Some of you might remember an old group called Who's Gaming Now?!, which got disabled by Valve. I've been cleaning out my group list but that group refuses to leave my friend list. I can't use the group page, and the drop down menu option in my friend list doesn't work either. I've even tried this solution since it worked for official groups, but no luck, I still have that useless entry in the list.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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The javascript is work.
Just don't type the quotation mark of the group name. or dont' type the name:D

javascript:leaveGroupPrompt('103582791432934236','Whos Gaming Now?!')
8 years ago

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Thanks then. Hadn't tried without the name myself, thought that had to be there.

Nice for it to finally be gone. :)

8 years ago

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Chrome console returns "undefined" error if I paste the code directly in. I have to add a link with the script for it to work.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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I had removed the javascript, but it still returned the same error. Maybe some userscripts I am running interfere with the console :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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It's weird. Earlier today I couldn't get it to work, with or without javascript:. Now it works both ways.

8 years ago

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May I ask what that group did that caused Valve to do that?

8 years ago

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IIRC it was because they were heavily involved in keys-for-greenlight-votes, which Valve frowned on. They don't do that anymore, of course.

8 years ago

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Thank you for the explanation.:)

8 years ago

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As already mentioned, keys for Greenlight votes. At the time of group creation, there was no rule against it, but Valve later added one and that group was closed. It still exist as other groups, and has it's own website.

8 years ago

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Thanks to you as well.:)

8 years ago

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The old WGN?! group, weird that it's still around in our lists. I still get keys from those guys every now and then even tho I haven't participated in the whole vote for keys thing in over a year, those games take its sweet time to be released :P

8 years ago

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Reviving this old thread, I am trying to leave the group but it appears as disabled.

I have been writing in the console in my steam group page




And I keep getting the same message, "ReferenceError: leaveGroupPrompt is not defined". Anybody know what to write? Thanks

6 years ago

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Since the previous solution is no longer working I came up with my own. It's not as nice looking and simple as the previous one, but it works ;)

Group id of the group you're trying to leave is: 103582791438197174
Go to the main page of some other public group you're in. Right click the "Leave group" link and choose "Inspect element". Unfold the line above the selection, which starts with

<form method="POST" id="leave_group_form"

There you will find a line like that:

<input name="groupId" value="103582791429526392" type="hidden">

Change the "value" parameter to the group id of the group you're trying to leave and then click the "Leave group" button. If you've done it right you'll still be in the group from the group page you were at and only leave the group you wanted to leave :)

6 years ago*

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It worked. Thanks!!!!

One last question, please. How did you find out the id of the group?

I am trying to leave also these two groups, and, and I can't find the group id anywhere. Looking on google also didn't help.

6 years ago

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You can try to use SteamGifts for that:

Go to groups, click on the group you want to leave. SteamGifts gives you now a link to visit the steam group.
With Chrome you can rightclick and "Copy link to clipboard" (or via inspect element) - paste it somewhere, it should look like this:

where XYZ is the group id you are looking for

6 years ago

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Sorry for answering late. Just wanted to say thank you. It worked perfectly.

6 years ago

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Thanks!!1! Whitelisted!

4 years ago

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You can attach /memberslistxml/?xml=1 at the end of those urls and find the groupID64 in the first few lines.
Valve says this method is deprecated though.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Dead topic, but not a dead issue. Just managed to leave some groups that didn't exist anymore thanks to this. :)

One of which was also the Who's Gaming now group. Thanks a lot!

5 years ago

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Thanks!!1! Whitelisted!

4 years ago

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Sorry for reviving this thread, but can anyone care to explain in easy words (I'm tech savvy but not too steam savvy) how do I leave these 2 bothering groups that are deleted from steam?

3 years ago

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I haven't done it myself however I think what they're trying to say is that you go to the steam page and you log in and navigate to the groups page, and on that page you press ctrl + shift + I ( which brings up the inspector on google chrome up) , you click on console in the top right, and you type in that command they give you, with the group name in there. Not sure if this will work but hopefully this gives you some hints and solves your problem.

That seems to be the first solution by osttw, the second apparently doesn't work anymore and the third might work by pietruszek where you go to the main page of any other group you are in, and you right click and inspect element( which brings up the inspector again), and then you edit the values of the leave button link to have the id of the group you are trying to leave not the group of the page you went to, the one that got deleted, someone pointed how to find the id of a deleted group. Basically you're going to group 1 which you are in, and inspecting the leave button even tho you don't wanna leave group 1, but you edit the leave group button of group 1 to have the values of group 2, which is the group you are trying to leave, and so when you send that data it leaves group 2, even tho you are on the page of group 1, because the id you sent is of group 2.

I should mention all of this is done on google chrome I don't think they'd use anything else, but unfortunately you'll have to follow those prompts and deal with the inspector. If you get stuck let me know what you tried or where you got stuck and I'll try it out with one of my groups and see if I can make it work.

3 years ago*

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For 4 days, did I ever reply to you? because if NOT?, screw my ISP and screw my USB cable(not ethernet cable) and thanks I'll see about this later when I'm free enough

3 years ago

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Heya, no nothing showed up but no stress, hopefully soon your internet gets better and none of those issues happen anymore. Somewhat unusually busy week for me too but I'll definitely answer back if you get stuck. ^_^

3 years ago

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hello there i'm on a vacation right now, can we keep doing this for like 3-4 more days? I'd really love to leave that group lmfao . sadly it's not too easy for me but ill see what i can do . thanks a lot man , btw if you could link a youtube video it's almost problem solved

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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thanks a lot, i know a thing or two about TM but i'll be back from vacation in couple of days and I'll try this out , thanks in advance

3 years ago

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