I'm a Computer science student and I like to play some games, but mostly not the newest as they are to expensive
I like to wait a few years to get them in a good sale
the problem is my current PC is really weak (I got it pretty cheap) and I can't play some games (like AC Unity) and even just browsing my CPU and RAM are fully used and slow down, so much that I'm really annoyed
As I use my PC a lot I thought maybe I should use some of my money I saved and buy a new one or at least new parts so my PC can do better

my current specs are
Operating System
Windows 10 Education 64-bit
Intel Core i5 2400S @ 2.50GHz 57 °C
Sandy Bridge 32nm Technology
8,00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 668MHz (9-9-9-24)
BenQ G2420HDB (1920x1080@60Hz)
LE-1708 (1280x1024@60Hz)
2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 (Gigabyte) 38 °C
223GB KINGSTON SHSS37A240G ATA Device (SSD) 33 °C
931GB Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 ATA Device (SATA) 31 °C
Optical Drives
High Definition Audio-Gerät

so what would you recommend me?

7 years ago*

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I'm browsing on a glorified calculator and have no problems, sounds like you have more than just hardware issues...

7 years ago

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Yeah, doing with a GT 430 and 4gb ram here, as long as i am not expecting to play things in ultra settings or stuff like Witcher 3, i am doing fine though.

But for someone with a computer study, he should figure out what it is though. ;p

7 years ago

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maybe find a 2nd hand CPU and/or a different GPU could improve your performance now.

7 years ago

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There is no cheap route that you could choose. Buying new parts for this CPU is imo a waste of money. Best you could probably do (with new parts) would be getting something like a 1050ti to boost your performance in gaming or getting a used GPU/CPU/MOBO combo.

I'd suggest saving up and buying a new one. You could keep your HDD and SSD to save a couple bucks, but other than that the rest have to go.

7 years ago

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so what you suggest for a new one?

7 years ago

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The best your money can buy.

7 years ago

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I could probably buy a high end PC, but I’m not sure if I want to use that much money
Money can buy you a lot stuff, but if you use it on something you can’t use the same on other stuff

7 years ago

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Your definition of high end may be completely different to mine.

As I already said, upgrading your existing build is not ideal simply 'cause you'll have to upgrade CPU/MOBO/RAM and if you are interested in gaming, which you are, you'll need a GPU as well. You could opt for second hand hardware, however, the prices on the RAM and GPU is not great there either. You'll overpay no matter what.

As others already said, you could go for a pre-build as those are somewhat not affected by the mining craze and the increase in VRAM pricing. You could for example search for a build that has a good CPU and GPU but lacks storage so that you can add your existing one. There is no cheap option, unfortunately.

7 years ago

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BTW, you shouldn't have issues even with this setup. I'd suggest a clean install of Windows, some cleaning inside the case/cpu cooler etc. and a change of thermalpaste.

7 years ago

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I don’t know what thermalpaste is, how do I change it

7 years ago

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It's the paste that's applied between the heat spreader of the CPU and the CPU cooler.

7 years ago

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My recommendation:

  • Fresh install of Windows (as in format your drive)
  • Buy a new CPU
  • Bite the bullet and buy a new pre-built rig

I agree with m3rc. Something is going on with your install as that hardware should not be spiking your CPU and RAM. Download Speccy and copy/paste the Summary page that comes up.

Honestly, it sounds like you need to do a complete format of your OS drive and reinstall Windows. When is the last time you had a clean install of Windows?

If you really do want to throw money at the problem, it is a really bad time for it. Graphics cards are stupid expensive thanks to crypto mining. Hell, a USED GTX 970 goes for the same price I paid for a new one three years ago! Don't ever buy a used video card anymore. You're likely to get one that was used in mining and is going to die on you in a matter of months. You could try upgrading your CPU to a i5-8400. Your GPU does need updating (your current one can't handle Unity or any other comparble game) but I just can't recommend buying in this market. You're much better off buying a pre-built gaming rig from one of the boutiques. Their prices are unaffected by the current crypto shenaniganns.

7 years ago*

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Agreed on the GPU but if he goes for a pre-built he can kiss goodbye to his HDD and SSD which together are like $200.

