Dedicated or above in a selected Indie title. Will also be a requirement.
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Actually, from the way I've gathered, one achievement equals one hour of playtime. So if there are easy to get achievements, I'd go for those.
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Thanks for sharing. Any idea which Indie Games are on that list?
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i grew up with m/d/y, and it didn't take me long to realize that putting the most specific piece in the middle makes no sense at all. i prefer yyyy-mm-dd because it sorts correctly as a string.
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This! As a software developer, I much prefer the yyyy-mm-dd universal standard because I both find it easier to read and to use in any piece of software code.
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I'm from the UK and although it's not something I'm very used to (although moreso than a lot of Brits I'd say since I lived in California for a year when I was 20), I don't think I find it as stupid as most British people seem to.
I hear people say it's silly because you say "25th of September" out loud so it should be written with the day first, but people also say "September 25th" out loud so that seems like flawed logic to me.
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Holy Shit , sure i need to get that stacking one :3.
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My country is available but I don't want link my Facebook account. What a pity, Stacking looks as a great game.
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already use raptr and got psychonauts in hibv, but don't have stacking yet so will look to claim that, even if i have to play some other game i already have to become eligible :)
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They rank you based on achievements and playtime but playtime seems to take priority (for example I have Platinum God and 100% of the achievements in The Binding of Isaac but I have friends still ranked above me since they've put more hours into the game, which I find silly).
Basically all you'll need to do is crack open the game and play it a while. Dedicated isn't a very high rank.
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You do need to sign up for an account and there is a Raptr desktop client but it's completely optional and you don't need to download it if you don't want to. You don't need to give it your Steam password or anything, just your Steam ID so it can look at your achievements and playtime.
It's a pretty neat website really (but I'm a sucker for statistics so I love things like that). I definitely wouldn't consider it a "strange site", no more than any other. If there were something wrong with it I doubt it would have the hundreds of thousands of users it has.
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Eh not really, it sort of just breaks down your "ranking" in games based on achievements and playtime (although it seems to favour playtime, which I find odd because you can play a game for hours and hours and still be bad at it). It also shows stats about what kind of games you have most of (genres)and where you rank amongst your friends. There are communities for each game too. There's also Facebook and Twitter sharing (although I don't have Facebook and I don't share it to my Twitter - just another neat feature for those who care about things like that). You can link it to your PSN or XBL too so it's not just for Steam, and if you get the desktop client you can also add non-Steam PC games to track your playtime and rankings. You can also earn various rewards - games, beta keys, in-game stuff, etc.
It's not the type of website to spend a lot of time on or anything, but it's kind of interesting to see the various stats and whatnot. Mine's right here if you want to look it over a bit and see what the profiles are like.
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Because the roads are so much better in Belgium! cough cough
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You mean all I have to do is give a 3rd party my login details for complete access to my account to get free games? WOW!
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Sarcasm and rhetorics or not, it is still a question. Maybe not a sincere one but a question nonetheless, facetious as it may be.
Also, what makes you think it's unrelated to the site this topic is about? The thread is about getting free games from a 3rd party website so if someone says "all I have to do is give a 3rd party my login details for complete access to my account to get free games", I'm honestly completely baffled as to what would make you think he's referring to something else.
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I know that, and I fully agree with you. However, it's not even really relevant to this particular comment thread.
If you'd read the comments above you'd see that the point of all this is I don't understand why someone (the person who made the original comment I replied to) would think that OP of the original comment in this thread was talking about a different website. If the thread is about getting free games from a 3rd party website and someone says "all I have to do is give a 3rd party my login details for complete access to my account to get free games", I don't know why someone would think they were referring to a different website. They were inaccurate in their statement about giving the site their login details, but that's not a very good basis for saying they're talking about a different site since if they've never heard of or used the site, they probably didn't know that. I agree that he shouldn't slander a site he doesn't know and I've actually defended the site in other comments, but that's a complete moot point right now considering it still doesn't answer and has nothing to do with why someone would think he's talking about a different website than the one being discussed in this thread (apart from the proposed reason of "Maybe because the site in question doesn't need, or ask for, your login details?" but as I said, considering it's hard to know information about a site you've never heard of, that doesn't seem like a very good basis for that).
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Okay, quick explanation of what I meant. MaximumBunny communicated (through roundabout rhetoric, which is perfectly fine) that he was talking about a site that requires login details for Steam. This thread does not talk about a site that requires login details for anything other than itself, therefore, MaximumBunny is not talking about Raptr or about anything mentioned on this thread.
(Yes, I was being facetious, though entirely truthful in a literal sense at the same time.)
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That makes sense, but since quite a few people (who clearly don't have much knowledge of the site) are going off the assumption that you do need to put in those details to access the site (which, although incorrect, is understandable since a lot of sites do need more personal details to link various accounts), I figured he was just assuming too.
I see where you're coming from but personally I just think it makes more sense and seems more logical that he was talking about the site in question but was just making misinformed/incorrect statements due to false assumptions.
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I'm that guy who always turns up to fights just as they've finished. :(
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For having an opinion and expressing it (and in a far more civil manner than some, albeit rather strongly at times - I mean at least I'm not calling people childish names like "drama queen" completely unwarranted...), just like everyone else here?
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you do not need to put your login details, lol. Also, Raptr is pretty much legit.
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Not in my region, I don't think its in any of their giveaways. Bleh
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If you're using Chrome it might have blocked the pop-up window (it did for me) that'll have the related facebook app "stuff" on. If so, there'll be a notification of sorts on your address bar.
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Elite in 30 games, Hardcore in 7, Dedicated in 13. Now waiting to find out that I don't own the indie game selected.
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psychonauts is a little bit childish, but it's worth it. way better than most of the modern hit titles.
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Stacking is one of the most original adventure game I've played in quite a while.
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Want Psychonauts so bad. Only played demo but it seems awesome
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Yeah, very awesome...INCLUDE ALL COUNTRIES DAMMIT! -.-
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To get them you need to:
Edit: rewards will go live Sept. 27th at 10:30 AM PST
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