So, this what i got when i wanted to use a shady site.
GG g2a.

8 years ago*

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Does this give a sense?

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You should mask your e-mail...

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Does this... give a sense?

8 years ago

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it gives a sense of confusion maybe ?

8 years ago

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just see the new images, you will understand what i mean

8 years ago

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sorry, i just re-uploaded the photos, they didn't give any sense at the first :P

8 years ago

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I dont know what any of this means

View attached image.
8 years ago

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you had me at meat tornado...

8 years ago

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well, check the new pics :P the first ones didn't really give a sense :P

8 years ago

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It's a nice rectangle

8 years ago

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Does it make sense?
It does, it should be the norm for sites where money is involved to allow users to have only one account each.
G2A or not, this is at least one of the few things they do right.
But then they say that VPN could be used to run registered businesses if necessary...

8 years ago

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This isn't the case, look at the pics, the first support said it's normal to have 2 active accounts, the scond one said nope, then i said what about the money, he was like, i don't give a shit

8 years ago

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I guess the first one is not a native English speaker, and said "you can't have more than two accounts" instead of "you can't have two or more accounts".

8 years ago

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maybe, but listen, it's his fault, not mine, right?
they could do a solution at least, they just threw me

8 years ago

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nope, its yours...obviously you should read the tos, if using a site where money is onvolved

8 years ago

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a) If it says that in the tos, I don't see how it matter what one guy there says.
b) Context. Why would they allow 2 accounts but not 3?

8 years ago

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Where did he say it is normal to have 2 acc? If you mean that Matthew guy he said it is not allowed.

8 years ago

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he said it's not allowed to have more than 2 active accounts. that means i can have 2 active accounts, but the scond one said that i can't, and than, i asked for a solution since i have money on both, and they didn't give a shit about it

8 years ago

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Yeah, I see, and I agree they should give you your money back, but you can't circumvent the TOS by going for the "it's his fault, not mine, right?". That just doesn't work in legal terms.

8 years ago

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well, than, they sould not answer questions that are in the terms :)
he could say : go read the TOS and leave me without answer, but, he answered it wrong.

8 years ago

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I know he did. And you can take it further, complain 'bout it, he'll get a paycheck penalty or even get fired and you MAY get some compensation out of it. MAYBE...

8 years ago

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the problem is, g2a won't do anything, i know them.
all the other support will be like the scond one, so, i won't get anything, because they hate to give money from thier pockets

8 years ago

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Try asking your bank/card company/Paypal/whatever you used, for a chargeback on one of the accounts.

8 years ago

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the sad point is, i don't use anything xD

8 years ago

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Then how did you lose money if you didn't use a credit card/paypal/etc..?

8 years ago

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While I do think he meant to say "2 or more", technically, he said it is not allowed to have more than 2.

He never said it is ok to have 2. You should have asked, methinks.


8 years ago

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Let me fix the title for you: That's what you get when you don't read the TOS for a website.

8 years ago

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well, they got alot of rules and terms, like 100 pages, why sahll i can't really read all of them, also, the support said that i can have 2 accounts, when i created one and had money on it, they just took the money, didn't give me any solution

8 years ago

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I do not see where support said you can have 2. It is in none of the 2 screenshots I have seen.

Just because someone says you cannot kill somebody, it does not mean you can cut off their arms and leave them alive.

8 years ago

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G2A's ToS have 13 points, one of which is titled "6. Obligations of the Seller and the Selling User"

Instead of tying to sound innocent and blame it on their support, you might wan to start reading ToS by yourself. If you're competent enough to read.

8 years ago

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i'm not trying to sound innocent :)
what happned is happned, i'm making this thread jsut to let other people know how it works, if the support say something, than you do it wrong, they won't give a shit. and tbh, i have no money on the other account, i was about to sell games, well, i posted them, but none sold, so, i don't want to sound innocent or anything, just talking about how it works. next time, something isn't on the rules, a support tell you a wrong thing, then, you can't talk.

