Past that, I've seen OEM keys for cheaper, so it may be. HRK doesn't have a good reputation on their sourcing and G2A-network-based sales, but I don't think they're known for providing dead/revoked keys.
That said, the above wasn't a joke, despite its presentation- extended support for Win7 lasts till 2020; if you don't absolutely need Win10, I'd recommend sticking with Win 7 until then. Win 10 is filled with bugs- some rather significant, like the Windows Update-based one that's currently randomly shooting my processor temp up 45C, has quite a few design issues that occasionally frustrate, and has suffered from deliberate user-sabotage by the designers in its updates. Meanwhile, it doesn't really offer anything more functional than 7, unless you absolutely need the newest version of DirectX. In that case, I'd recommend a dual-boot setup, and just load up Win10 whenever you specifically need it.
Well, your prerogative. I'm pretty sure OEM keys go for 5-8 on the low end, though, with 12-15 being fairly normal, so look around a bit more before deciding to go with HRK. And when you do buy from them, be careful they don't stick you with G2A shield..
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Thanks sooth, I am asking more out of curiosity than need.
I've already have WIn10 on my current PC (the laptop came with Win8 installed). However I plan/gather budget for a proper rig to build in a year or so, and then 2020 cutoff of Win7 support will be a factor
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OEM means it is supposed to be used only by computer manufacturers who pre-install the OS on a system.
If you want a simpler explanation: the key is stolen from some PC company. OEM keys also only work with the type of hardware they were associated with in the first place, which usually means a specific brand of laptops.
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It seems unlikely that all but the smallest handful of OEM keys out there are stolen, given that they can easily be acquired legitimately. OEM keys are freely sourced for the purpose of computer manufacture and resale (which is why you can buy them from retailers such as NewEgg). (Put another way, anyone who wants to be can decide to be a "computer manufacturer".)
Retaining a computer with an OEM copy of Windows installed on it, rather than reselling it, is a violation of the terms of service.. but it happens pretty regularly. Past that, I seem to recall that promotional copies are given out somewhat regularly to schools, and I believe sometimes even alongside purchase of hardware components.
Futher reading:
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Well, if I remember it right, previously MS allowed to use OEM license for self-built PCs (as in this case you are the manufacturer). You still need a sticker for it to be legit though, and obviously HRK won't provide one. And I'm not even sure this is still allowed.
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Who cares if it's legit, only reason you would want windows 10 is to get Gears of War 4 and Halos Wars 2, which are still not worth using that thing, I swear to God they better not make State of Decay 2 and Age of Empires windows 10 exclusives too.
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just fyi, i used old pc, 5years+ .Only upgrade SSD, everything work fine with Win 8.1 its far better than Win 7 in my opinion.
Still thinking to get that Win 10 OEM or not... the price so tempting
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The problem is these OEM keys aren't generally not really legit. They do work, but aren't meant for people to install at home. I do have a copy of 7 (installed as an upgrade on an old Vista laptop that's no longer in use), so that's probably a better way to go in any case.
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They sell it only via Bitcoin, which speaks for itself... (don't do that)
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Raising this thread from the dead a bit here, but ...
No, there are other ways to pay for things on HRKgame. The only way it even takes Bitcoin is via g2apay. If you are using g2apay, then you can pay with Paypal or CC, after some decent sized fee % is added.
"How can it be so cheap?" -- various ways. most utilized? it's free for students, get the 'windows multiple pack', it comes with home, pro, and education version.
"Is it cheaper somewhere else?" -- yes.
I bought the $20.99 Windows 10 Pro Retail (-3% with allkeyshop3 or allcdkey3 or some code I don't remember), so was like $20.35? Then back to around $21 after the payment fees were added.
The OEM version, you can find on "essentially" reputable sites that sell it for $10 or so & I'd use one of those places instead of hrk.
If you check Kinguin, you'll see this Windows 10 Professional is their second best seller, but $32.04 is way too high. If you're going to buy it from Kinguin, there are dozens of other options. Gamivo has some pro OEM for ~$10, from 99% people -- but, even this gamivo price should be cheaper. You'll notice on Kinguin, this exact same $32.04 price is shared by 29 different people. For gamivo, the € 8.00 is shared by around ten people, so, again, they are imposing some minimum there.
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Back in the days (8m ago) even the support said, they only accept bitcoin for windows.
Other games were payable by card. That was the most suspicious part...
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Bought two in the last two months elsewhere (check Allkeyshop) for about $5 each.
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It depends on what you mean by "legit". It will activate and work. But it will be almost the same as if you used some "activator" app to pirate it, It won't be properly licensed. So you are basically paying for pirated windows there.
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Basically, is this legit?
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