I collect badges because i grew up collecting baseball cards, and when i was in school, there would be these stamp books that would come out from different cartoon shows. I loved collecting all that crap, lol. So when they introduced the cards on steam, i couldn't resist. Plus i like decorating my profile. Reminds me of my Myspace days.
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I can, obviously, speak only for myself but I just find some of these little pictures worth it. It's better to have them than not to. For example, these are pretty neat.
And yet, EnhancedSteam shows I have made 6€ profit (imaginary money best money) out of market so no regrets.
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because.. because
I have spent $5 on cards, and maybe ~7 for games to get more cards
have made a $2 loss or so on the market last I checked
once my market funding runs out, I will likely stop buying cards till I manage to get more funds(ill load up 5-10 dollars for a fun event at most, and when it goes.. it goes)
seeing as I managed to get level 70.. sometimes its just fun to level up I guess
it took me like a year or two just to start getting more games on steam.. then suddenly they just piled on
I guess long story short, I have a buying addiction.. but at least I budget it
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Well, to answer your question, here's another one: why do people constantly buy new clothes when they already have a lot?
Because they like clothes; we like Steam so we buy things related to Steam.
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Just to show that you are spending a lot on steam. I am a trader, and so for people to trust me as well, I can show that I have spent loads and have no reason to scam. + there is a lot of reputation to high levels
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I craft badges, so I can put more emoticons on my profile :3
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If I'm in crafting mood I'll hit up steam cards exchange and see what the bot has. That's pretty much it. I don't go looking for trades on the forums or even with my steam friends.
There are a few I won't level up furhter because I like them. If it wasn't Christmas I'd have them displayed on my profile instead of the Christmas theme I have going.
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Selling trading cards to nerds in order to get free money instead of numbers on one's profile that don't actually do anything.
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Those nerds care too much about their e-peen.
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My level is on sweet spot, so I 'll go for the look of it and as long as it's cheap enough (<0.1$). Also I'm going to craft my first and probably only foil badge too.
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You literally play flash games and earn points to buy rewards(items). In the market, you use money to buy items. I don't understand how spending money > getting stuff for free.
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Just do the offers peanutlabs,offertoro,supersonic,and persona offers pay out quite well.I got about 11k+ coins in the last few days.Turned it into quite a few cards/sets and a copy of cs:go.The sign up ones that need no cc are the easiest to get coins from.
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Well, in that case my advice is to just simply do it on your free time or, yes, do the offers and get a ton of coins easily.
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Only because you live in unrestricted country, that's why.
Not me, unfortu-facking-lutelly cant do nothing, no videos, no tasks, no games, no nothing, well, not "nothing", 5 coins per day just for login up. Note that it takes TOO DAMN too much time to get enough even for a card.
Thanks region abusers/exploiters, you've doomed us all.
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At least you're not blocked from using the site just because your country is not supported.
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Last thing I knew was they unlocked registration for everyone (after the exploit thing which DID had blocked regions for registration). Different thing is that you/your might be banned.
But I could be wrong, TG seems to have pretty tight security I tell you that!
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Right, sorry, I honestly forgot about that. Still, at least you're getting something. I can understand if it seems like a waste of time but spending not even 5 minutes for 5 points a day seems like a worthwhile investment, if not monotonous to login and logout every day.
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Yeah but that gets you nowhere! Most of you guys get games daily or 8-10 cards per day. That's alot!
What can I do? I wasn't part of the exploiters, why do I must pay for their mistake/abuse?
That's the problem when something is too good to be true; people abuse it so it no longer works, I hate that 'characteristic', it ruins everything and puts us all in the same basket! (I'm speaking in a general way now, this applies to pretty much everything)
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Depending, the crowdflower tasks are really time efficient for the pay, as 2 1-2 min tasks can get you a card (depending) so yeah. Surveys aren't really worth it unless a bundled game gets added to the store that you want, you can typically get those for finishing one survey, which can take a while. I stopped using the site mostly, unless it gets games I want in stock for cheap. I just enter the giveaways now.
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first i crafted to get some steam lvls to get higher chances for booster pack drops
im on lvl 30+ and chance should be now 60% higher and i still get only 1 booster pack per month.
total not worth the money ... now i just sell all cards and buy more games from it
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1) Buy it
2) Use it
3) Break it
4) Fix it
5) Trash it
6) Change it
7) Mail
8) Upgrade it
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Alternatively, bribe a sibling to let you use her Steam account to idle games (only some of which you've given her) and collect the cards from the games. I went from 8 dollars, to 40 dollars in the past 2 weeks, only selling duplicate cards, and crafted 10 badges once the holiday cards started dropping. I'm a single card away from a full set on about 40 other games. What did it cost? "Sara, I've got this duplicate wallpaper from the Summer Sale, and some items from a couple games, just taking up room in my inventory, want them?" Granted, that came back to bite me when the duplicate wallpaper ended up being worth 100 gems, but oh well.
I do have one friend that will give me cards from any game I give him. He keeps any booster packs he gets after he gives me the cards. I let him have whichever of my spare keys from bundles that he wants.
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my strategy goes like this
I gather the drops. Trade a bit to get the other half of the set. And then I craft the badge! It's a pretty effective strategy for crafting badges, you should definitely try it.
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1:1 is how it's supposed to be. Punks demanding 2 cards for even the most cheap crap cards they have should be erased from the trading forums.
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I usually only craft the badges that look appealing, or if I really loved the game.
If the badge I want is expensive (as is the case with most new games), I'll sell the cards high and buy them cheap later.
And I'm only going as far as either level 30 or 40, for the showcases, then I'll probably just sell them all as they come in.
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I wait for holidays sales, because crafting then it gives you one of the holiday cards which cost more than the normal game cards. Then I get all the drops I can. This year with the gems event I also got rid of all my duplicated stuff, got 12k gems so I created booster packs for each game I got all the drops ready, then used steamcardexchange.net to get some cards I didn't had, and also bought a few cards I needed to complete the set. With the holiday cards I got when crafting normal badges I crafted the holiday badge, and after selling the duplicated holiday cards I got a few cents more than I spent on the cards I bought to complete the sets. So I crafted like 14 badges for free.
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i craft some just for the holidays sales so i can get some dirt money over holidays fan badges, last year i got around 30 usd from 10usd invested, some ppl like to craft badges to their favorite games , its cheaper than the "ultimate plus ultra version" and some badges look really cool, take witcher as example.
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And, are there better badges than others?
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