8 years ago

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Ok, in all honesty, why would you even take the idea of owning multiple accounts, that could potentially earn money to you, allowed? It makes no sense.
That's not allowed on almost any site, how is this different?

8 years ago

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Nothing happened? Or am I missing something from the post? :(
EDIT: ok, now I found the image link. I'd say that most of the sites don't like multiaccount stuff. Read the TOS more carefully next time :/

View attached image.
8 years ago

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well, then why the support said that it's normal?
and they have like 500 pages of rules xD how can i read all of them? i juse ask support about anything that confuse me

8 years ago

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Well the rules are long since they need to cover all the places especially since there is money involved. Would be a disaster for lawsuits if there wasn't those rules. Most of the users don't read those rules and it can end up badly in some cases which is a sad thing.

Asking support isn't bad, if there is something confusing one should always ask them :)

8 years ago

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exactly, i ask support before i do things, i guess support know the rules, right? they hired him because he know the rules, am i right?
and he could ignore my question and say go read the rule, why did he gave me a wrong answer, and they had to refund me as it was it's support's fault

8 years ago

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Support should know the rules yes. If support tell you to do something against the rules then yes, they are wrong and you should be refunded. If you broke the rules before asking support about the thing, then you won't be refunded. I hope that you will get the refund since you were told wrongly.

8 years ago

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Welcome to the real life. If you don't read something before signing, you can get fucked, and be happy that it only happened with G2A.
Fun way to present it, but you can literally sell yourself out if you skip on rules because you don't feel like reading the stuff.

8 years ago

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G2A sucks. :B Everybody knows that.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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So, why did you need 2 accounts in the first place?

8 years ago

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well, if i can have 2 active accounts, and i need it (private need) that doesn't mean they can take my money.

8 years ago

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well you cant, per their tos, so they can and did, per their tos, shouldve read them pumpkin.

8 years ago

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There's nothing wrong with this. Most sites don't allow multiple accounts...

8 years ago

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well, i don't blame them for thier rules. i'm just saying that the first support said it's allowed, so i created one and now i have money on it. the scond support said it's not allowed and you can't use your second account, and when i said i have money on both and i can't leave them, he was like, i don't give a shit

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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what do you mean? xD

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Hey, that's what she said :v

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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well, i heard that it's shady, but now it's confirmed :D

8 years ago

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Nothing shady about any of this. If you do it on any site that doesn't allow multiple accounts (so basically all of them) they shut down your account. It's your own fault for not reading the rules...

8 years ago

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Ignores ToS. Blames them for being shady.

8 years ago

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i'm not ignoring TOS O.o
i'm blaming the support, why did he say that i can have 2 accounts and the scond one didn't.
and they didn't want to give me my money back, that's why i'm blaming them

8 years ago

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In this case a screenshot of the first conversation would be nice, because I didn't find one.
Why would you need two seperate accounts anyway just to use both balances for one account on OP Skins?

8 years ago

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well, there is 4 pics :P matthew said : it's not allowed to have more than 2 accounts.
and this isn't the case, i mean, why the first support said it's allowed and the scond said it's not and they didn't refund me.

8 years ago

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4 pics

I see only 1

8 years ago

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You've only linked one image.

And he says it's not allowed to have more than 2 accounts, which actually is correct, he didn't say it's allowed to have 2 accounts.

For example, if I say "You can't have 4 apples from me", that doesn't mean you can have 3 apples from me. It may be a matter of bad english skills, but he never flat out said you can have 2 accounts.

8 years ago*

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nope, i linkd 4, it's an album if you can call it so.
also, he clearly said i'm not allowed to have more than 2 active avvounts, that means, i'm allowed to have 2 or less.
if he can't say a simple sentence, he shouldn't be on the English support, maybe his native language.
i can't talk english flowent either, but this is a simple sentence, he could just say : you can only have 1 active account.

8 years ago

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Not being able to have more than 2 is not the same as saying you can have 2, as I just explained. And there's only 1 image.

