I feel your pain. I use a 4TB raid-0 array for installing games and that's probably the problem. Too much HDD space.
Try Using SSD's only for installing games and you'll see that you get a lot more efficient in choosing which games to install.
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you end up saving money from not buying too many games you don't play.
You know you don't have to install everything, so not having too much HDD space isn't really helpful at limiting purchases? :) Though I do totally agree that limited space -> less games installed -> easier to choose from installed ones.
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I neither do have bandwidth like that, neither always 60GB free space :D Though I don't really understand the connection right now :| I just tried to say that if one does have limited space, then (likely) much less games can be downloaded than with much, much more HDD space. Downloading everything feels like using highlighter on the whole book - when everything's chosen, nothing is chosen. + one can impulse-start another game if it's downloaded, but having even a few minutes of wating time can have some regulation over this impulse. It's more of a psychological limitation than technical, at least in my case :)
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Psychological, I can understand. :) Technical… well, nowadays, mostly internet speed can limit it, probably, because PCs that are too cheap to have enough disk space beside OS also tend to be too weak to run large games in the first place (except MMOs).
(And even then… I built a 290 USD PC for my mom which I can use to play 3D games when I visit the folks.)
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Sometimes it's best to just pick one basically at random and go at it. Just whatever pops into your mind first.
I often find that if I overthink it I end up wasting time trying to choose the perfect game for my mood. By then time I've settled on something, I've usually lost the initiative to play, the actual physical time to play, and I almost always end up second-guessing my choice as to whether it really is the best game for me to be playing right now given the so many other titles I looked at an passed up.
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i like excel, in excel i have sorted games by realase date, marking green if game is alredy played, and random.org select games:D
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I'm under 30 unplayed now, but mostly it depends on my mood. I have a framework of a list set up on which games I want to play in what order, but it can be messed up by anything (for example, I recently had to realise that my poor old HD 6850 cannot really run an RTS on two monitors even at 30 fps, so I decided to postpone that until I get my new rig sometimes this year).
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I have I think ... 3? categories of various forms of " play these! / play these soon / in progress " which is totally needless, but works at some level. I do scan my games every now and while, and if I find an intresting game I add it to one of these categories - then when I'm looking for something to play, I look at these categories first, and choose. So essentially I'm building and keeping up a "recommended" section of my own library. And as I progress, it changes, I add new games to it :)
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Also: http://whatshouldiplayonsteam.com/ Start clicking, and if you find something that makes you think about it for a few second, install it and play it for at least 2-3 hours - that's usually recommended to actually get the feel of a game. :)
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Put in your username here: http://www.lorenzostanco.com/lab/steam/
After it is done loading, click the "short" tag. Click any other extra tags depending on your preference.
If the remaining games are lots of the ones you've already played, sort by playtime and go to the end (to the ones with zero hours).
If there are few remaining games, you can sort by user or metacritic rating to get an estimate of quality.
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I need to keep a lot of my games download, cause I have VERY slow internet. [ For reference, when I installed FF13, it took 4 months to download. Even better part, only played like 5 minutes of it lol.
With the exception of a few bundle or free-key games, I only get ones I Intend to play. That said, gaming for me is mood-driven. I need to be in the mood to play, and to play that game. It really doesn't happen as often as others. I mean I LOVE Mass Effect, Loved 1, Loved 2, so much so I pre-ordered 3. Got it, then sat on it for over a Year before I ever played it. Though when I did I did a 1->3 straight through play-through.
When I do play, it depends on my mood. Eve Online the game I play most, as it's one of the few multiplayer games that doesn't go nuts over my connection speed and lag. When I go beyond that it's up to if I want just a few minutes of playtime, to sit there for hr, keyboard, controller, demanding close attention, very forgiving, etc. Thankfully I have a lot of games installed so there's always something. When in doubt I go for either a fav, or for one of my more recent games that I really wanted.
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I am rural Canada. There is no Fiber, or Cable lines out here. I'm just out of range of a DSL Repeater. Cellular isn't an option due to silly costs. What I end up having to use is Motorola Canopy, which is basically wide-are WiFi. Technically it can get a lot better and faster than I have it, but that would demand my ISP actually invest in it, and they have no plans to.
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Ah, yes. Living in a country with a total area of less than 100k sq km, it is difficult to comprehend how… vast Canada is. I assume you have patches of land larger than my country where maybe a cottage represents human life. Probably it is not cheat to build an infrastructure there outside the large cities.
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To be fair, it's not like I live in the rural north. I'm not crazy rural. But I am a good hour or so outside of the city at highway speeds, and live in an area with very low density (mostly farms, so lots of land, few people). I can't blame them for not running Cable out here.. I can blame them for not adding another DSL repeater so I could get that, but so far they don't listen :p
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I know about an Australian user who said in a talk we had that he drives into the city to his family (grandchildren unless I'm mistaken) to download the game because there's no limit there, but on his ranch-like place is. Maybe I don't remember perfectly, but whatever - I seriously love in SG that made me realize how different countries and places can be, and I really like it here because of this reason. + I may be born in 1990 (Internet is not such a thing for this generation) , but still makes me flabbergasted that I'm actually talking with people literally on the other side of the planet about how their day is going. :)
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Trust me, it's nothing.
