the subverting of the audience's expectations, went at least some way to fixing this. In general, the sub-plot with Rey, Kilo, and Old Luke was the part of the movie that worked. The other two subplots both failed badly.
(And is Mark Hamil wrong? I'm not sure. Luke's trajectory as traced in the old Extended Universe continuity was very, very different, with Luke staying pretty much the same idealistic golden boy he'd been. Johnson's is a jarringly different take, especially if you'd gotten attached to the other rendition. It wouldn't surprise me if Hamill, so defined by this role, had. But I don't see the new story as at odds with the original movies. And I don't see Hamill's opinion on the subject as definitive. He plays the character, but he isn't Luke.)
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514 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Slenderpoop00
hey as you know the last of us part two got 95 metacritic and we were able to play it last night i guess .. after of 20 hours in eu we see userscore and its 3.4 by 6700 user whats the problem ?? ppl argue about the Story-line do you agree with them ?
Spoiler Alert !!!!
Maybe they hate that characters die on the first 3 hours of the game and some complaining about GBT what do you think guys
some think that those website wich review the games like ign had to be quiet about the story and feminism and sony did not even let them to review the last 10 hours of the game
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