I know why it's not on the list. Despite that, can I still make a giveaway for it? Say I make a giveaway for inMomentum but write in the description that it's really Indie Gala (w/bonus) and forward the gifting e-mail containing the keys and links to the winner?

1 decade ago*

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I recommend to read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Loose Canon and this

1 decade ago

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I second Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy and I recommend having a towel.

1 decade ago

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it is not allowed to giveaway due to gift URL not provided

1 decade ago

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aw nuts. thanks for the reply.

1 decade ago

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You can always post keys on the forum though.

1 decade ago

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Which would be unfair because it would be first-come-first-served, which isn't the point of this site :P

Do what you wish though! =)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by shadowgrin.