I actually use steam tagging for games I finished, for games I intend to play at some point (backlog), and everything else is in one giant trash I'm not interested to look at, unless actually looking for games for backlog category, but in this case I often look for specific game title, rather than them as a whole.
Pick maximum of 4 games for your "current" playthrough. For me it's currently - Fallout 4, MGS V, Civilization BE and South Park, which I finished recently so I have one more slot free. 4 is a magical limit and you can never get beyond it - if you want to play another game, finish one of the 4 current ones firstly.
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Mmm good method that of the 4 games... i have currently have 23 playtrhough games(22 steam and one in gog) and just added 5 more on the steam list... its hard dude... its hard
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I play games where I'm best at, where I have most fun or which I'm most happy at, it doesn't have to necessarily have all this three, I usually pick games where I get addicted or get interested too much, also I prefer having a friend while playing to share your experience and have some conversations during play, doesn't matter you play with him/her all the time, just have a friend to speak about something, doesn't necessarily need to have conversation about games all the time, it makes playing more comfortable and increases some fun, as well as takes away some strain, you might get bored or tired from playing games and focusing on certain game too much, so it's good to have something other to focus on sometimes.
I personally prioritize games in their length and replay value, as well sandbox games, rather than graphics quality, story or price.
Also I wouldn't spend money on short SP game which doesn't have active Coop or Multiplayer, doesn't matter how awesome the game it is, if I'm interested in story, I'd rather watch it in youtube. However if game is sandbox(For example like GTA series), and you can continue playing for fun after beating story missions, I'd then maybe change my mind, even better if it game has Coop/MP.
From observing your account, I'd recommend these games.
P.S The list isn't based on which games you should beat first, I explain this below.
I might have missed some good games but I'm sure somebody can point it out, also having this list, I'd start prioritizing games in length and play/beat them beginning from smallest to biggest, in other words, save the best/longest games for later.
I'd say the longest/most addictive and ultimate games from the list I stated above are:
Those are the games you might get addicted/interested and spend more time than other games, I'd save the ultimate games for later future, longer-play after beating the small games, this is my opinion and some share from my own experience.
Have fun!
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Well, I have about 40 games installed, of which I regulary play 5 or so, because I really enjoy them atm. The others are either "endless" games (so you can just play them forever without really finishing it) and strategy games I really enjoy (civilization and total war mainly). Plus some games I installed, played a bit and then got another game I wanted to play more.
I'm thinking of using the coming holidays (especially the summer holiday, two months of gaming :p) to work on my backlog. I just pick two or three games from it, install them and play them for 1 - 3 hours a day, besided the other games I play. I tend to pick the shorter ones for now, since that can be finished quick, thus reducing my backlog quickly. Plus the longer ones usually need a more "dedicated" play through (the RPG's for example).
I find that this works well, since I can play whatever I really enjoy when I go to school (can only play 1 hour or so when I go to school) and when I have a lot of time I just work through the other games (which I still like, otherwise I won't play them).
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Well, my priorities are:
-games I've won
-games I've been given
-games that have been unfinished for years
-games I have also as drm-free, so I can delete them
-games from A-G that don't seem particularly good (I've progressed to G so far in my quest for hiding all bad games)
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Head over to http://www.steamchecklist.com/, and let it choose a random game for you. Install and play.
If you don't like it, just hide it and quickly move on to next random game.
That's the fastest way to get through your library. If you try to pick and choose, you'll just end up wasting a lot of time trying to decide...
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Hi i'm just here to say that you have a super nice profile on steam <3
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I tend to choose one more or less randomly, but this way I keep forgetting nice games that I wanted to play but are in my library for a long time.
So now I'm trying to order them based on various rules made beforehand.
This thread gave me the idea. I've already made some changes/improvements to the rules I had posted there but it'll take some time to complete the job..
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Thank you all for taking your time and replying to this thread, I really appreciate that. For now, I came up with a "strategy" that might work. I will play 2-4 games so I'm not limited just to one. One for just chilling (HotS), one aimed at a story (Murdered: Soul Suspect now), and one or two just to finish achievements.
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If you aren't dead set on playing something, maybe you can find something else that might be more productive; read a book, play a musical instrument, talk to a member of the opposite (or same) sex...
Don't get me wrong, games are great and I really enjoy them. But sometimes I also wish some of the time had spent pursuing other opportunities. Life is short, and you only get one, know what I mean?
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Why would you install a lot of games and not play any?
Just decide on what you want to play, install it, and play it until you get tired of it.
If you install everything then obviously you are just making things unnecessarily harder for yourself. Clutter makes things confusing just like in real life.
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How do you decide what to play? I guess I have too many games and I don't which one to play first so I end up installing too many of them and not playing any.
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