I like the building up aspect in games, as long as it's complimentary to the main game and not endless grinding. I like leveling up and getting new stuff. I don't mind other people killing me over and over until I learn the ropes, as long as it's a two-way understanding that that's the game and they don't do it out of the blue.
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" Is there an online game where everyone plays nice and it's not in the land of unicorns?"
No ;)
I play mp firstperson shooters. BF1 at the moment. I disabled chat because most harassing seems to go through chat on that game.
If someone is too annoying I just leave a server.
I dont have any experience with the kinda games you play though.
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I mostly play solo, so yes I do enjoy it. When my squad acts retarded I just join a different one.
Practice makes perfect. When you learn the maps, classes, vehicles, guns, etc you'll start kicking ass yourself.
I mostly join squads with people around the same level as I am. They usually know what they are doing.
And I never play deathmatch, mostly conquest (big maps)
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Well, at least you gave it a decent try ;)
I dont like these free trials myself. Matches are awfully inbalanced during those days. The regular players tend to join the same team (or swap sides asap) and kick the other team's ass.
And being on the losing side with only your base spawn left is quite annoying.
I mostly play other games during the free trials ;)
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I like fps, one of the first games I loved was MOHAA (now, those where the times...). Singleplayer only, ofc.
Can you go in and out of servers like that? It's not a subscribe-and-stay-on-that-server thing?
One night I was feeling too disappointed with life and started reading the "unVAC me please" forums on Steam. It was fun.
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None of the FPS games with multiplayer these days are a stay-on-server deal. It will either be a lobby system or allow you to select the game you want to play.
The only one I haven't played the true multiplayer aspect for is Destiny 2's Crucible mode. However, playing Destiny 2's single player campaign will likely set you up with three other people for a fireteam.
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It is not available on Steam. It is only available via Blizzard's Battle.net system and third party retailers that sell Battle.net keys for PC. My friend bought Destiny 2 for me as a gift via Green Man Gaming as a pre-order of the Digital Deluxe Edition for US$84.99. Currently, it is purchasable in Greece retail for €69.99 for Standard Edition, €99.99 for the Standard + Expansion Pass Bundle and €109.99 For the Digital Deluxe Edition (includes the Exotic Coldheart Rifle as a level 20 reward when you complete the main story).
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It does say "Europe" for available regions, so it should be available. If you have a Battle.net account, try finding it in the Battle.net software.
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Maybe what you need is somekind of online game when you can play singleplayer but it's funnier/easier/smarter to play cooperatively with friends and/or people. No necessarily an MMO, but you know, an online game that focuses on coop rather than competition.
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I don't play online multiplayer games much at all.
The best you can make me do is couch co-op/games where everyone playing is a friend of mine.
Actually that's not completly acurate. I really enjoyed the way multiplayer was set up in dark souls.
Sure there was a bunch of trolls but even when I saw a message at the edge of a cliff saying "secret here, try jumping, invisible path" or whatever and like 10 bloodstains surrounding it I could only laugh.
There was also the whole PvP aspect where other than 1-2 invasions you had to actively go out and search for them.
Then your would do a match and people would bow to you before flight ng you off into the lava and it was all in good fun idk.
At the end of the day I'm not really an online multiplayer guy.
If you want a similar sense of playing with other people finding people you know irl and setting up a party and play jackbox party pack or some competitive game can be really fun. But if you arnt into the online thing I wouldn't push yourself into playing it.
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Although I like being a part of a team irl (real life party playing is not an option for many reasons), I don't think I would feel comfortable playing with so many unknown factors on the internet, so maybe you are right and I'm not really an online multiplayer person.
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Everything is so much simpler if you just play nothing but SP games...
Any accomplishments you make are your own and you can't be attacked by people just for the sake of it.
If you do end up attempting online multiplayer maybe something like don't starve where you are all working together might work?
Again I played that with friends so it wasn't really the same but I found that fun for a few hours.
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I play Team Fortress 2 with the voice chat mute, no regrets
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There's no singleplayer, but you can do the tutorial and the offline practice, and/or play with friends to get the hang of it.
If you try to learn the game into the servers, it can be a little frustrating, or not, I don't know you.
But you can add me if you wanna help.
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it's easy, don't play pvp games. there will be always idiots ruining fun for others. and since developers want their game like that, you don't need to support them by either giving them money or increasing the number of online players.
take it as people cheating. they want to feel superior so they use cheats. same with people attacking underpowered players, they love easy wins.
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I generally avoid games that have a heavy PvP focus. I'm not attentive enough for the quick reaction a lot of them require. I enjoyed the concept of LoL for example, but refused to play without a friend or two with me. Blizzard released Heroes of the Storm and since it allows full AI, I started playing that instead, so it's just the AI, my friends, and myself.