And seeing as it's not your native language either, things can get lost in translation, and that's why there's a TOS where it's clearly stated what is true and what isn't.

8 years ago

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well, so, you are saying it's my fault? i know i did a mistake not reading all the rules. but, in this case, it's the support's fault.
and saying that i'm not allowed to have 2 active accounts, 99.99% of people will understand it as i can have 2 active accounts.
he said you aren't alloewd to have more than 2 active accounts, that means, it's allowed to have 2 or less.
i know that because we both don't talk english flowent we may have bad understanding, but seriously, this is an easy sentense.

8 years ago

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Yes, it is your fault. You didn't read the ToS.

You also made a weirdly worded question, that doesn't even ask if it's legal to have 2 accounts. You're asking if it's normal. Bad questions get bad answers.

8 years ago

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You avoided my question. Why do you need two accounts?

8 years ago

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for when the first one inevitably gets banned because this kid is shady

8 years ago

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That was my thought, just wanted to hear it in his own shady words. :D

8 years ago

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well, first of all, this is none of your bussnes, i need an other account for my own use, having something (even you don't need) and not against the rules is non of your and the support bissness.
and just to let you know, i didn't got banned. and i have no problems on my main account.

8 years ago

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But it is against the rules. :P

8 years ago

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how could i know it's against the rules if he said it's not xD no sense

8 years ago

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this is none of your bussnes

makes it sound even more shady...why even open a thread if youre not prepared to explain yourself ? just saying

8 years ago

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My guess is he was farming G2A gift codes that you get on CSGO Lounge for betting. They're 2$ but can only be used once on an account. He made two accounts to cash in 4 bucks for some shitty skin. Busted.

8 years ago

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thats it ? xD
if thats true he should just say so...but then again I wouldve closed this thread a long time ago if I was him ^^

8 years ago

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To be honest, this makes the most sense. He created two accounts (which has no use to anyone), has money on balances (Who the fuck puts money in the G2A funds?!) and wanted to merge both balances into one OPSkins account.
He doesn't say anything because he knows he's wrong.

8 years ago

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you guys are closed mind, seriously. who told you i split my money on two accounts? this gives no sense, really
i never said i put money, but i said, i have money on them.

8 years ago

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are you damn kidding me? seriously? 4$? get a life

8 years ago

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Next time don't be shady

8 years ago

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i'm not the shady one :P

8 years ago

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then why do you need/want/have 2 accounts?

8 years ago

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If you want 2 accounts but don't want to say why, then yes, you are shady...

8 years ago

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as i said to everyone, i'm not shady, but, it's none of your bissnes. he didn't ask why i need it, so, i don't have to say why i need an other.
i'm not banned or anything on the main one, i just need an other because of some reasons that i don't want to say, that doesn't mean i'm shady, but, i love my privacy.

8 years ago

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Refusing to give important details while citing privacy concerns is the definition of shady.

8 years ago

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i can give the details to the support, but i can't say here in an open off topic :)
he didn't ask about any details

8 years ago

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You can have as much privacy as you want, but you shouldn't come complaining about a site being shady if you don't want to give any information regarding the subject. You come complaining here that you can't have two accounts, but don't even want to tell why you want that anyway. That makes you pretty shady dude.

8 years ago

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When you agree to TOS you are pretty much saying that you read them and agree to abide by them so you can't put full blame on the support. The first guy may be non-native English speaking and by your reply after him, it comes off as you were going to delete your other account in question and that you understood what he said (which I'm assuming he meant you can't have two active accounts at the same time). While that doesn't fully excuse him, you could have asked for more clarification as the wording is a little off as well as your initial question.

"is it normal to have 2 active g2a accounts?" is more confusing than "Am I allowed to have multiple accounts active at the same time?" For future reference when talking to support, try to be as clear and straightforward as possible to avoid confusion.

And I still don't fully understand why you needed two accounts.

