Web of Trust has nothing on it. I wouldn't try it myself.
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Yeah, i couldn't trust it.
I looked on IsThereAnyDeal and i don't see any for the Chivalry Complete Pack.
I only see a few for the basic Chivalry game right now.
I agree with others, the websites looks very shady (I just checked it and it says it's no longer available).
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Can't you always just do a chargeback or dispute if it gets revoked?
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If people haven't heard of it before, and it's selling keys, it's more than likely an unofficial key reseller that would happily give you region-locked codes (or even already redeemed ones).
It's like going to an open street market and buying game DVDs in unofficial cases with the names of the contents on post-it notes. You're taking a risk that isn't guaranteed to pay off, and even if you get it working on your steam account, there's no guarantee it won't get revoked for various reasons. Even for $4 you're better off waiting for the christmas sales and definitely get it legit.
And remember, if you're thinking of buying codes just to give to people on here, that'll land you in trouble if they get revoked / are bad codes. Just sayin'.
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I am the administrator and vendor of this website, the original selling price on this product on my website is $7 to $8 usd. The problem now is i bought many games bad to sell and now i prefer do a deal with my supplier, this supplier have much year with experience and he has a catalog broad. In this moment i want to sell all games currently i have, then i put the prices very low for sell fast and get the deal with my supplier, for expand completely my catalog with games of Origin, Uplay, Battle.net, the best games of Steam, and many pre-sales CD KEYS completely legal and functional all keys. The site is relatively new and therefore has little reputation.
I feel the confusion this may have caused, you can buy a game of the cheapest and comment here to let people know that you got your game in a second.
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Your site looks good, I'll keep an eye on it because some of the deals I'm seeing are pretty good. I'm not sure if you know but your front page banners have higher prices than the actual sale price, might be losing sales because of that so you should fix that up. Also most items including the link OP posted are leading to "Product not found" pages, not sure if that's an error or you're deleting them after you run out of keys.
And finally I would have liked to give the site a try and buy something, but there was nothing on there that I'm looking for. A few games I'd like to see you get in would be Saints Row IV GOTC, South Park TSOT, Skyrim Legendary, Walking Dead Season 2 and Final Fantasy XIII.
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yes, when the stock of the keys is zero are deleted the items, but I think it is something that I will stop, as my customers have been frustrated by that. As for the games you mentioned, as I said, the catalog that I have right now is very bad, so I did the prices extremely low, in order to get the money I need to make the deal with my current provider, having all those games that you mentioned and more.
Regards, Keys4F
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Based in the US, yet the admin, if you believe the above post, can't even speak English correctly, most likely relying on a machine translation. Yeah, bells a ringing.
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When a site is new, it is obvious that scamadviser indicate risk in a website, anyway nobody forces them to buy, but soon you guys will see this page in the ranking for safe site.
See you soon!
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Not according to scamadviser it isn't!
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I dunno. I tried it but keep getting the error "Order canceled: We are sorry, but your session has expired, try again."
didn't enter payment details yet so no harm done.
For what it's worth. I think it is just an error in the website. I don't think this website is a scam or he would have had way more AAA games. Also the checkout says it handles the paymyent via paypal.
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The error is because you exceed the time limit I've decided to, which is 5 minutes. This is the security for now, to prevent two people purchase the last key at the same time, since story with very few keys, but I will eliminate that option, since I'll have too many keys next week and this security is not necessary.
Regards, Keys4F
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Just know that it isn't an authorized retailer and while the admin may claim it's "legal".,stuff like this happens all the time with key resellers and actively hurt developers. And it happens through alot of other methods. Note that I'm not saying it's the case for this site, just something to thing about.
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Really I have seen too many sites that do that, I mean sites like G2A or Kinguin. My provider with which the deal will not give the best prices for me, but if confidence, because what I want is to have confidence in all of my clients, after all, can sell 2 or 3 dollars more expensive a game, but people will prefer if you do everything properly. Legally !, so I fully understand your question between whether it is legal or not, the prices that I have now, get me bankrupt if i offer this price always, as I said, it's temporary, just to get rid of my current catalog without losing all the money.
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Thank you for your comment!
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Yes, a fee is charged, as all these sites charged a fee to cover the Paypal fees, but rather put the fees in the final price of the cart, so that only a commission is paid and not in every product. I fully understand your question between whether it is legal or not, the prices that I have now, get me bankrupt if i offer this price always, as I said, it's temporary, just to get rid of my current catalog without losing all the money.
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Came across this steam game store and it's looks relatively new, not sure if you guys have used it.
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