7 years ago

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Depends on his risk/reward tolerance. Myself, I'd buy a prebuilt, nuke everything that came installed, reinstall Windows, put in my old drives for more storage. Warranty be damned!

P.S. - Deduct it on your taxes next year as a student expense.

7 years ago

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I‘m not really paying any taxes, so I don’t know if I can do that

7 years ago

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A lot of sites let you pick extras or remove parts. Easy to just either remove the storage or get the cheapest option.

7 years ago

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I could play it but it crashed always after around 15-20 minutes playing

7 years ago

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Operating System
Windows 10 Education 64-bit
Intel Core i5 2400S @ 2.50GHz 57 °C
Sandy Bridge 32nm Technology
8,00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 668MHz (9-9-9-24)
BenQ G2420HDB (1920x1080@60Hz)
LE-1708 (1280x1024@60Hz)
2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 (Gigabyte) 38 °C
223GB KINGSTON SHSS37A240G ATA Device (SSD) 33 °C
931GB Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 ATA Device (SATA) 31 °C
Optical Drives
High Definition Audio-Gerät

7 years ago

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You CPU and GPU are pretty balanced, upgrading either of them on their own is pointless so as Aseed suggested, your best bet is upgrading both (which means also a new MB and RAM). You can keep your discs and box, probably even salvage your PSU.

If you can get your hands on another stick of 8 GB DDR3 for a good price, that could improve your browsing experience. 8 GB is enough for gaming but Chrome can be a real bitch as far as RAM consumption is concerned, especially if you like to have couple of dozens of tabs opened at the same time.

7 years ago

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This is a bad time to upgrade with crypto miners ruining the prices of GPUs.

7 years ago

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Your specs aren't too bad really, and certainly shouldn't be causing you issues when just browsing the net. Either there's some sort of software issue, or one of the parts in your PC is going bad.

That said, right now is a terrible time to upgrade due to GPU/RAM prices going through the roof.

7 years ago

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Your PC is just fine (both CPU and RAM) and you also have SSD - your PC shouldn't be slow unless your caught some malware. Like Xarlor suggested, fresh clean install of Windows and it should do the trick. If you really want a new pc, tell us your budget and we'll make PC configuration for ya.

7 years ago

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what are realistic budgets?

7 years ago

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Depends of your needs really. What you plan to do with PC other than gaming?

7 years ago

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Programming, running VMs and Casual Stuff

7 years ago

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I've played games like Rise of the Tomb Raider without any problems

7 years ago

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Like other people said, this sounds a lot like there are some other issues with this PC. I had the same specs just with a bit better CPU 2 years ago (and I am currently using something a lot lot worse) and while I can't say for AC Unity since I don't own it, just browsing around sure was not an issue whatsoever.

7 years ago

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Your system is very good imo. You could just add another 8GB of RAM and maybe you could upgrade to an i7 Sandy or Ivy Bridge If you can find one at a fair price. Remember to upgrade the BIOS If need It.

7 years ago

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Is your ram actually 668 mhz?

It is probably better to buy a whole new pc.

7 years ago

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That‘s what I got from the tool Xarlor suggested

7 years ago

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That is really slow. Ram is what is used for running multiple programs at once and 668mhz is 1400mhz+ below most people today. So I can imagine the ram is becoming worse and worse every time something on your computer updates.

Side note: do you use chrome? that uses a lot of ram.

7 years ago

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That's per module, 1333 total.

7 years ago

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i c

7 years ago

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Plus that's DDR3 while all of the current processors use DDR4. The speeds of DDR4 are higher, but they have higher latency as well.

7 years ago

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668 Dual rank = 1300 Mhz

7 years ago

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And yes try to find the culprit. It's a good system even for today "standards". Dissasemble the whole PC, clean the CPU socket and add new thermal paste, clean install on the O.S. like they say.
Good luck.

7 years ago

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Am I the only one reading his ram speed.

7 years ago

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His CPU is enough to balance low speed RAM like 1333mhz. 1600 mhz would be better, no need for 2133mhz expensive ones. He should just find another module for 16GB. Problem resides somewhere else imo.
Maybe he need to tweak that BIOS but seems like hes using 1333mhz DDR3.

7 years ago

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I just looked up Australian ram prices. 4gb stick of 1333 for $57. Lol he may aswell get a whole new prebuilt system everything in it is retail price when things are normal.

