Alright, using the main topic like you said.
You should totally have this one match the other one with the icons in the front of the link/title (and use the same icons) just for consistency. It also makes more sense to have it in the front because the length of the titles can get fairly long - having them all in one uniform row is much easier to read.
My only other suggestion (for both) would be to have a per-user file where you can omit certain games (aka I'm never going to want Absconding Zatwor, having a like gray minus sign or something for not interested would help a lot. That being said, this seems quite different from what you're currently doing, not sure how feasible it is.
(I actually really love these scripts, don't take my suggestions as criticism)
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personally i didn't care for it checking every page on the internet i went to. so i dropped the @include and added 3 @match's instead.
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
it should be noted this script works well with DIG stores page though xD
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Hmm, does include 402710?
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That's odd. And the error occurs to a link pointed to
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I added a short :not(:has('img')) to disable it on linked images, but apart from that it's a really nice and well coded script :)
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I prefer to also check images. Sometimes image link is the only one available.
I could make a case distinction for it though and maybe add a green or red border to the image or something.
I am planning on updating this anyway. I want to remember the data from dynamic store user data, for when it's not available.
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Happy SG Birthday!
Yeah, I just started my comp and as a tab messy I just had to click through tons of confirms/alerts to be able to disable the userscript. That was... fun...
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Just wanted to say that this script is amazing at what it does before I forget again. Very much a time saver for me. Thank you very much for sharing.
Edit: Now we just have to force everyone to include actual Steam store links on their store pages. I really don't understand why so many doesn't do this already.
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Yeah :P
Also, a problem is content that is dynamically loaded (e.g. html that is added after page has been loaded by javascript). My script only checks for steam links once the page is fully loaded. I might be able to build in a listener for it, though. Anyway I am glad you enjoy it! It's been helpful to me as well. :)
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No it should work. Visit and tell me what you see.
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I don't think that would be possible. I'd have to evaluate the content for every page you visit and check for potential steam titles and then I wouldn't able to check if owned for every app, as doesn't list all apps.
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Cant seem to go to it
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Suggestion: make the forced updating of userdata from v 1.3.3 configurable, with three options:
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also show "not interested" games from "rgIgnoredApps" in the userdata JSON
make it configurable whether
Note to readers: userdata does not list 'followed' apps, so they can't have an extra icon.
(I assume this will only be implemented if there are interested users, so if you make use of 'not interested', reply!)
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Dear Royalgamer06, thanks for such life easing script and being so productive.
Since "Luckz" also asked for similar and not got answered, I examined your code a bit with my basic programming knowledge to how to implement Not Interested like others since it is in userdata and come up with these additions for a local copy: (dots are skipped codes to not clutter modified lines).
const ignoredIcon = "&#ICONNUMBER;"; // HTML entity code for ...
function init(jsonText) {
var json = JSON.parse(jsonText);
var ignoredApps = json.rgIgnoredApps;
var ownedApps = json.rgOwnedApps;
if (ownedApps.length === 0 && ownedPackages.length && ignoredApps.length === 0 && wishlist.length === 0 && cachedJson === null && !GM_info.isIncognito) {
if (ownedApps.length === 0 && ownedPackages.length === 0 && ignoredApps.length === 0 && wishlist.length === 0) {
var parsedCachedJson = JSON.parse(cachedJson);
ignoredApps = parsedCachedJson.rgIgnoredApps;
ownedApps = parsedCachedJson.rgOwnedApps;
$(document).on("DOMSubtreeModified", appSelector, function() {
doApp(this, wishlist, ownedApps, ignoredApps, lcs);
$(appSelector).each(function() {
doApp(this, wishlist, ownedApps, ignoredApps, lcs);
function doApp(elem, wishlist, ownedApps, ignoredApps, lcs) {
if ($.inArray(appID, wishlist) > -1) { //if wishlisted
html = "<span style='color: WISHCOLOR; cursor: help' title='Game or DLC wishlisted on Steam\nLast cached: " + lcs + "'> " + wishlistIcon + "</span>"; //?
} else { //else not wishlisted
if ($.inArray(appID, ignoredApps) > -1) { //if ignored
html = "<span style='color: IGNOREDCOLOR; cursor: help' title='Game or DLC ignored on Steam\nLast cached: " + lcs + "'> " + ignoredIcon + "</span>"; //?