Like others have said, if PvP exists in a game, there will be griefers, it doesn't matter if it helps or hinders, some people just get joys out of being an asshat.and they tend to be unavoidable.
I suppose if you have some friends who are seasoned as well and you can create a team with them, then it might work out better, but yeah.
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It is indeed free, and 2.0 made it a little easier to get new Heroes.
Some other mentions...
Rift- xpacs, and permanent Auction House access eventually require purchases, but mostly avoidable until you decide if you want to stick with it or not.
Marvel Heroes Omega- Whiiich I found inventory/bank space to be a bit lacking.when taking into consideration how much junk "needs" to be saved for later use.
Path of Exile and TERA are both F2P. I've seen a few of my friends playing them, but I only tried them briefly and couldn't say much about them.
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Warframe is one I didn't mention because I haven't played in about 4 years. Apparently, it has changed a great deal since I played. Therefore, I can't give you any details on the newer features, but if you want to have a comprehensive look, TotalBiscuit has gotten back into playing it, so you can check his YouTube content.
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it's basically online-server-hosted borderlands2/destiny2/battleborn prototype (co-op missions) but with space ninjas and actually a really good story... and hubs... and pve/pvp missions... and after a few planets you get archwing (basically a space-jetpack for outside fights) and so on...
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Why wait on Warframe? It's free to play with no limitations except some grinding for better equipment AFAIK.
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This is Warframe (well, one type of the missions at least) https://youtu.be/kzE3T7fZAEM
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Based on my previous question's thread (see guys it wasn't a waste of time, I paid attention to your replies :-) ) if that one the title of the videos is a graphics card I don't think I can play this game for now. It does look like I would enjoy it, so I'm keeping the recommendation.
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Try playing a game that's not pay-to-win or has good matchmaking/tiers. That sounds like your main problem to be honest.
Being able to attack people that have lower stats in games where stats trump strategy/skill is pretty much the worst - they're designed to suck as much money from your frustrations or competitiveness as possible.
Unfortunately, it's difficult to find massively multiplayer games that respect balance and aren't purposefully designed this way.
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Another good one that is mainly a single-player experience, but can be played in co-operative mode is the Borderlands games (non-Telltale, of course). They are single player FPS's with RPG elements such as XP and abilities that unlock as you level up. As well as single player, you can have up to three other people playing with you to complete the story quests. The best of the three games so far is Borderlands 2. It has a unique sense of humor, cool weapons and gear which are randomly generated with somewhat random parts and have rarity tiers. There are 4-6 characters (depending on DLC), each with different playstyles. I'd suggest the GOTY Edition which has all of the non-cosmetic DLC for the game except for the four Headhunter Pack DLCs and the "Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2", along the aforementioned Upgrade Pack. It's US$45.00 to get both of them, but for the content, it's worth it.
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I think I had checked that out some time ago but didn't like the art/ design. I might rethink it tho.
What's with Telltale? The only thing I know about them is that I tried to play their Batman game and my laptop almost killed itself, when it can run much more demanding games. And that they have a GoT game that people have mixed feeling about.
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There is a tie-in adventure game series called "Tales from the Borderlands" which somewhat continues the story after Borderlands 2 and has a characters from all three games. Buying the Telltale game gets you some unique gear in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.
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Telltale makes wonderful single-player adventure games. The Walking Dead, A Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands, are all fantastic. The other games are also good, though those three are the standouts. Tales of the Borderlands is particularly good - though it is set after Borderlands 2, and thus contains some spoilers for that game.
That Batman game is notorious for them switching to a new engine and that engine not running nearly as well as it should. You should be able to play all their previous games just fine, and they may have fixed the performance of Batman in the meantime.
I really liked Game of Thrones, but I think part of it is expectations. To me it felt like playing through un-aired episodes of the TV show, which is exactly what I was hoping for, so I loved it - though I did encounter some technical issues and bugs, which I hadn't experienced with any other Telltale game.
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So it wasn't just me or my laptop. I feel better now. I think I picked up the Walking Dead for free recently but didn't want to play it because of that. I might try it now (although I'm really not a fan of the "civilian zombies" genre, I prefer vampires. Or soldier zombies).
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It wasn't just you. They had a rough transition to the new engine with that game. They may have gotten most of the issues sorted out since release. I just got it myself and hope to play it this month.
The other games should all run fine. I had no issues with anything aside from Game of Thrones, and that wasn't a performance issues but a bug that changed some of my previous choices in the transition from one episode to the next.
And you should try The Walking Dead if you have any interest in adventure / story / choice based games. I have no interest in the zombie genre either - in fact, I generally dislike both zombies and horror - but I loved Telltale's The Walking Dead games.
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Also, if you want to check out Borderlands 2, I recommend just picking up the GotY Edition on sale at some point.