7 years ago

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That´s why high speed DDR3 RAM is a no no. I hope he can get another 8 gigs at a fair price. 1155 socket combos are way overpriced here atm, It´s a joke.

7 years ago

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other Operating System

7 years ago

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Are you using Intel stock cooler?, you could get a Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo or similar and the temps will go down around 10 or more degrees. So your system crashes after 15 to 20 minutes of gaming?.

7 years ago

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I will have to look tomorrow what the cooling is.
That only happens when playing AC Unity
But lately I tried games, I already played and they crashed immediately

7 years ago

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It´s hard to find the culprit tbh. Update drivers, cleaning the whole hardware like autocapone says. Maybe even the PSU is dying after several years. How much time with the PSU? what brand and model?
I feel you have a solid system as long as the motherboard doesn´t die.
I´ve never changed thermal paste on a GPU (just cleaned the fans). Check everything. By your answer seems like you haven´t opened the case in a while. Probably It´s dusty as hell.

7 years ago*

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I just looked a few days ago and it was dusty but not that much

7 years ago

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By entering the BIOS you could see If the 3.3v, 12v and 5v lines are in range, Look for a feature like "health" or something related. That's a measuring at iddle tho. If you got the PC cheap I'm guessing It was a second market one and we don't know the brand and model of your PSU yet. And how many years has being working. I always fear with bad quality PSUs. It's probably not the case.

7 years ago

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I got 3,312v 5,08v and 12,096v

7 years ago

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They're in the range margin (5% -/+ tolerance). Example: 12v line, mínimum is 11.40v, máximum 12.60v
I would still like to know what brand and model you have.

7 years ago

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corsair cx600

7 years ago

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It´s an ok PSU, even more If It´s a 80 plus bronze model. CPU+GPU is probably using around 300 watts max at load when gaming and that´s great because people recommend using the PSU at 50% of their full wattage for a better lifespan.

There´s a software called DDU Uninstaller that cleans all the GPU drivers and registries. Give It a read, you might find It useful. Of course that´s at your own risk. I´ve used It in the past with no problems.

Consider some malware as they say here. Back in the day when I used torrents, something got attached somehow and started to make my GPU go 100%. Used malawarebytes and found some trojan, It deleted the thing and no more issues. Maybe I was a victim of entrepreneur miners years ago. Realized fast about this because of the noise of the fan and also I had one of those GPU gadgets at the desktop for temps and loads.

If It wasnt for the mining craze I would also recommend you a GTX 1060 6GB so you could give that PSU more room. Clean the PSU nicely with an air can or a vaccum cleaner blower. Just dont let any fans spin when you clean your whole system.

Hope you can find the culprit soon. If problems persist you should do a clean Install for the O.S. and test again.

7 years ago*

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On limited information, it would seem you have either malware/viruses, or your CPU cooler is not functioning correctly perhaps.

Do you run a temperature monitoring program while you game? Speccy or Speedfan, CPUID hardware monitor etc...

Run the temp monitor, and watch the temperatures next time it is acting sluggish or when you are gaming. If the temps are fine, then it is probably a virus.

Good luck

7 years ago

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What should the temperature be?

7 years ago

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I believe your CPU will begin to throttle once it hits about 73 degrees celsius.

GPU should be fine until about 85-90 celsius.

7 years ago

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Have you opened it up and took a look? Might be filled with dust.

Run some programs, like Malwarebytes and Glary Utilities, clean your software at least once a month. Open up the pc, clean the hardware with some canned air every 3-6 months depending on the environment (if you have cats or dogs, cigarette smoke, dust filters on your pc case etc).

If the temps are fine then it is probably a virus/malware.

7 years ago

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Because you are Computer science student ask classmates to help, you sure find someone with knowledge to fix your PC.

My initial thoughts: you have serious malware problem probably even hidden crypto currency miner :)

7 years ago

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Your CPU is not a bottleneck for games, and 8GB of RAM is fine for most. Just get a better GPU, e.g. Nvidia 1060.

7 years ago

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your pc is okay. clean it from unnecessary software and dust. change the cooling paste and make sure it has good airflow, or leave the side cover open.

7 years ago

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