Shadows Awakenings is a great game. Already have it and I HIGHLY recommend it.
If you do get it, you should also get the start of the series, Kult - Heretic Kingdoms.
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Good to hear. Do you know how the two games relate to each other? Kingdoms and Awakening that is. I've read somewhat cursory that Kingdoms was supposed to be continued but they dropped it and released Awakening instead, or somesuch.
Already picked up Kult but it's on my backlog still...
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I will copy-paste a great explanation on this that I've found on GOG forum while trying to find out what's the deal about this:
"First, there was Kult: Heretic Kingdom, also known as Heretic Kingdom: The Inquisition.
The sequel to this game was suppose to be in two parts: the first one, Shadows Heretic Kingdoms Book I: Devourer of Souls, and the second one, Shadows Heretic Kingdoms Book II: Age of Demons.
The Book I has been simply renamed Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms and the Book II has never been released, because just before Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms was released, the publisher bitComposer Entertainment AG filed for insolvency.
So, with time, Games Farm managed to buy back the publishing and distribution rights to the games.
Then, instead of making Book II, they decided to remake the Book I AND the Book II altogether, and so arrived Shadows: Awakening, which is Book I (Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms) and previously unseen Book II in a single game.
So, to answer your question, no need to play Shadows: Heretic Kingdom, as it is approximately the first half of Shadows: Awakening.
So with that being said I personally will pass on this bundle and wait for a better deal on Awakening and its DLC's.
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Oh, wow, that's actually awesome news! :D
Thanks a lot for digging this out ad posting it!
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Finding out that there's no point whatsoever in playing one of the games from this bundle (while it increases the price of the said bundle) were pretty disappointing news to me :3
The story behind all of it was an interesting read though if that's what you meant.
PS: Pozdrav iz susjedne zemlje xD
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Ah, I actually thought it is good news that we don't need to play Kult, but I was looking at it from my own perspective - a perspective of a person who hasn't played it yet although, I've been intending to get it - but I guess why it is so disappointing. Either way, I am going to skip it, since the price is quite steep and I've been thinking to get tier 3 of that Humble Capcom bundle.
P.S. Heeeeeeej! Uzvraćam pozdrave i nadam se da je sve OK tamo.
EDIT: Now that I am thinking of it, since they are completely different games, I think I'd still play Kult anyway xD
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Kult is a prequel so it should be played and that one unfortunately isn't available in the bundle. The games available in the bundle are Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms and Shadows: Awakening. The later contains the chapters from the former as well as chapters that were supposed to be released as a separate game but never were, meaning there is no point in playing Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms.
A gle, oke je ali i nije, znaš kako je. U usporedbi sa nekim drugim zemljama čini mi se da su stvari u našim zemljama još donekle u redu. Ali ubijaju me ove mjere koje su postavili. Ne smijem ići u niti jedan grad osim onoga u kojem radim, a baš mi trebaju neke stvari koje mogu kupiti u drugim gradovima. Isto mi je muka što su zatvorili sve dučane osim ovih koji prodaju hranu, jer mi trebaju neke stvari za slagat nešto u kući, a nemogu ih nigdje kupiti. Ako se ovo stvarno bude navlačilo mjesecima poludio budem.
Kako je kod tebe? Čitam da i vi u Srbiji imate stroge mjere, čak i policijski sat.
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Aaaaah, sorry, I COMPLETELY misunderstood! figures, when you're dead-tired xD
I actually thought that Shadows: Heretic Kingdom is kind of a remake of Kult, as in - it has the same story but with ARPG style gameplay - not that Awakening is the one containing the story of Shadows: Heretic Kingdom! MY. COLOSSAL BAD! :D
Yeah, in that case, I am skipping the bundle, even though I was thinking of getting it last night. Good that I didn't! :D
Auuu. A taman je idalno da se poradi nešto po kući! xD
Pa da, imamo stroge mere, policijski čas, itd. Iskreno, smatram da je dobro što ga imamo, jer mnogo ljudi baš briga pa bi u šetnju, u baštu kafića itd., a onda ko zna šta bi bilo.
Što se mene tiče, živim u Beogradu, ali nemam problema. Sve dok ima hrane po prodavnicama - meni je OK; čak nam i dostava hrane radi! :D
Pretpostavljam da hoće da potraje, jer je u našem regionu, realno, tek počelo, zahvaljujući genijima koji su putovali po inostranstvu.
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According to this thread you apparently get the bundle as a single key that activates all three games (that means Kult as well). However that's not mentioned anywhere in the bundle so I'm asking for confirmation.
Srećom imam mentalitet da kada nešto slažem kupim materijala viška pa neka se nađe za svaki slučaj, da nemoram ponovo u dučan ako mi prifali. Tako da sam danas našao u garaži u đumbusu stvari koje mi trebaju što su mi višak od prije par godina kada sam nešto slično slagao, tako da sam uspio sve danas srediti što je trebalo popraviti xD
Ovdje će navodno ove mjere biti do 6-7 mjeseca, ako će tako biti onda katastrofa.
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Yup, seen the link already and also waited for confirmation last night. Thanks for linking, though!
I've read through the reviews on Kingdoms and Awakening, checked the value of Awakening DLCs, and honestly, I still think it is better to wait for another bundle because, as you said earlier, it is pretty pointless in paying so much for a game that is basically a demo for the sequel. And also the DLCs have no worth to me. 🤷♂️
Uh, čoveče... 6-7 meseci. Wow. Mislim da nama ništa konkretno nisu rekli, ali da, to baš ne zvuči dobro.
Tako i ja! Uvek računam na najgoru opciju, pa se za istu i pripremim. Višak - čuvam! I eto, uvek pripremljen!
:D Dobro je, našao se kad je trebalo! :D
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"uBlock Origin has prevented the following page from loading:
is this a ref link or something?
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Wow, is that price a typo or what? That's ridiculously expensive!
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Hi, I wasn't planning on making one because I don't think it can be considered a "bundle" (discount percentage not high enough). However, here it is:
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Shadows Bundle - This is a placeholder until Sensual makes a proper post. I'm not as industrial and quite honestly a bit lazy. I've been eyeing this for a while and although it's a bit on the steep side considering it's basically the same game sold twice from what I know, I think I'm going to get the bundle. link - for a better overview
Edit: Proper sensualshakti post
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