} else { // else not interested
html = "<span style='color: NOTINTCOLOR; cursor: help' title='Game or DLC not owned on Steam\nLast cached: " + lcs + "'> " + unownedIcon + "</span>"; //?
And to my luck and your good written code, it works as I tried in page with lots of entries.
So I wrote this here if you are interested adding it for v1.4.6 and didn't pastebin since code is yours. If you do not like these to be posted here either, drop a comment so I'll edit (delete) from here.
Thanks again for great code.
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Times like these I wish all my userscripts were on GitHub, which can handle these type of stuff better. Anyway, good job on adding functionality to the code! However, I already discussed this with Luckz, uses of IgnoredApps can vary. For example, you took for granted that ignored apps can not be also wishlisted, but actually they can. Same goes for owned and unowned apps. Ignored apps is kinda its own separate thing, whereas a game can either be owned, unowned, or wishlisted (and unowned). So, then we have to add a second icon for ignored apps. Finally I think there should be an option to not consider ignored apps at all, like it was before. Anyway, if you considered these things, I'd be glad to use your code and thanks for the interests!
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Thanks for pointing those out. Well it was a continuation of your code which I skipped to think of precedence or mutual existence. And GitHub really would be great for you at least for collecting and having a page of your own for your codes.
But considering what they meant, using "Ignored" in combination with 'Wishlist' is pointless since I use that temporarily to remind myself, 'I should unwish that game later'. Also extending that logic, Ignored + Owned can mean 'remove this game from library later'. But those combinations are not normally used by most since unless there is a special meaning, it would be useless to mark a game that is either owned or wishlisted by "Not Interested" too. Even if there would be something else I couldn't foresee than precedence can take over like Own > Ignored > Wishlist considering script helps us about buying a game or not.
So like many, I also use Ignored as a 'stand-alone' tag without any combinations and that may explain why the modifications didn't give an error so far. I will look at the modifications again with no guarantee since while I know programming from C and Pascal, being unfamiliar with Javascript can shut me down.
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Changing as you requested to consider ignored as a separate instance:
if ($.inArray(appID, ownedApps) > -1) { //if owned
html = "<span style='color: green; cursor: help' title='Game or DLC owned on Steam\nLast cached: " + lcs + "'> " + ownedIcon + "</span>"; //?
if ($.inArray(appID, ignoredApps) > -1) { //if also ignored
html = html + "<span style='color: red; cursor: help' title='Game or DLC ignored on Steam\nLast cached: " + lcs + "'> " + ignoredIcon + "</span>"; //?
} else { //else not owned
if ($.inArray(appID, wishlist) > -1) { //if wishlisted
html = "<span style='color: blue; cursor: help' title='Game or DLC wishlisted on Steam\nLast cached: " + lcs + "'> " + wishlistIcon + "</span>"; //?
if ($.inArray(appID, ignoredApps) > -1) { //if also ignored
html = html + "<span style='color: red; cursor: help' title='Game or DLC ignored on Steam\nLast cached: " + lcs + "'> " + ignoredIcon + "</span>"; //?
} else { //else not wishlisted
if ($.inArray(appID, ignoredApps) > -1) { //if ignored
html = "<span style='color: red; cursor: help' title='Game or DLC ignored on Steam\nLast cached: " + lcs + "'> " + ignoredIcon + "</span>"; //?
} else { // else not interested
html = "<span style='color: orange; cursor: help' title='Game or DLC not owned on Steam\nLast cached: " + lcs + "'> " + unownedIcon + "</span>"; //?
is showing ignored as stand alone or owned+ignored and wishlist+ignored by two icons next to each other for those who marked it that way. If ignored apps wanted to be eliminated all together like you said, then there can be another boolean const for indicating such like:
const wantIgnores = True
if ($.inArray(appID, ignoredApps) > -1 && wantIgnores) { //if also ignored and ignores wanted (FOR ALL INSTANCES)
to let user change all settings at once only by editing the top most const.
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Great work! Works nice on steamtrades, DIG, IndieGala, Groupees and eve on TremorGames, but for some reason on BundleStars and chrono it doesn't work unless i manually update the line with steamstore url.
What can be the cause?
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any line containing
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