Don't worry about the other stuff until you decide if you love it or not. The Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2, for example, raises the level cap from 61 to 72, but it takes 2+ playthroughs to even reach 61, so there's no sense buying it before seeing if you like the game enough to do a second and third playthrough.
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I would find a game that has a multi-player option that is private, so you can limit who joins the game and just play with people you trust not to be trolls.
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I don't know people who like to play games, so at first I'll have to rely on the kindness of strangers. Which makes me nervous. If I start playing and end up not being a complete disgrace I might look for team mates on reddit, like some other kind replier suggested.
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Well I play only 2 online games atm : Fortnite(paid PvE) and Planetside(f2p MMOFPS).
At this point I managed to ignore said morons 99% of the time. In general try to focus on co-op games with no PvP(or just being optional) and see if you can handle a single moron in your team(in my experience this happens once in a blue Moon). Another thing is that some of the bigger f2p MMOs tend to have big guilds that also play other games so you may want to try look for that if you want to play online games with buddies.
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I'm a little stressed irl too, right now, so my resistance against morons is low. I want to get a bit good before entering a guild, I don't want to be this one member that is a burden. But what you say seems promising, if the majority are nice people maybe I can handle it.
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I am huge coop/teamplayer person so I really had to go for competitive games where you can't avoid morons on both teams but hey, there is a lot of morons in everyday life so this is easier. The best thing to do is to find a multiplayer game you like and keep playing until you find similar minded people, then play only with them together so you can't rely on them to have your back and few morons here and there won't make a difference.
I enjoy pvp games like Overwatch and Rising Storm 2 but I also love pve games where you works together with friends like Dying Light and Killing Floor 2. The most important thing is to find similar minded people who enjoy those games for the same reason as you do and you will have great time, no matter how many morons.
What multiplayer games would you like to play?
Good luck!
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I think my strategy right now is down to:
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just don't stress it when you play mp, don't care about morons, try to help your time and you will find someone who appreciates what you do and how you play, just don't care about any toxic behaviour, switch a server, don't respond, you will be fine
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"Is there an online game where everyone plays nice and it's not in the land of unicorns?"
Yes, they're called co-op or PvE games. Mass Effect 3 has a fantastic co-op multiplayer mode where everyone works together as a team to defeat the enemy. Same for Boderlands, though you have to find others to play with, rather than being automatically matched.
If you're looking for more of an MMO, Destiny 2 is almost entirely co-op, just stay out of the specific PvP area. Same for The Division. Warframe is a free, if grindier, option. There's many MMORPGs that you can play on a PvE server and never have to deal with morons trying to kill you (though you may occasionally have to deal with morons unintentionally getting your group killed).
Rocket League is PvP, but since it's a sport it's more team vs team, so you don't feel picked on, and it's pretty fun at all times.
Stay away from any pay-to-win games. Even jerks aside, stay away from them in general, on basic principle - such games are terrible and should not be encouraged.
And if you decide you don't like multiplayer games in general, that's okay too. Nothing says you have to like or play multiplayer games.
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Too many bad memories of leading 40-man raids in WoW where the whole raid would wipe and have to restart because someone was dumb and not paying attention and got everyone else killed... So many people standing in fire and not realizing it...
I remember one night when a number of people were missing, and we only had 32 people on. We decided to give it a shot anyway, and not only did we kill the boss, but it was the smoothest, fastest, easiest kill we had ever had. Which made us think critically about the missing people, and what it was that they actually brought to the raids.
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How do you deal with MoronsOnLineTM?
I've been playing games for years and I always stayed away from everything multiplayer, because I didn't have the time and also I heard things that didn't sit well with me.
However, I'm a bit jealous of all this world building and I'm naturally a team player, so I always wanted to dip my toes in.
To get a sense of what it's like, I started playing a mobile multiplayer game, where PvP battles exist, but mostly everyone tends to their own level advancing and stuff. Another player started attacking me from the get-go, for no reason at all. Me, being a newbie and all that, had the most basic weapons and warriors etc and although I built up fairly quickly this guy would not stop. Imagine planning ahead how to reach the next level, with resource management and battle planning (against the game, not other players) and all that, only to wake up the next morning and find everything in ruins because this guy decided to attack while I was sleeping. I saw that he habitually attacks other players, which doesn't sit well with other people as well, but he did it even more so to me.
Since I'm not in the mood for fighting with people I don't know, and all the joy was gone so early in the game, I just abandoned it. And now I'm even more reluctant to try again, especially the online games everyone plays on PC. I can't put money in, so I'll stay with the basic equipment for long enough, and if everyone sees me as an easy target and burn everything I build all the time, it will be no fun at all.
So, how do you do it? Has it happened to you? Does it still happen to you? Is there an online game where everyone plays nice and it's not in the land of unicorns?
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