8 years ago

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well, i need two accounts, it's none of your or his bissnes, i need it, so i asked if i can have two. i don't fully blame him, but i blame both, because the support did a mistake, and the scond didn't want to give me refund for a mistake that an other support did it. i used English chat, because there is no arabic chat, and my native language is arabic, but i can talk english, but if he isn't a good english talker, he could change to his native language, i doubt that they don't need more languages on the support.

8 years ago

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6.1. i) will not use more than one account for selling or buying; will not use VPN connection unless it is necessary to run a registered business.

There's your ToS.

ToS > Support.

Deal with it. Learn how to read.

8 years ago

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i know how to read. and TOS isn't reall > support. if a support say something wrong, he have to fix it, he could just say go and rea the rules, why he answred it wrongly? i know he isn't a native english, but, this was a very simple sentence

8 years ago

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Except that ToS > support. ToS are the rules all the users of the site have to abide to (including support). Support can't just put someone above those rules. People can make mistakes and this support made a mistake. It's your own fault for not reading the rules.

8 years ago

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In one post you said that you didn't read the whole TOS and in another you told someone that you didn't ignore their TOS. Which one is it? It can't be both.

With all of the negative posts here about g2a I have no sympathy for those that get screwed over by them but in this case it was your laziness for not reading their TOS that got you into this situation. Their TOS isn't "500 pages of rules" like you claim that it is ( and with any type of transaction that involves money it's your job to read it before agreeing to use their services as they are the only thing you have to fall back on if things go wrong. You had no reason to ask their support for clarification if you had just read that one whole page of their TOS. It took me only a few minutes read it myself.

It appears to me that the first support person's primary language isn't English and there was a misunderstanding that was later clarified by the second support person. Shit happens. People make mistakes. That's why they have a TOS.

I have never heard of any site that allows multiple accounts so your "private reasons" don't mean a thing to them or anyone else. You tried to skirt the system and now you expect us to feel sympathy for you or something?

8 years ago

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asking a support about anything isn't weird or something. they could just say : go read the rules, the answer is there, and no one get blamed. and yeah, i know that human do mistakes (as i did when i didn't read the whole rules) but, if you do something wrong, you should fix it. i didn't fully blame the first one or the scond, but i blame both, because the first one did a mistake, but the scond didn't fix it. that doesn't mean i didn't do any mistakes, but they had to refund me, not just "don't give a shit about me"

8 years ago

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if you do something wrong, you should fix it

It's your own fault that you didn't know it. They are not the ones that are to blame, but you are. They should not fix anything. You made a mistake, not them. And yeah, the first one should have been more clear, but that doesn't suddenly give you the right to break their rules.

8 years ago

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Yep like everyone else who's said it, you didnt get an issue for using g2a, you got an issue because you tried to game the system. Boohoo, pity party on line 1.

8 years ago

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boohoo, i didn't want to game the system, i didn't know that it's not allowed to have 2 accounts, that's why i asked the support.

8 years ago

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there is absolutely no reason to have more than 1 account on a buying/selling site unless you intend on gaming the system. Take your 'personal reason you need 2' excuse and stick it up your ass. Name me 1 website, just 1, that sells things for cash that specifically allows for more than 1 account.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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i didn't know it's against the rules, so i asked the support. if he wasn't sure about the answer, then, he could say go read the rules.

8 years ago

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i) will not use more than one account for selling or buying; will not use VPN connection unless it is necessary to run a registered business.

It's clearly stated in the Terms and Conditions. If you have an account on the website, you have agreed with the ToS -> which IMPLIES you're a competent reader who has READ AND AGREED with the Terms and Conditions.

"I didn't know" doesn't cut it when you've agreed to the legal terms that are stipulated in the ToS.

8 years ago

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He stated earlier that he didn't read the whole TOS because it was "500 pages long." It's nowhere near that long. He's just lazy.

8 years ago

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No sir, Matthew don't wanna be the blame, not anymore
It's your turn to take a seat
We're settling the final score

I can't decide, cause you have made it harder just to go on
And why, all the possibilities, well he was wrong

That's what you get when you use shady sites, whoa
That's what you get when you use shady sites, whoa
You drowned out all your ethics, for some quick cash-grabbing
And that's what you get when you use shady sites, whoa

I wonder, now how am I supposed to feel when you've been banned?
Cause you burned every bridge you'd ever built, when you were there

You still try, holding on to silly things, oh you never learn
Oh why, all the possibilities I'm sure you've heard

That's what you get when you use shady sites, whoa
That's what you get when you use shady sites, whoa
You drowned out all your ethics, for some quick cash-grabbing
that's what you get when you use shady sites, whoa

Games make your way to me, to me
And I'll always be just so inviting (So inviting)
If I ever start to think straight
Money! will start a riot in me, let's start, start, hey!

Oh why do we like to steal so much?
Let's go!
That's what you get when you use shady sites, whoa
That's what you get when you use shady sites, whoa
That's what you get when you use shady sites, whoa
Now I can't trust myself with anything but this
And that's what you get when you use shady sites, whoa

Okay, didn't put much effort there. Title just really reminded me of this

8 years ago*

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i didn't got banned, whoa
i didn't lose any cent, whoa
i didn't burn any bridge, whoa
i'm just making a point ,whoa

8 years ago

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Buying from g2a is no different from pirating a game. Atleast wait for Steam sale instead of jewing devs out of their money by buying stolen keys

8 years ago

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yeah, then, they should delte the site reither than having a scamming site :)

8 years ago

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Buying games is no different thatn piracy? Lol that's a good one, thanks for the laugh.

8 years ago

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I said buying from g2a is no different from pirating a game. If you think g2a is a legit key seller then you're very much naive. They illegally obtain the keys and sell them, making developers loose money. I compared that to pirating, because no matter if you buy from g2a or pirate, the devs won't see any money from either of it.

8 years ago

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Do you have any proof? I don't think so. The keys are legit there most of the time, like 99%. People like you are the worst.

8 years ago

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People like you are the worst

Says the guy jewing the developers out of their money

8 years ago

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Except that G2A doesn't steal anything. It's the users of the site that sell the keys. And the amount that has been obtained illegally is less then 0.01%....

8 years ago

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Why would you have two accounts.. why would you split money between two accounts..
None of this makes sense.
Even if you could have 50 accounts.
To make support tickets asking if you can compile the 37 cents you have in all 50 accounts to buy a game?

8 years ago

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Do you not read FAQ and terms? Do you read them at all on any site?

Also, what was the mistake? Both support employees told you it's against the rules.

8 years ago

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Why do you call g2a shady when you have 2 accounts and didn't read the TOS? Srsly.

8 years ago

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So you broke their rules and now you complain... also it doesn't matter what the first support guy said...the TOS is what is important.

8 years ago

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Your first mistake was using G2A, and your second mistake was not reading the regulations before using G2A. Your third mistake was making a thread about it because people here are just going to repeatedly tell you you were in the wrong.

8 years ago

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To be fair:

  • Not reading the ToS is your choice. This means that if you don't know what's in them, that's no excuse. You're responsible for the choice of not reading it. So you are responsible for breaking the rules. Just like most sites they state that you need to agree with the ToS to use their site. Agreeing with something you can't be bothered to read is understandable cause it's a lot of work, but still: your own responsibility.
  • Going off in a complaint-thread about a support employee that isn't that good at English and therefore worded something wrong, doesn't help your case. Just makes you look bad, and will not magically make it okay to break the rules. They really owe you nothing.

That being said I do believe that:

  • After reporting the badly worded answer they should have some extra training for the employee to improve his wording
  • They could have responded in a more professional way instead of 'oh, i guess that was a mistake', with maybe even an apology for any confusion caused. Still they don't really owe you anything.

That's just what I thought when reading your complaint-thread.
Oh...and for the record: I dislike G2A, have never bought there and never will. I just don't like their way of doing business at all.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by rarelysmile000.